Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister were fan-favorite characters who forged an important friendship in Game Of Thrones. The duo first meet when Tyrion accompanies King Robert, Queen Cersei, and the royal party to Winterfell in season 1. Tyrion laters goes with Jon to the Wall when the secret Targaryen joins the Night’s Watch, and their paths re-converge on the shores of Dragonstone in season 7.

Tyrion and Jon were two of the show’s most integral characters throughout the series. Many fans were overjoyed to see them team up in the later seasons when Tyrion brought Jon and Daenerys together— though their reunion may have actually been a disaster in disguise.

10 Tyrion’s Father Orchestrated Robb Stark’s Death

The history between House Stark and House Lannister is bloody and bitter. The first episode concludes with Jaime throwing Bran from a tower when the young boy witnesses the Kingslayer’s affair with Queen Cersei. Joffrey’s execution of Ned ignites their families’ war, resulting in the Red Wedding.

Jon was especially close with Robb whilst growing up in Winterfell. His friendship with Tyrion pales in comparison to the bond he shared with his “brother,” who Tyrion’s father had killed by the Freys.

9 Tyrion Served Joffrey After The Boy King Executed Ned

Tyrion and Jon bond during their journey to the Wall at the beginning of the series, though this doesn’t prevent Tyrion from working against Jon’s family during the War of the Five Kings. The Lannister lord serves as Hand of the King to Joffrey after the boy king executes Ned Stark at the Sept of Baelor.

Admittedly, Tyrion had little choice in his service to Joffrey and attempted to curb the king’s violent impulses. Nevertheless, his work history must have been a bitter pill for Jon to swallow.


8 Their Families Were At War

The war between the Starks and the Lannisters devastated House Stark and led to the War of the Five Kings. Joffrey and Tywin did awful things to Jon’s family that even friendship can’t forgive, such as abusing Sansa and giving Winterfell to the Boltons.

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Jon and Tyrion’s tenuous alliance isn’t enough to erase the pain caused by their families. Although Tyrion gave Jon stellar advice, his words alone won’t heal the rift between the North and the Westerlands.

7 Tyrion Wanted Daenerys To Leave Jon Beyond The Wall

One of Tyrion’s more disastrous plans led to a dire situation for Jon Snow in season 7’s “Beyond The Wall.” Jon and company venture into the Night King’s domain to retrieve a wight to show Cersei. When the zombie army attacks, Jon tells Gendry to send a raven to Daenerys asking for her aid.

Tyrion urges the Targaryen queen to ignore Jon’s pleas. Daenerys ignores her Hand and takes her dragons north. If she had followed Tyrion’s advice, Jon and the others would have been killed by the advancing army of the dead.

6 Jon Served The North, Tyrion Served Daenerys

Jon and Tyrion fought on opposite sides during Daenerys’ conquest of Westeros in season 7. The exiled Lannister returned to the Seven Kingdoms as Hand to Dany, prepared to help her conquer the country. As King in the North, Jon was a rival monarch to her claim and stood in the way of her sovereignty.

Thankfully, Jon and Daenerys managed to establish an alliance that saw them fight together during “The Long Night.” Sansa never forgot their opposing views towards northern independence, however, and urged Tyrion to do the same.

5 Tyrion Was Married To Jon’s Sister

House Lannister dealt House Stark another heavy blow when Sansa was forcibly wed to Tyrion. During season 3, Tywin arranges their marriage after uncovering a plot to marry Sansa to Loras Tyrell. Tyrion’s marriage to Sansa solidifies the Lannisters’ powerful position and gives them a claim to Winterfell.

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Tyrion and Sansa’s marriage is mentioned in season 7’s “The Queen’s Justice.” Tyrion tells Jon that their union was a sham, prompting a curt response from the King in the North.

4 They Barely Knew Each Other

Another facet hindering Jon and Tyrion’s friendship is their lack of familiarity. The duo spent some time together at the beginning of the series but spent the majority of the show’s run at opposite ends of the world, as Jon roamed the north whilst Tyrion journeyed from King’s Landing to Meereen.

Tyrion and Jon grew immensely throughout their respective arcs in the series. Besides a few words of wisdom, neither character knew each other well enough to consider each other true friends.

3 Tyrion Wanted Jon To Bend The Knee

Tyrion invites Jon to Dragonstone with the intention of creating an alliance between the Northern King and Daenerys. In season 7’s “Dragonstone,” the Targaryen queen instructs Tyrion to tell Jon that she wants him to bend the knee, making her intentions towards the northern monarchy clear.

It can be assumed that Tyrion intended for Jon to bend the knee to Daenerys and submit the north to the Iron Throne’s rule. Despite their friendship, Tyrion used none of his typical wit and skill to convince Daenerys to renegotiate the terms of their alliance.

2 Tyrion Named Bran King Instead Of Jon

Game of Thrones‘ finale featured the answer to the series primary question— who would be the ultimate winner of the game of thrones? During his trial at the Dragonpit, Tyrion convinces the lords and ladies of Westeros to elect Bran Stark as the new King of Westeros.

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Tyrion doesn’t suggest Jon’s name in the discussion of monarchy, despite knowing that he is House Targaryen’s true heir. In fairness, Daenerys’ killer had little chance of securing Grey Worm’s approval, though Tyrion could have tried to influence his path to the throne.

1 Tyrion Told Jon To Kill Daenerys

“The Iron Throne” featured several shocking moments, including the downfall of the Dragon Queen. After Daenerys burns King’s Landing, Tyrion convinces Jon to kill his lover and aunt, arguing that his Sansa and Arya will never be safe as long as the Targaryen queen lives.

In the end, Tyrion persuades Jon to become a kingslayer and queenslayer by convincing Jon to kill Daenerys. The Lannister lord proved himself to be an impressive political player who occupied various positions of power, but the role he played in Jon and Dany’s final moment was the final nail in the coffin for their friendship.

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