Although Zapp Brannigan’s voice remained unchanged during the run of Futurama, the character was tragically recast before the show even began. The not-so-debonair D.O.O.P commander first donned his velour uniform in Futurama’s first season and would become one of the series’ most frequently recurring characters. But the character’s history was marred by an unfortunate real-life tragedy, one that would shape not only the role but also the show as a whole.

Zapp Brannigan is voiced by legendary voice actor Billy West. West voices quite a few other Futurama characters, including Dr. Zoidberg, Professor Farnsworth, and the show’s main character, Phillip J. Fry, as well as a slew of smaller bit parts. But prior to West stepping into the role for the duration of the series (as well as all four Futurama movies), the showrunners had pegged Phil Hartman to portray the disillusioned space captain. Hartman had made a name for himself as a cast member on Saturday Night Live, appearing on the show for eight seasons from 1986 to 1994. Hartman’s committed character work and smooth baritone timbre made him one of the most memorable SNL cast members of the era, and he even returned to host two episodes of the show after his departure.


The pilot episode of Futurama premiered on April 28, 1999. 11 months prior on May 28, 1998, Hartman was tragically murdered in his sleep. He and his wife, Brynn, had gotten into a heated argument the evening prior, which they reportedly did rather frequently, after which Phil went to bed. At 3 am the following morning, Brynn shot Phil Hartman to death in his bed, once in the upper chest, once in the throat, and once between the eyes. She then drove to a friend’s house and confessed to the murder, but they didn’t believe her, prompting them to drive to the scene to see for themself. The police were called as soon as it became clear that Brynn was telling the truth, but by that time she had already locked herself in the bathroom where she would eventually take her own life.

Although Hartman’s involvement with Futurama was short-lived, the series was certainly impacted by his unfortunate passing. Hartman provided the voices of several The Simpsons characters prior to his death and had built something of a relationship with Matt Groening (the creator of The Simpsons and Futurama), so Groening found a way to include Hartman in Futurama posthumously. The show’s main character was renamed Phillip in honor of the late actor, and Billy West has said that he tweaked his performance as Zapp Brannigan to match Hartman’s tone.

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Although West’s portrayal of Zapp Brannigan is impressive and well-considered (as are the rest of his Futurama roles), it is unfortunate that Hartman never had the opportunity to step into the role. His dynamic and dominant comedic style paired with his generally pleasant demeanor made him simultaneously one of the most talented and most well-liked actors of his time, and he is dearly missed by fans and peers alike.

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