Brienne of Tarth, with her masculine demeanor but humble feminine touch, made Game Of Thrones worth watching. The role played by Gwendoline Christie didn’t seem to have much of a future in the first and second season, especially after Catelyn Stark’s death, but Brienne always found her footing even in the strangest of places.

She finally ended up as the only woman that finally became a Knight in the show, which was unheard of before. She is also the person that redeemed Jamie Lannister when she finally joined Bran’s small council. Here is a look at the most and least loved aspects of Ser Brienne.

10 Loved: Standing Up To Abusive Men

Most fans consider Brienne the most ardent feminist in Game of Thrones. While escorting Jaime Lannister to King’s Landing, Brienne came across three tavern girls who had been killed by Robb’s soldiers for sleeping with Lannisters and gave them a decent burial just because they were women.

She also avenged their deaths by killing the third of the Stark soldiers slowly, just like they did the girls. She made her name by standing up to men that looked down on women as weak and undeserving of wielding a sword. Her excellent skills with the sword helped humble the likes of Sandor Clegane.

9 Hated: Her Loyalty To Renly Baratheon

Renly Baratheon, though not the best of kings, was better than his brother, Stannis, who didn’t seem to have a problem with killing everyone until he became king. Brienne’s loyalty to Renly was, however, more of a teenage girl’s infatuation. Renly was proud and surrounded himself with rigid-minded people that couldn’t allow him to form a strong alliance putting his entire quest for the iron throne in danger, but Brienne didn’t seem to see that.

She had feelings for him and seemed to have lost sight of what was important as long as she served him. She even failed to notice Sansa’s candle pleading for help when she ran to go and avenge Renly when Stannis was finally defeated in battle.


8 Loved: Her Skills With The Sword

Brienne was good with a sword, but no one expected her to beat The Kingslayer nor Sandor Clegane when it came to one-on-one combat until she did. Game of Thrones didn’t have many great swordswomen, and Brienne would be the best of them all.

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She wielded the sword better than most of the best male fighters in the show and managed to beat the most formidable knights. Despite her flaws in judgment and her blind loyalty even to doomed causes, Brienne was always the knight to look up to if you needed a battle won. She stayed loyal to her oaths, including the one of becoming a knight, which seemed impossible in the first seven seasons of Game Of Thrones.

7 Hated: Her Weakness For Jaime Lannister

Jaime choosing Caesei over her was the first time Brienne of Tarth really broke down and cried despite all the hard times she had already survived. Jaime Lannister was Brienne’s doom; At least, nearly. From the first time she set eyes on the Kingslayer in Robb’s custody, Brienne seemed to fold to his gaze. Their toxic relationship, full of insults and honesty, was all interesting but still bothering for most fans.

Jaime was a crooked man full of hate, just like his father and sister, and Brienne knew that very well. She retained her moral code throughout the relationship, but most fans would agree that her purpose would be better served if she found love in someone with better morals and who would at least love her back.

6 Loved: Her Loyalty To The Starks

Without Ser Brienne, House Stark would have finished the show smaller than it was, if not extinct. She was the first knight in the show to keep her oath to a dead woman whom she just met by accident. She had every reason to join the Lannisters and stay close to Jaime and the glory of King’s Landing, but she stayed loyal to her oath.

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She basically turned herself into Sansa’s mother and father by securing her escape from the Boltons, bringing her to Jon Snow and later, helping them defeat the dead. Her loyalty to Sansa and Arya made house Stark strong and gave Sansa the chance to become the queen in the North, a throne she totally earned.

5 Hated: Her Cold Treatment Of Podrick

Podrick was one of the most interesting people in Game of Thrones, transforming from a seemingly useless squire into a loyal warrior for Brienne. However, when they first met, Brienne didn’t treat Podrick as nicely as Tyrion had.

Podrick, who was rather stupid, stood by and watched as Brienne battled Sandor instead of helping prevent Arya from escaping (which is just one of Podrick’s many faults) but he was loyal. If Brienne treated him more nicely than she did, he would probably have learned to fight earlier than he did and been of better service.

4 Loved: Standing Up To Cersei

Brienne of Tarth was the first woman to stand up to Cersei and stay alive. Cersei’s forbidden love for her brother Jaime motivated most of her decisions, and she wouldn’t hesitate to take down anyone that stood in her way.

While every woman in the seven kingdoms seemed to fear her wrath, Brienne stood up to her and told her off when she threatened her. Standing up to Cersei proved that Brienne’s beliefs didn’t only come into action if it was a man doing the oppressing; she simply didn’t like all oppressors.

3 Hated: Her Treatment Of Tormund

Tormund Giantsbane’s love for “the big woman” was both sad and hilarious. Having grown up beyond the wall and learned to admire nothing but strength, his weakness for Brienne because of her looks was totally innocent.

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He was probably the first man to truly fall in love with the Maid of Tarth, but he didn’t stand a chance because she didn’t like his uncivilized mannerisms. Brienne never took the time to learn and understand Tormund either.

2 Loved: Standing Up To Daenerys

Daenerys hated Jaime Lannister for killing her father and wouldn’t have hesitated to kill him even if it meant losing the great war. Jaime was also hated in the North for being a Lannister, and emotions seemed to overwhelm reason and justice.

Brienne is the only person that stood up in support of the Kingslayer, giving him the chance to fight one more battle. Brienne also didn’t fall for Daenerys’ charms when she seemed to take everyone by storm with her bold promises of liberation.

1 Hated: Losing Her Virginity To Jaime

It was always Brienne’s decision to choose the right man to sleep with, but her choice hurt most fans. Jaime had never confessed his love to her because he wasn’t ready to leave Cersei and didn’t really love Brienne.

With the choice of a loving and well-meaning Tormund on one side and a charming but not loving Jaime on the other, Brienne chose the latter. Her decision made the ending of Game Of Thrones sad since Jaime went back to die beside his first love.

Next10 TV Shows Where Dead Characters Kept Coming Back

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