In the world of Game of Thrones, every episode was impossibly dense with tons of jockeying for power and political posturing in every episode. This included the character of Margaery Tyrell, portrayed by Natalie Dormer, who led with a kind heart when enacting her clever plotting around the realm.

However, there are still some actions and decisions from Margaery that don’t make any sense. This includes actions that were in the process when she was killed and actions that seem reckless at the time. Most of what makes no sense about Margaery, however, is the way others saw and viewed her. Hadn’t she proven herself trustworthy (or not at all trustworthy, depending on the purveyor) time and again?

10 Others’ Perceptions Of Her

Margaery is an extremely clever character and she always knows where to focus her loyalties. However, the entirety of Westeros should probably be a bit more cognizant of her consistent moving and posturing around the power ladder.

No matter which Baratheon she was betrothed to, she always acted like a saint who loved everyone. No one ever loved everyone and if others were more aware of her shifting allegiances, they might have seen how she played the game. Cersei was one of the only to ever grow wise to it.

9 Flea Bottom

Early in the relationship between Margaery and Joffrey, a procession through the seedier parts of King’s Landing comes to a stop, per Margaery’s request. For her, it’s completely in character as she always sought to be a peacekeeper for the common people.

Joffrey is the one in the situation who makes no sense. Granted, he is stunned by Margaery’s actions and enraptured by her beauty. But it’s still unlike him to allow his authority to be overridden. He even defends her on it! Margaery was one of the only characters to get away with it.


8 Trusting The Birds

In one of the third season’s most pivotal conversations, Margaery and Olenna meet with Sansa to discuss Joffrey’s behavior. It results in the revelation that Margaery is about to marry a “monster.”

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This is perfectly plausible, but the part that makes no sense is the fact that they met in the first place! Even if Margaery and Olenna could be confident that none of Varys’ little birds were listening in to the conversation, it’s hard to deny that the meeting took place. That would have been enough to raise the eyebrows of the Lannisters.

7 Her Second Meeting With Sansa

Varys, of course, is not the only figure in King’s Landing that the Tyrells need to be wary of. Littlefinger is also ordered to be a spy for Cersei on the goings on of the Tyrells.

This makes Margaery’s second meeting with Sansa even riskier. Granted, she doesn’t know that Littlefinger is skulking around, but it does seem senseless that her newfound power would give Margaery such confidence. As for the face-melting joke she shares with Sansa, that’s a whole different kind of odd.

6 Tommen’s Ingratiation

Olenna’s plot to take Joffrey out of the picture was a noble, satisfying move, even if it seemed to come a bit too early in terms of her goals of political strategy. Margaery, however, was in the dark about this particular plot.

Her maneuvering over to Tommen, however, showed that she was still forward-thinking. The only thing that made no sense about her first meeting with Tommen is how she was able to get to him in the first place. After the death of Joffrey, security should’ve been increased and they should’ve questioned her trip to Tommen’s chambers.

5 Gloating

One of the fatal flaws of the Tyrells’ is their hubris. It’s good to have confidence, but too much of it is just a death sentence essentially. After wedding and bedding Tommen, Margaery gloats about it to Cersei and goes way too far with it, irrevocably forging enemy status with her.

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For someone who was smart enough to not mention Olenna during Tyrion’s trial, Margaery senselessly started gloating to Cersei. Still a new ruler, Margaery should’ve waited until she had more lasting power over Cersei to brag, if she bragged at all. Her timing just made no sense.

4 Perjury Charges

This gloating comes back to bite Margaery almost immediately as a plot is orchestrated to imprison both her and her brother, Loras. Then, it becomes Cersei’s turn to gloat (until she, too, is turned on).

It makes sense that the High Sparrow would accuse of Margaery of perjury during Loras’ trial, as his form of justice was twisted and corrupt. But no one sought to stand up to him? No one sought to question the charges in the first place? Should it have really been so easy to arrest Margaery? It’s an apt metaphor, but it stretches a bit much with the believability about royalty’s treatment in King’s Landing.

3 Atonement

Margaery refuses to give up the fight against the Faith of the Seven, but she slips back into her deceptive persona to convince the realm that she has atoned for her “sins.” Only when Olenna appears does Margaery reveal her true intentions.

Unfortunately, fans of Game of Thrones never got to see the endgame of Margaery’s plan because she is blown up by Cersei and by wildfire with her plans still in the early stages. For now, her intentions of stripping Loras of his heir status remain unclear.

2 Listen To Margaery

Ultimately, the downfall of the High Sparrow comes when he acts with the same levels of hubris the Tyrells always embodied. When Cersei is not present at the Sept in “The Winds of Winter,” Margaery rails against those in charge to get out of the Sept.

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They don’t listen to her, though. It makes no sense why they wouldn’t listen to her, considering how suspicious it is that Cersei is not nearby. Tragically, the wildfire implosion was so massive that it probably wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

1 Sack Of Highgarden

The wildfire explosion is extremely controversial but dangerous enough to convince others in Westeros to stay quiet about Cersei’s actions against the Sept and the Tyrells. Then, however, she pushes further against the Tyrells with an invasion of Highgarden.

The thing that makes no sense, regarding Margaery, here is why the Lannisters felt no repercussions. The Tyrells and Highgarden were in high esteem on Game of Thrones and it seemed like no one batted an eye when they were gutted completely. Shouldn’t there have been a movement for justice for Margaery?


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