To say that season eight of Game Of Thrones disappointed the loyal fanbase of the show is an understatement, with many devoted people feeling betrayed, angry, and confused at just how bad the ending to the iconic show turned out to be. It was one of the greatest and most culturally influential shows of all time and, to most, it fell at the last hurdle.

That is not to say that absolutely everything that happened in the last season is terrible. Despite what some incredibly hardcore haters or even some overall fans of the franchise might say, there is some good stuff alongside the awful parts of the season.

10 That Bad – Cersei & Jaime Lannister’s Deaths

There is an argument to be had that Cersei got a fitting death, vulnerable and scared, crumbling under her own glory. But, in reality, a character as brilliant, as loathsome, and as badass as Cersei deserved to go down in a way that matches those characteristics.

As for Jaime, his death in the arms of Cersei just feels like a betrayal, not only to Brienne but to the fans who invested in his journey which just ended in the same place it started, with many feeling that all of his development got undone.

9 Good – Drogon Burning Down The Iron Throne

There is a lot to say about the Daenerys the Mad Queen storyline and her death at the hands of her lover/relative Jon Snow, but the highlight of the entire thing is Drogon burning the Iron Throne.

While, yes, many people wanted to see someone, namely someone like Jon or Tyrion, on that throne, Drogon burning it down and staying loyal to the ideologies of Daenerys is a moment that is touching, and quite the visual.


8 That Bad – When The Aegon Targaryen Storyline Goes Nowhere

Loyal fans had to wait a long, long time between seasons seven and eight of the show, which ramped up the anticipation to a level that was arguably unfair to the show.

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Nevertheless, season seven left off with the reveal that the Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon theory is true, and Jon Snow is Aegon Targaryen. Then, in season eight, nothing is done with it. Jon finds out, does not react, for some reason tells his sisters immediately, and does not make a claim for the Iron Throne, so it was all pointless.

7 Good – Getting Reacquainted

Perhaps the biggest overarching issue of the final season of Game Of Thrones is how short it is. Had it been the length of a regular season with care from the creators, it likely would have improved immensely. The first episode is a victim of this problem.

An acquaintance with the characters was needed, but was hurt by what came after. But it is still great. Seeing characters reunited, the Night King’s warning, and just getting everything set up for what is to come, it is all pretty great.

6 That Bad – Daenerys, The Mad Queen

Many fans saw Daenerys’ fall to madness coming, many more predicted her death at the hands of Jon, and many fans predicted many things about Daenerys that came true in season eight. But it was all made awful by the execution.

Daenerys becoming the Mad Queen could have worked, but did not. She mercilessly slaughtered civilians she had spent years promising to help, without even trying to kill Cersei, something she could have done so quickly. Her snap was so immediate and was a betrayal to many fans.

5 Good – Pre-Battle

Fans had waited years for “The Long Night” and the Battle of Winterfell, expecting it to change the course of the show dramatically, with many losses and heartbreak. Before this event, our heroes all sat with each other, talked, drank, and it was beautiful.

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While preparing, we see characters sit in front of a fire drinking, we see Brienne get knighted by Jaime, Gendry and Arya get together, Theon and Sansa have time together, and there is a series of small, meaningful, somber moments that are beautiful.

4 That Bad – When Brilliant Characters Got Put To The Side

This is not one specific moment, but rather a running theme throughout the entire season which gets forgiven at the start as fans expect more soon, but that expectation is never fulfilled.

Cersei does absolutely nothing, and gets wasted on an unworthy death and an awful character in Euron. Jaime and Daenerys’ characters are betrayed, Jon Snow plays second fiddle to Daenerys’ story, and Tyrion just seems a shell of his former self, no longer the smartest man in the room. Then, there is Bran. No more needs to be said.

3 Good – Cleganebowl

The battle between the Clegane brothers, Sandor and Gregor, aptly titled ‘Clegane-bowl,’ was long-anticipated since their initial meeting in the series, and finally came in the penultimate episode of the season.

It is not just a badass, a violent fight between the two brothers, but also has a good layer of emotion, with the Hound getting Arya to leave, saving her life. When she says thank you to Sandor, it is a beautiful moment between two characters who have spent an incredible amount of time together, and have grown together.

2 That Bad – Bran Chosen As King

The series finale of Game Of Thrones was so far removed from the quality of every other season finale, and just about every other episode of the show. It failed on every level, including the most awaited answer of the show ever since the first episode; who wins the game of thrones?

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For some nonsensical, awful reason, it was Bran. Tyrion claimed Bran had the best story of all and had been through the most, which is just objectively not true, made even worse by Bran woodenly saying he knew he would be king. The entire scene and reveal shows the downfall of Tyrion, of the Iron Throne, and of the show.

1 Good – The Battle Of Winterfell

“The Long Night” is not perfect; there is a lot wrong with the battle, such as fans not being able to see it, more death needed, or even just fan’s individual expectations being disappointed.

But, overall, the battle is so full of tension, despair, beauty, pain, and brilliant moments. Bran might be the worst, but his moment with Theon is touching. Many fans do not like the Night King’s death, but Arya is amazing. Daenerys’ character might get ruined, but her fighting with Jorah is fantastic. It is no Battle of the Bastards, but it still stands on its own as one of the good parts of season eight, with an atmosphere and anxiousness injected throughout it.

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