At different times throughout the series, Daenerys Targaryen both played the ultimate hero and ultimate villain in Game of Thrones. And most of the time, she was something in between. Despite her darkest of dark turns at the end of the story, there is both light and darkness within Daenerys, and she has many lovable as well as many unappealing or downright terrifying personality traits.

As arguably the central character of the TV series, viewers got to see the best and worst of Daenerys. So with that said, what are Dany’s best character traits? And what are her worst?

10 Best: Kindness

Although Daenerys’ kindness could be inconsistent, it can’t be denied that she was someone with a soft heart who had difficulty watching people she believed to be innocent suffer.

Sometimes she let the suffering of others slide and sometimes she was the one making them suffer herself, but a large part of her goals of conquest were both about making herself the most powerful ruler in the world and about lessening the pain of others.

9 Worst: Thoughtlessness

Dany did have a lot of kindness within her, but typically her kindness sort of backfired on her because she lacked the foresight and complex political knowledge to understand what was going to happen as a result of her decisions.

Much of what she did wound up having a short term positive consequence, however a lot of her choices ended up having disastrous long term consequences which often times wound up making a bad situation even worse.


8 Best: Adaptability

At the start of her journey, Daenerys was a soft spoken and weak young girl who knew almost nothing about the world besides whatever lies her deranged brother told her.

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But she managed to find herself in many different difficult circumstances over the course of her character arc, and she typically wound up coming out on the other side of those circumstances better off because she knew how to adapt to them or overcome them.

7 Worst: Rage

Plenty of people have trouble controlling their anger, but the problem with Daenerys is that when she lost control of her anger, hundreds if not thousands of people inevitably wound up suffering.

More importantly, she rarely suffered personal consequences for her outbursts of anger and she rarely reflected upon those outbursts as well, so as she developed more, the worse and more out of control her rage got.

6 Best: Ambition

Ambition can absolutely be a double edged sword, and in the end Dany’s intense ambition did her no favors in life.

However, it’s still admirable that a girl who had spent her life being treated like dirt and expecting nothing from the world actually grew to believe that she could conquer an entire country, if not the entire planet.

5 Worst: Arrogance

As a character, one of Dany’s major and most unappealing flaws is her arrogance.

It’s not as if that arrogance isn’t well earned, but the fact that she can easily win battles seemed to give her the idea that she was the most extraordinary person on earth, and that no one else was qualified enough or capable of ruling all of Planetos. She truly thought everyone else in the world was beneath her.

4 Best: Idealism

Envisioning a completely different world from the one that exists now and actually putting in the effort to revolutionize it is a lofty goal.

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And, while Dany’s belief that the world could only be a good place if everyone it in bowed down to only her is a bit terrifying, it’s still laudable that she even wanted to improve the world at all. She lost sight of that goal in the end, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t a driving force for her for a very long time.

3 Worst: Narcissism

If someone wants to conquer the entire world, then self confidence is obviously a necessity. But Daenerys’ belief in herself was taken to terrifying extremes.

There are plenty of characters within Game of Thrones that have done extraordinary and miraculous things, but the only person who made miracles real and thought that it made them a god among men destined to rule the world was Daenerys.

2 Best: Bravery

With her dragons, it’s obvious that Daenerys Targaryen could have lived an incredibly comfortable and safe life where she got everything she ever wanted without having to put herself in danger.

However, Dany had higher aspirations than that, and she was willing to put herself on the line in order to make those aspirations a reality. She’s many things, but cowardly isn’t one of them.

1 Worst: Cruelty

Although Game of Thrones built up Daenerys Targaryen’s turn to the dark side into something that was supposed to be a shocking twist, to be honest, in retrospect it isn’t that shocking or hard to predict. What makes Daenerys more frightening than perhaps anything else is her appetite for cruelty.

She is very quick to turn on people that she believes are her enemies (even if she doesn’t know that they are for certain), and she will subject her real or imagined enemies to the most unnecessarily cruel and unjust punishments, seemingly because she just likes doing it.

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