The Brotherhood Without Banners is, in many ways, the Game of Thrones equivalent of Robin Hood. These are men, led by a few disgraced nobles, who’ve taken it upon themselves to be advocates for the poor and downtrodden men and women of Westeros, those who have been either ignored or outright oppressed by those with power. However, despite their ostensibly noble purposes, there’s more to the Brotherhood than immediately meets the eye, and not all of it is as positive as they would like outsiders to believe.

Just as importantly, there are a few things about them that make absolutely no sense at all.

10 It Seems Very Random That Beric Dondarrion Would Be The One Resurrected

For quite a while, Beric Dondarrion was one of those characters that just seemed to float around at the edges of the series. It wasn’t quite clear exactly what he was doing or what his purpose was. Eventually, however, it was revealed that he was the leader of the Brotherhood and, what’s more, he’d been brought back from the dead with the power of Thoros of Myr. It’s never really been explained, however, why it was Beric of all people that was resurrected, since he was such a minor character.

9 What Exactly Was Their Endgame?

For a while, there didn’t seem to be a real endgame for the Brotherhood. For them, apparently, it was enough that they were doing what they saw as just. However, it still remains unclear exactly what they saw as the ultimate purpose of their particular brand of brigandage, and it’s even more unclear what they would have done had they remained intact long enough to see the realm brought back to order under the rule of King Bran.


8 What Precisely Made Them Decide To Become What They Did

The purposes of the Brotherhood are, on the surface, relatively simple and straightforward. They want to be the people that fight for the little guys of Westeros. However, this ultimately raises more questions than it answers. How, exactly, did they decide to eschew their loyalty to their respective houses and lords?

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Why did they think that doing so would be a more effective means of resisting than trying to find work with a lord who actually looked out for his people?

7 Why The Lannisters Never Went After The Members’ Families

The Lannisters have never been known for their compassion. In fact, men like Tywin are some of the most ruthless men in all of Westeros. Even Jaime, a bit more empathetic than his father, has been known to unleash a darkness inside of him. This being the case, it is rather flummoxing why neither of them thought it might be a good idea to go after the family members of the Brotherhood, either to punish them or to lure them out of hiding.

6 Why Some Of Them Went Rogue And Killed The Hound’s Peaceful Community

As devout fans of the series know, after his near-death at Brienne’s hands, Sandor Clegane is nursed back to health by a group of peaceful villagers. Unfortunately, his idyll is brutally interrupted when a renegade band of men from the Brotherhood Without Banners slaughters them. It is, of course, the catalyst for returning the Hound to the main narrative, but it’s never really explained why it is that these supposedly noble men would commit such a heinous crime.

5 Where The Rest Of Them Went

As the seasons progress, both Thoros and Beric become more important and prominent members of the overall story. While these two go north with the Hound, it’s left to the viewer’s imagination to think about what might have happened to the rest of the Brotherhood Without Banners. It’s an unfortunate oversight on the part of the writers, and it makes one wonder why they bothered giving the Brotherhood so much screen time if their eventual fates were to be left unclear.

4 Why They Would Use The Lord Of The Light’s Gift So Lightly By Beric Dying During A Trial By Combat With The Hound

During his wanderings with Arya, the Hound finds himself in a conformation with the Brotherhood. He also ends up getting into a trial by combat with none other than Beric himself. When he’s victorious, he’s stunned to find that Beric has been resurrected.

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While this is a fascinating moment, it does beg the question: why, exactly, would they waste the Lord of Light’s power of resurrection on such a seemingly insignificant confrontation?

3 Why They Would Sell Gendry To Melisandre

Gendry, the bastard son of Robert Baratheon, is a bit of an unexpected fan favorite. Given his outcast status, it makes sense that he would try to find a home with the Brotherhood and, given their tendency to seek out such people, it makes sense that they would give it to him. What makes less sense, however, is why they would then sell him to Melisandre. It’s one of those moments that really doesn’t paint the Brotherhood in a flattering light at all.

2 Why They Would Keep Arya To Sell Back To The Starks

Similarly, there comes a moment when the Brotherhood has to decide what to do with Arya. Though they plan to return her to her family, they will do so as a price. While Beric says that they need the gold, this doesn’t really seem to square with his own admission that he still thinks very highly of Arya’s father Ned. Besides which, it was actually Ned Stark who sent the members of the Brotherhood out on this mission in the first place, so their actions seem strange in the extreme.

1 Why Beric Suddenly Becomes An Important Character In The Last Two Seasons

When the series started, it’s doubtful that anyone would have predicted that Beric Dondarrion of all people would become a key figure in the eventual showdown between the forces of the living and those of the dead (led, of course, by the Night King). Yet, strangely enough, that’s exactly what happens. Really, though, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that this relatively minor character would all of a sudden become a pivotal part of the greatest struggle that Westeros has ever seen.

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