For the most part, Jon Snow could be considered the central hero of HBO’s Game of Thrones. His story evokes typical fantasy tropes that mark him as an important character with a prominent destiny; the secret son of the fallen Prince Rhaegar and Lady Lyanna, living as Ned Stark’s bastard, born to defend the world from White Walkers. Jon bore immense responsibility and took a knife to the heart for his people, proving his worth and valor.

By season 8, however, the former Lord Commander had become a one-trick pony. Many of his qualities became his flaws, as the revelation of his parentage only served to send Daenerys spiraling into madness. Jon won the hearts of fans, but compared to his warrior sister, Arya, and kingly brother, Bran, he might have been the worst member of the Starks after all.

10 His Honor Was Annoying

In the end, neither Targaryen learned from the mistakes of their predecessors. Daenerys fulfills the Mad King’s vision by burning King’s Landing, whereas Jon follows the footsteps of the honorable Ned Stark — and almost pays the same price.

Jon’s unwavering honor nearly dooms the Starks and Targaryens in season 7. The King in the North refuses to lie to Queen Cersei during the Dragonpit summit. Instead, he announces his fealty to Daenerys and jeopardizes the truce between the warring monarchs.

9 He Gave Up The Northern Crown Against The Wishes Of His People

Jon never wanted to be a king and it showed. The King in the North wears his crown for a season before bending the knee to Queen Daenerys. Jon recognizes that Dany’s aid is crucial to defeating the Night King, yet he disregards the feelings of his people in the process.

Unsurprisingly, Jon’s decision has detrimental consequences during the final season. The Northerners remain hostile to the Targaryen forces and a fissure develops between Jon and his half-sister/cousin, Sansa.


8 He Relied On Sansa Too Much

Speaking of Sansa…

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Jon rules as the King in the North briefly, but not alone. Sansa Stark proves invaluable throughout his reign as she helps bridge the gap between the Northern Houses. Her aid with the Knights of the Vale turns the tide during the Battle of the Bastards, and she rules Winterfell in Jon’s stead when he journeys south to meet Daenerys.

Without Sansa, Jon’s reign would have ended before it began. The Lady of Winterfell was instrumental in his success as well as the North’s emancipation from the Seven Kingdoms.

7 He Knew Nothing

Ygritte was right; at times, Jon Snow knew nothing. There were moments in the HBO series where the secret Targaryen demonstrated admirable prowess, such as defending Castle Black and allying with the Free Folk. Other moments show Jon in a less sympathetic light as he makes poor choices that almost cost him his life.

One notable scene in season 5 features Jon confessing to the wildlings at Hardhome about Mance Rayder’s death. With no context, Jon tells the Free Folk that he put an arrow through their king’s heart. It is left to Tormund to reveal the rest of the story — Mance was facing a painful death in Melisandre’s flames.

6 He Barely Reacted To The Truth About His Parentage

Fans waited eagerly to see Jon Snow and the rest of the Starks react to the revelation of his parentage. R + L =J was a popular theory from the books for years; even steadfast book fans were keen to see what Jon would do when he finally discovered that he was the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

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But Jon didn’t really have much of a reaction. Apart from rejecting the crown, he had little time to reflect on the news.  Sansa’s and Arya’s reactions were left off-screen, and the storyline served more in Daenerys’ downfall.

5 He Rejected Ghost To Travel South With Daenerys

Season 8 was full of controversial moments, but one scene that drew the ire of fans saw Jon Snow send Ghost, his loyal direwolf, beyond the Wall while he journeyed south with Daenerys. Ghost had been by Jon’s side on-and-off since the show’s first episode, when the Starks discovered the direwolves near Winterfell.

Jon may have had Ghost’s best interests at heart, though it was tough to watch them separate. Thankfully, an exiled Jon reunites with his direwolf once more when he travels North in the series finale.

4 He Was Ignorant Of His Privilege When He Joined The Night’s Watch

Initially, Jon Snow struggles to adjust to life at Castle Black. He regards his new brothers with contempt and is forced to accept that the Night’s Watch isn’t the honorable, esteemed brotherhood he thought it was.

Jon’s privilege causes friction with his peers, as he takes his castle-born training with swords for granted. Thanks to Tyrion Lannister, however, Jon confronts his privilege and resolves to help his new brothers instead.

3 He Lied About Why He Bent The Knee To Daenerys

Daenerys Targaryen’s first encounter with the Starks was bound to be frosty. A bloody history divided their families; Dany’s father, Aerys, brutally killed Ned Stark’s father and brother, prompting Ned to rebel against the Targaryens alongside Robert Baratheon.

Jon does little to help the two sides of his family reconcile. He even lies to the Northerners about bending the knee in exchange for help; in season 7’s “Beyond The Wall,” Daenerys vows to help Jon defeat the Night King after Viserion’s death before Jon declares fealty.

2 He Killed His Girlfriend

Jon had to make a lot of tough choices throughout Game Of Thrones. The toughest one of all concludes the series, as Tyrion Lannister convinces Jon to kill Daenerys after the Targaryen queen burns King’s Landing with Drogon.

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Jon acts for the greater good, but it’s a bitter pill for fans to swallow to see him murder the show’s leading heroine. His last significant act in the series is to kill his lover, a dismaying end for a heroic character.

1 He Could Have Been King

Jon Snow could have had it all. By season 7, he had the support of the Northerners and the Free Folk, as well as a new alliance with Daenerys. The revelation of his parentage seemed sure to propel his claim to the Iron Throne; he could have contested Dany’s claim or married her and combined their power.

The true-born Targaryen gives it all up in the end for a quiet life beyond the Wall with the wildlings. This decision disappointed many fans of his character. However, in the end, it may have been the most fitting conclusion to his story, and another reason for fans to love or hate him.

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