Warning, this article contains spoilers for Future State: Nightwing #2

It’s no understatement to say that Future State’s Batman and Nightwing partnership is the greatest version of Batman and Robin yet. Batman is many things but nurturing is not one of them. His to relationship to the various has changed and evolved over decades of Batman mythos. The Boy Wonder, who was first introduced to attract young new readers to the title, became a liability to Batman. The once heartwarming and admirable relationship rapidly transformed into Batman’s toxic dynamic with Robin that readers are familiar with today. However, Future State just flipped that on its head.


Dick Grayson, the original Robin, was raised as Bruce’s adopted son due to the death of his parents. Batman taught Dick combat and critical thinking skills, but as time went on, their kinship became a rivalry due to Batman’s uncompromising attitude. Bruce and Dick were both natural leaders who had their own vision of what methods worked best, and Bruce’s ability to isolate himself from those around him became greater. Dick has left Batman behind several times, becoming a founding member of the Teen Titans and even leaving the Robin persona behind altogether. The Dynamic Duo became less dynamic when readers realized that Batman is not the team player that a leader should be. Nightwing, on the other hand, became a masterful leader in his own right. Bruce is far from interchangeable, but what if someone else donned the mantle and teamed up with the once Boy Wonder?

In DCFuture State readers are presented with a new and improved Dynamic Duo in Nightwing #2 by Andrew Constant and Nicola Scott. Timothy Fox, AKA Jace, son of Lucius Fox, has become the next Batman in DC’s future. Tim is fighting to save Gotham from both the authoritarian rule of The Magistrate and crime. In Future State, the roles are reversed as Dick serves as the veteran hero and Timothy is the inexperienced pupil despite the Batman persona. Dick quickly proves that Bruce could have formed a much stronger duo by being more cooperative with his ward.

In Future State, the next Batman learns to defer to Nightwing, taking Robin’s role despite being Batman himself. He understands that Nightwing is the superior crimefighter. Tim trusts Dick’s years of experience. He also has his own sense of obligation and duty towards his crusade as Batman and feels the burden is his alone to bear. When cornered by the Magistrate’s enforcers into Nightwing’s base, the two face a decision. They can either fight together or use Nightwing as a scapegoat and allow Batman to escape. Dick is ready to sacrifice himself when Tim stops him.

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Nightwing breaks the trend that Batman set and chooses to heed the words of his partner. He allows Tim to convince him that they could survive together. Bruce rarely considered his peers’ opinions when it was time to make a decision, especially when it could end fatally. The new Dynamic Duo breaks the toxic cycle of complete deference and close-mindedness. Future State’s Dynamic Duo is the greatest yet because it is bound by mutual respect.

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