The son of Gambit and Rogue, Olivier Raven-LeBeau, became the leader of his own X-Men team in an alternate future within the Marvel Universe. Throughout his time in Marvel continuity, Olivier has both served with the original X-Men and started his own version of the team, acting as the leader for the next generation of mutants. When tragedy strikes, however, Olivier and the rest of the younger mutants are forced to step up, not just as an alternate ‘New Mutants’ team, but as the new main X-Men themselves. 

In GeNext United #1 by Chris Claremont and Jonboy Meyers, this next generation mutant team is introduced as the main X-Team in Marvel Comics since the X-Men suffered a devastating fate. Setting the stage for the issue, fans are given a brief synopsis of the world as it stands in this reality. At the start of the series, many members of the X-Men have been dead for 10 years, including the long-time leader and founder of the mutant militant team Charles Xavier. In the years since, Cyclops rebuilt the school, and while he refused to be an active leader of the new X-Men, he paved the way for that new leader to step up to the plate. As it turned out, the son of Gambit and Rogue was able to fill the X-Men leadership role perfectly. 


Olivier Raven is a mutant who inherited the majority of his powers from his mother, Rogue, in that he can steal mutant abilities from others when he touches them. Unlike his mother, however, Olivier can control this mutant ability, so he can freely touch those he wants without fear of draining their life force. The powers this future X-Men leader can harness from others last for unpredictable amounts of time, with telepathy and flight becoming two of his main power sets after he acquired them from others while other random powers disappear from his arsenal hours after usage. Olivier was able to become the leader of the new X-Men team because he was likeable and because of his powerful mutant abilities. That likeability was inherited straight from his father, Gambit, as Olivier also possesses his father’s hypnotic-based powers which is used to compel others to agree with and trust him. 

While Olivier may be the leader of this new, alternate X-Men team, his second in command and love interest is the daughter of a former leader of the original X-Men. Megan Summers is the daughter of Scott Summers and Emma Frost who inherited her mother’s telepathic powers with additional psionic abilities including telekinesis, psionic shields, and the power to possess the minds of others. 

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With Olivier as the leader and Megan by his side, this next generation X-Men team was led by two incredibly powerful legacy mutants who proved early on that they could tangle with some of the worst villains the X-Men have ever faced. The reason Olivier and Megan are so close is because both of them were captured by long-time X-Men villain Mr. Sinister as he wished to extract and study their DNA to create the perfect mutant. Their victories didn’t end with coming out on top over Mr. Sinister as this mutant group was just as effective as the original X-Men, all while under the leadership of Gambit and Rogue’s son, Olivier.

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