Although House Greyjoy played a smaller part in the saga of Game of Thrones in comparison to the likes of House Stark, House Lannister, or House Targaryen, it’s still hard to deny that the Greyjoys are some of the most interesting, unique, and fierce characters in the entire series.

Theon and Yara Greyjoy took the front seat in the Greyjoy storyline, and it’s not hard to see why. They are two intriguing and complex characters who add a lot to the storyline in general. But out of Yara and Theon, who is the coolest Greyjoy?

10 Yara: Because She’s A Master Of The Sea

Despite the fact that sailing is in the blood of the Iron Islands, Theon unfortunately spent most of his formative years far from the ocean in Winterfell.

However, Yara is not only an expert sailor, she has an incredible talent for it and is as bold and brave as even the toughest Ironborn.

9 Theon: Because He’s A True Survivor

It’s not as if Theon had any choice when it came to being subjected to Ramsay’s endless and intense torments, and clearly if he had the option he would have opted out. But it’s hard to deny that Theon is made of some pretty tough stuff.

He’s clearly traumatized and completely changed by Ramsay’s abuse, but the very fact that he could endure it and still be Theon is a miracle in itself.


8 Yara: Because She’s Insanely Badass

The world of Game of Thrones is filled with many terrifying characters who will do anything to anyone. And while Yara clearly isn’t a mindlessly cruel person, she has encounters with legitimately evil people and she doesn’t hesitate to square up to them.

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Whether it’s Euron or Ramsay, whether it’s a fiery sea battle or the conquering of a castle, Yara is fearless and will fight against anyone who threatens her.

7 Theon: Because He Can Overcome His Weakness

After being held prisoner and abused by Ramsay in the most nightmarish ways possible, it’s clear that Theon is psychologically suffering from it long after he’s escaped Ramsay’s clutches. And, his trauma tends to rear it’s ugly head at the worst times possible.

But what really matters is that Theon will face his fear and overcome it in order to do the right thing.

6 Yara: Because She’d Risk Everything To Save Her Brother

Beneath Yara’s incredibly prickly outer shell is someone who is deeply caring, kind, and seems to be the only person in the Greyjoy family who gives a damn about her brother.

Even though Ramsay’s mutilations make their father Balon think that Theon is of no use to them, Yara is determined to go rescue her brother from his endless torment because she loves him.

5 Theon: Because He Wants To Help Asha Become Queen

At the start of the series, Theon Greyjoy was an entitled ass who didn’t think women were worthy of any respect.

But he was drastically changed over the course of the show, and once he realized that Yara was one of the only people he could rely on, and once he realized she was capable and prepared to lead in ways that he wasn’t, he threw his support behind her.

4 Yara: Because She Was Always Who She Should Be

Theon is one of the best characters in the show because of the deep and complex development his character goes through, and because he goes from being one of the least appealing characters to one of the best.

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But one thing that can be said for Yara Greyjoy is that she doesn’t need to develop into the person she needs to be, because she’s already that person.

3 Theon: Because He Redeemed Himself

While he did truly unforgivable things, Theon always seemed to be more stupid and arrogant than just plain evil. And when he experienced true evil, it brought out everything good inside of him and made him leave behind all of his worst behaviors and beliefs.

He did everything he could in order to make up for the wrong that he’d done, and he did so without any expectation of forgiveness, admiration, or love.

2 Yara: Because She’s A True Warrior

Yara very well may be the coolest Greyjoy who ever lived because she is a true warrior queen. She has fought for everything that she has gotten in this world, and she is confident, self-actualized, and self-assured.

She’s the kind of person who can get people as tough and ferocious as the Ironborn to not just respect her, but to actually willingly follow her.

1 Theon: Because He’s A Real Hero

Envy seemed to be one of Theon’s greatest personal downfalls. He was jealous of Robb and Jon because they were the kinds of people who always seemed to make the right decisions, and he was jealous of Yara because she had the respect he believed he deserved.

But once Theon got past all of his hang ups, he actually turned out to be a much better, stronger, and more heroic person than he ever dreamed he could be.

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