“When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.” Except Sansa and Arya had to survive as lone wolves for so long thanks to Ned Stark’s mistakes. Then came the time for The North to remember and they both did their part in avenging their family just as Ned Stark predicted.

Sansa and Arya Stark, two women as different as the sun and the moon yet so similar in their resolve to rewrite the crimes done to their house in Game of Thrones. While the sisters did their family justice by killing Baelish and the Freys, they were not the best of friends and each of them had their own methods of fighting battles. So which of the two Ladies of Winterfell was the better Stark?

10 Sansa: Escaping From Ramsay Bolton

What Sansa went through at the hands of the Lannisters was horrible, which is why Ramsay Bolton should never have happened. She was naive enough to trust Lord Baelish from the beginning because all he wanted was a path for him to get control of The North.

She was sold to Ramsay Bolton to be treated as less than human as he tried to get her to give him an heir and legitimize his control of Winterfell. However, after all that suffering, Sansa retained the Stark fighting spirit. Her escape into the protection of Brienne and later Jon was the beginning of her rise as The Queen of The North.

9 Arya: Sailing To Braavos

Arya had to watch her father’s head getting chopped off, which was very horrible for the young girl. She was a strong fighter though and after her troubles in the Riverlands, she made the only decision that would make her the person she always wanted to be.

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Arya always wanted to become a fighter and Syrio Forel’s training which was cut short was her best path to achieving her dream. When it ended, Jaqen, although dangerous, became her next best path. Staying in Westeros was too dangerous and would have gotten her killed.


8 Sansa: The Battle Of The Bastards

Jon Snow was a good fighter and an honorable man, but just like Ned Stark, he expected the best from everyone and that would have gotten him killed. The Battle of The Bastards was the final step of retaking their home from The Boltons and Sansa did everything to ensure it was a success.

She managed to fool Lord Baelish, the most cunning man in The Seven Kingdoms, into giving her an army to defeat Ramsay Bolton. For the first time since Ned died, A Stark tricked someone into helping them.

7 Arya: Killing Meryn Trant

Meryn Trant is the cruel King’s Guard soldier that tortured Sansa on Joffrey’s orders. He enjoyed torturing young girls, making him one of the most dangerous people in King’s Landing. Arya wasn’t there when he tortured Sansa though, but she still held a grudge at him for killing Syrio Forel, the Water Dance Master. Before Arya assassinated him in Braavos, he was torturing other girls too. She just didn’t understand it then, but she had done House Stark and all the girls a great service.

6 Sansa: Refusing To Bend The Knee To Daenerys

King Torrhen Stark is Sansa’s ancestor that bent the knee to Aegon to prevent the sacking of Winterfell. That is how the Starks became the Lords Paramount of the North. Daenerys wasn’t like Aegon though, she was a bloodthirsty Killer and Sansa saw that even when Jon Snow wouldn’t.

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When Jon bent the knee to her, he put the entire North in the same danger it had been in since the days of The Mad King, a place Sansa didn’t want to be again. Sansa still played along to Jon’s meekness for Daenerys to help them defeat the Night King before declaring her stand about the future of The North.

5 Arya: Becoming A Faceless Man

Syrio Forel’s training wasn’t complete, yet Arya still needed to become a fighter hence her resolve to endure all that pain in Braavos. Becoming a Faceless Man was tougher than she had imagined and the process could easily have gotten her killed.

She proved herself as a real Stark when she stood up to The Waif and Jaqen. She became the first Faceless Man that wouldn’t give up her identity. The training was essential in her revenge mission and later, in killing The Night King.

4 Sansa: Putting Baelish On Trial

Lord Baelish’s execution was the best result of the Stark sisters becoming a pack again but most credit goes to Sansa because she was the Lady of Winterfell at the time. Baelish was the cause of all the predicaments of House Stark from the day Robert Baratheon visited Winterfell.

No one in the Seven Kingdoms would have believed Sansa if she tried to take revenge on him earlier. She ensured that Baelish had helped her recover her home before killing him in one of the most interesting trials in Game of Thrones.

3 Arya: Killing Walder Frey

The Red Wedding was the worst of crimes against House Stark and other leaders of The North as they were slaughtered by their own allies. Robb Stark was stupid enough to trust the Freys and The Boltons, but that crime still had to be avenged.

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Arya was right outside The Twins when her family was murdered, she even killed the man that sewed Greywind’s head to Robb’s body. She was the one person that most deserved the pleasure of rewriting that wrong. She delivered the justice in kind, slitting Walder’s throat after poisoning his family.

2 Sansa: Declaring The North’s Independence

The North was an independent kingdom for thousands of years and during that period, accomplished lots of great things for the North including overseeing the construction of The Wall. Bending the Knee to Aegon was a hard but necessary move for the survival of the Northmen.

Being ruled by King’s Landing exposed the North to lots of problems and threatened its very existence. Even with peace restored and her brother on the throne, The North’s ultimate safety could only be secured by its independence.

1 Arya: Killing The Night King

The Night King was a threat to Winterfell even before Ned Stark went to Winterfell. When Will, the deserter of the Night’s Watch, told Ned about The White Walkers, he didn’t give the poor man the chance to explain nor even investigate the claims.

That mistake left the North vulnerable to the dead marching south. Jon Snow’s campaign created the alliance for the Battle of Winterfell but that battle was lost until Arya drove that dagger through The Night King’s heart. She officially became the savior of The North and all the living.

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