When it comes to superstar pencil pushers and administrators, few are even in the same league as Hermes Conrad. And that’s saying a lot since he’s on a show like Futurama that has an insane, monstrous bureaucracy filled with career red tape rangers.

Despite his many years of experience and his refined skills, Hermes has still made a lot of mistakes. But so did everyone at Planet Express, which made him the perfect person to be that company’s administrator. Even if Hermes never learned from his mistakes, maybe his fans could pick up a lesson or two from his years on the job.

10 Dislikes Animals

Over the course of the series, Hermes showed a dislike of many animals. That included Dr. Zoidberg who Hermes seemed to desperately hate. But his response to Nibbler was a prime example of his feelings about animals.

What Hermes didn’t know was that Nibbler was a sentient being whose job was to save the universe, which he did on more than one occasion. If he had looked a bit deeper, Hermes would have realized that he should have given Nibbler a chance.

9 Bureaucracy Before Safety

Being a level 30-something bureaucrat was important to Hermes. His level fluctuated so frequently that it got hard to keep track, but he left off at approximately level 36. Unfortunately, maintaining the bureaucracy often came at the expense of safety.

Hermes was extremely open about how expendable the employees of Planet Express were. That doesn’t really make for a positive work environment. That being said, Professor Farnsworth didn’t really seem to care if anyone came back alive, so Hermes fit right in.


8 Not Aiming Higher

Everyone on Futurama had their own little secrets. Well, except for Fry. He wasn’t smart enough to have secrets, and if he did he probably would have forgotten them. The man was his own grandfather, after all.

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Throughout the series, Hermes’ love of being a bureaucrat was quite apparent. At the same time, he seemed subtly dissatisfied with his position. His passion for paperwork sometimes came across as a bit of a game face he used to get through the day instead of being honest with himself.

7 Turns Himself Into A Cyborg

Hermes was so dedicated to being a bureaucrat that he fired himself when he realized he was the worst Planet Express employee. To deal with this, Hermes slowly had all of his human parts replaced by robot parts until all that was left was his brain.

Zoidberg fished all of the left over body parts out of a dumpster and used them to make a Hermes ventriloquist dummy. Eventually, he put Hermes’ brain back in his real body. There’s probably a lesson in there about accepting one’s flaws but it’s hard to get past the gross Zoidberg puppet thing.

6 Hating Dr. Zoidberg Instead Of Helping Him

An ongoing gag that ran throughout the series was Hermes’ seemingly arbitrary hatred of Zoidberg. To be clear, Zoidberg was quite easy to hate, given his high level of incompetence as well as his insistence on living in and eating from dumpsters.

Still, Hermes took his dislike of Zoidberg to unnecessary levels. The implication was made that Zoidberg being a Decapodian had something to do with that as Hermes often called Zoidberg a “filthy crab.” That could have been interpreted as a racial slur. Not cool, Hermes.

5 His Marriage To LaBarbara

Unlike the vast majority of the Planet Express team, Hermes actually had a family. He was married to a woman named LaBarbara who was, without question, out of his league. But he seemed happy with her… to an extent.

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LaBarbara actually left Hermes on at least a couple of occasions for his old limbo rival, Barbados Slim. Their temporary splits had a lot to do with LaBarbara not liking how Hermes had let himself go over the years. That’s not really a healthy relationship.

4 Not Being Precise Enough

Hermes was pretty gosh darn good at his job. Again, he was so dedicated to creating a streamlined bureaucratic machine at Planet Express that he fired himself. But he also wasn’t the perfect administrator he wanted to be.

There were a few times that the Central Bureaucracy demoted him a level or two for not being precise enough in his work. That could be chalked up to the impossible standards set by the Central Bureaucracy, but it was Hermes’ job to live up to those standards.

3 Approving Bender As Fully Functional

Many years before working for Planet Express, Hermes worked for Mom’s Robot Company as an inspector at their factory in Tijuana. It was there that he provided quality control for a new robot named Bender Bending Rodriguez.

But newborn Bender was missing a wireless backup module and should not have been approved. Hermes broke the rules when he saw how cute baby Bender was. While that error in judgment let Bender live, it was a betrayal of everything his bureaucratic heart stood for.

2 Quitting His Limbo Career

In his youth, Hermes dreamed of being a limbo superstar. And he almost achieved that goal when he represented Jamaica in the limbo event at the Olympics. Then, a kid broke his back and probably died trying to imitate an impossibly low Hermes limbo.

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That incident caused Hermes to leave the limbo life behind and become a bureaucrat. He would eventually compete again, but Hermes never should have let an incident he couldn’t control drive him away from something he cared about so much.

1 Afraid To Make Mistakes

If there’s one thing that has defined Hermes, it’s his career as a bureaucrat. He might not be perfect at it, but his dedication to it has always been admirable. Though, it has led to another huge problem.

Hermes has an almost crippling fear of making mistakes. He’s so paranoid about it that it influences everything he does, and causes him to be overly strict in certain regards. The irony has always been that being afraid of making mistakes often causes him to make mistakes.

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