Warning! Spoilers for Fantastic Four: Life Story #5 by Marvel Comics

In an accelerated Marvel Comics timeline, Galactus just chose his new Herald and made him an offer he thought he couldn’t refuse. In Fantastic Four: Life Story #5, the Devourer of Worlds picks Reed Richards to replace the dying Silver Surfer as his new Herald. With the offer came a promise Galactus wouldn’t feast on Earth. Mr. Fantastic initially declined before accepting a few years later when the cosmic entity returned.

In Fantastic Four: Life Story, a remixed history of the superteam is being told in real-time. The ambitious project sees the entire Fantastic Four begin their adventures in the ’60s when they first debuted, while they age during the comic’s timeline like all of their adventures were one continuous story arc. Each Fantastic Four: Life Story issue takes place during a different decade. So far, Reed Richards has destroyed his marriage with Sue Storm in hopes of finding an answer to stop Galactus, while Johnny died a heroic death to prevent a nuclear explosion. In the 2000s, the Silver Surfer relays a message to Reed that he can stop the Devourer of Worlds – but at a significant cost.


In Fantastic Four: Life Story #5 by Mark Russell, Sean Izaakse, Carlos Magno, Nolan Woodward, and VC’s Joe Caramagna, a dying Silver Surfer arrives on Earth and tells Reed Richards that Galactus wants him as his new Herald. The cosmic hero reveals Galactus came to Earth not to devour it, but to offer Mr. Fantastic the role. According to the Silver Surfer, Reed Richards has a notable connection to Galactus and that no one else in the universe has a stronger connection to the “power of consciousness” than him.

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Reed Richards declines the Silver Surfer’s offer to become Galactus’ new Herald. However, when the story later jumps into the near-future when the Earth is supposed to be consumed, he offers him the role again before the planet ‘s demise. Reed accepts, but instead stages a final attack against Galactus, using his brainpower and Franklin Richards powers to defeat the cosmic juggernaut.  While Galactus is defeated, Reed’s brain is fried, resulting in him entering a near-vegetative state.

In the end, Galactus believed Reed Richards would make the perfect Herald, as his power of consciousness made the world-eating being hand-pick the hero as Silver Surfer’s replacement. However, Richard’s advanced mind allowed him to come up with a plan to stop Galactus, ultimately tricking him into defeat. Perhaps, Galactus knew Richards could defeat him thanks to their close connection and wanted to take him off the board. Regardless, Richards was Galactus’ top pick to replace Silver Surfer, and the choice couldn’t have backfired more. Fantastic Four: Life Story #5 is in comic book stores now.

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