One of the most underrated characters on Game of Thrones was certainly Margaery Tyrell. Introduced in the second season of the show, Margaery is an ambitious and clever young woman who makes it her mission in life to become Queen of Westeros. She becomes a central character in the story until her death in Season 6.

Margaery proves herself to be one of the best players in the political games of King’s Landing. She outwits her enemies and is an expert manipulator. However, as with all of the characters in Game of Thrones, there is so much about Margaery not included in the show that fans might find interesting.

10 She Is Not A POV Character

In George R.R. Martin’s novels, the chapters are divided by character points of view. Many of the central characters in the story have their own POV, which means the reader gets insight into their thoughts and feelings.

However, not all the significant characters get their own chapters. Margaery is one of the biggest characters the readers get no insight into. This actually helps to make her a more effective schemer as it is unclear what her true motivations are.

9 Looks Like Lyanna Stark

Though Lyanna Stark has never appeared in the books at this point, her presence is felt throughout the story much more than it is in the show. Ned Stark often thinks of his deceased sister, and other characters frequently bring her up.

It is said by some characters that Margaery Tyrell bares a striking resemblance to Lyanna. Renly Baratheon even mentions this to Ned, though he doesn’t see the similarities. It is unclear if this is just a trivial aspect of the story or if Martin was foreshadowing something.


8 Spying On Cersei

In the show, Cersei and Margaery become fast enemies and Cersei makes it her mission to take Margaery down. However, in the books, Margaery is just as interested in removing Cersei from power and has her own plans in place.

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Cersei discovers that one of Margaery’s handmaidens has been hired to spy on Cersei and report back everything she learns. Cersei begins feeding false information while also implanting her own spies in Margaery’s service. However, it becomes confusing as to who is really playing who.

7 A Plot To Marry Robert Baratheon

As it turns out, Margery was not the only person who wanted to remove Cersei from her position of power. In the first book in the series, Ned learns of a plot orchestrated by Renly Baratheon to have Robert Baratheon fall in love with Margaery and push Cersei aside to make way for his new queen.

The plot makes sense as Cersei’s marriage to Robert helped ensure that the Lannisters controlled the Iron Throne. A marriage to Margaery would help take that power away and it was hoped that Margaery’s resemblance to Lyanna would attract Robert.

6 Support From The Smallfolk

The show depicts Margaery’s charitable work with the smallfolk of King’s Landing, bringing them food and essentials. Though this is partially done out of kindness, Margaery also knows how to play the political game like an expert.

The smallfolk end up loving her and that love is even greater in the novels. When Margaery is arrested by the High Sparrow, the smallfolk continue to support her and stand outside her prison, demanding her release.

5 Age Difference With Tommen

After Joffrey’s death, Margaery continues her mission to become queen by marrying Joffrey’s younger brother, Tommen. Given that Margaery was able to manipulate the sadistic and evil Joffrey, she has an even easier time wrapping innocent Tommen around her finger.

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In the books, the age difference between Margaery and Tommen is even more dramatic. Tommen is so much younger that it is decided he is too young for them to share their wedding bed. It seems as if Tommen doesn’t even fully grasp the concept of marriage.

4 Loras’ Injuries

Cersei not only wants to ruin Margaery but the entire Tyrell family as well. In the show, she sets her sights on Loras first by having the High Sparrow arrest him for his alleged homosexual relationships.

In the books, Loras’ sexuality is never confirmed but he does find himself in severe danger. After Tyrell lands are invaded by the Ironborn, Cersei refuses to let Lannister troops help take it back. Loras goes with the Tyrell army to beat back the invaders, but he is seriously injured in the process. In the last published books, his fate remained grim and Margaery was devastated by the news.

3 She Has Three Brothers

The show depicts House Tyrell as a powerful but surprisingly small house in Westeros. Mace Tyrell is the head of the house, his mother Olenna Tyrell is the true brains behind the scenes, and Loras and Margaery are the only children.

In the books, the full extent of the house is shown in more detail, including Margaery’s other two brothers. Willas Tyrell is the oldest of the siblings and heir to House Tyrell. Little is known about him as he stays in Highgarden and has a severe leg injury. Garlan is the family hero, dubbed Garlan the Gallant for his knightly achievements.

2 Almost Married Jaime Lannister

Margaery understands better than most people how to play the game of thrones. In her case, she knows that she will be used as a pawn in marriage deals to unite houses, but she manages to maneuver herself into the right positions.

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After Joffrey’s death, the Tyrells insist Margaery marry Tommen and become queen. Tywin is unsure of that arrangement and proposes that instead, Jaime Lannister is released from his Kingsguard duties to marry Margaery. However, in an attempt to become a better knight, Jaime refuses to abandon his job.

1 Cersei’s Plot Against Her

As cunning as Margaery is, she may have met her match with Cersei. When Margaery gains more power in King’s Landing, Cersei puts a plan in place to get rid of her. In the show, Cersei schemes to have Margaery thrown in jail for lying to the High Sparrow about Loras’ sexuality. Her plan in the book is more devious.

Cersei suspects that Margaery is not a virgin as she claims and that she is having sexual affairs with various men in King’s Landing. Unable to prove it, Cersei has several of her male associates try to seduce Margaery. When that fails, they simply lie about it.

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