In Cersei Lannister, Game of Thrones has what could only be described as one of the most vicious and interesting villains in the history of television. Add that to the fact that they had in Lena Headey an incredibly talented actress, and you have the perfect recipe to give audiences a thrilling antagonist to keep everyone around her on their toes.

Cersei’s ending in the show was quite disappointing, and many of the most terrible things she did were never really addressed by the later seasons. Fans are still waiting to find out what George RR Martin will do with the character in A Song of Ice And Fire, so in that spirit, we’re taking a look at ten quotes from the books that should’ve made it to the show to make Cersei even better.

10 Tears… the woman’s weapon, my lady mother used to call them. The man’s weapon is a sword. And that tells us all you need to know, doesn’t it?

The eldest Lannister was never a fan of her gender. In the worlds of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice And Fire, women are rarely leaders, they can’t fight and become knights unless they want to risk the wrath of their families and disdain of other nobles, and are overall perceived as weaker beings than men.

Cersei always loathed the fact that she couldn’t protect the ones she loved the same way Jaime could, and her deeply seethed hatred of women was often latent in her words.

9 A woman may weep, but not a queen.

Cersei always liked to consider herself a male version of her father Tywin, even though Jaime believes she’s too temperamental and easily triggered, whereas their father was all ice.

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Regardless, she always attempted to bring some sort of strength and power into her being, since she couldn’t do it through the actions she would prefer, such as fighting. This resulted in her trying to continuously put on a very hard and strong front.


8 If Margaery Tyrell thinks to cheat me of my hour in the sun, she had bloody well think again.

More than anything, George RR Martin is a storyteller. And many of the best insights into the characters he created come from the inner monologues and conversations they have with themselves.

The inner machinations of Cersei are arguably even more interesting than the words she says out loud, especially when it comes to her vitriol-infused thoughts regarding her enemies.

7 I am Cersei of House Lannister, a lion of the Rock, the rightful queen of these Seven Kingdoms, trueborn daughter of Tywin Lannister. And hair grows back.

Would the world of Game of Thrones be the same without the long titles? Sure, in the show, this is delegated mostly to Daenerys as she accumulates more and more titles as time goes on.

But she’s not the only one! Cersei is also a fan of consistently reminding herself and others of who she is and why she’s better than them. In Dany’s case, it’s less about patting herself on the back and more about commanding respect.

6 A true man does what he will, not what he must.

What makes the characters in this universe interesting is that, at heart, they all believe they’re right to a certain extent and that their judgments and opinions are the ones to live by.

Cersei is obvious a horrible person, but she doesn’t seem to believe that completely. But she’s still selfish and cares only for herself and those she loves, often instilling them to take the same approaches as she does.

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5 A woman’s life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you’ll learn that soon enough… and the parts that look like magic often turn out to be messiest of all.

The fact that Cersei didn’t have a great life doesn’t excuse her terrible actions, it’s still worth recalling why she is the why she is. Sure, part of it can be attributed to her personality, but her experiences had just as much, if not more, of an impact.

She married a man who consistently cheated on her and abused her and had to hide her relationship with the man she loved for her entire life. This, alongside her self-imposed hatred of her womanhood, created the tyrant we all came to know and hate.

4 Love is poison. A sweet poison, yes, but it will kill you all the same.

Love is one of the least touched upon themes on Game of Thrones. Power, political intrigue, and the impact of these games on smallfolk are at the core of both the show and the book.

However, love is still an integral part of the show. It was the downfall of many characters, and it might even have been what triggered the whole chain of events we see unraveling. So in the end, it’s no wonder Cersei has such a dark and twisted view of it.

3 The only way to keep your people loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy.

Good leaders are kind, just, and make a point to surround themselves with people with different outlooks and perspectives than they have. It’s about kindness and fairness, not ruthlessness.

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But Cersei has established herself as a dictator-like figure from very early on, taking most of her lessons from her father Tywin, a cold-hearted man who gained respect by ruling through fear.

2 I am a lioness. I will not cringe for them.

Cersei’s walk of shame was one of the most shocking events to take place both in the books and the show. While she did have it coming, the entire thing was had to watch and drove her to kill thousands of people.

Audiences didn’t get to hear anything about how Cersei was feeling before the event took place, which was a shame when it comes to character development and plot understanding.

1 They think that this will break my pride, that it will make an end to me, but they are wrong.

On the same note, we also didn’t get a glimpse into Cersei’s thoughts during the walk of shame, which is understandable – television works very differently from books, after all.

Nonetheless, this quote is probably one of the best to comes out of Cersei. It just further cements how strong she is, and it plants the seeds of the catastrophic event that will follow in the Sept.

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