The epic series Game of Thrones quickly captured audiences’ attention with its grand storytelling and shocking twists. But in the end, the reason the show became such a massive phenomenon was because people wanted to see what would become of these characters who they came to care so much about.

While the final season is still very controversial and many are not pleased with how some of their favorite characters ended up, looking at where the show’s main characters started with their first lines on screen and where their stories concluded does give some interesting insight into their respective arcs.

10 Ned Stark

“And which one of you was a marksman at ten?” – “Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne, by the Grace of all the gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.”

The first episode of the series introduces the Stark family of Winterfell as young Bran Stark practices his archery. After Jon and Robb laugh at Bran, Ned reminds them they were once young and experienced like Bran. By the end of the season, Ned is on trial for treason and forced to name Joffrey as the true king before being executed.

Though he didn’t even make it out of the first season alive, Ned Stark’s impact on the overall series is evident. From his first line to his last line, he was always looking out for his children.

9 Tywin Lannister

“Attacking him was stupid.” – “You’re no son of mine.”

The head of House Lannister, Tywin is introduced late in season one as he skins a stag while chastising his son Jaime for challenging Ned Stark. His final moments are less dignified, as he is killed on the toilet by his other son Tyrion while denouncing him.

Tywin is the exact opposite of Ned Stark as he is introduced and dispatched while being a cruel and unloving father to his children.


8 Bran Stark

“Jon said he was a deserter.” – “I’m sure it will.”

After capturing a deserter from the Night’s Watch, Ned Stark explains to Bran while he had to execute the man. By the end of the series, Bran is both the Three-Eyed Raven and the King of Westeros, and seems optimistic as Tyrion promises their small council will improve.

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Bran’s journey was one of the strangest in the show. Few people predicted he would become king, but seeing this innocent young boy end up in this position of power shows how much he’s learned since that first hard lesson.

7 Jaime Lannister

“As your brother, I feel it’s my duty to warn you: You worry too much.” – “Only us.”

In a bit of awkward exposition dialogue, Jaime Lannister greets Cersei by letting the audience know these two are siblings. Jaime and Cersei fittingly share their final moments together as Jaime tells Cersei nothing else in the world matters besides them being together, right before they are buried under the rubble of the Red Keep.

Though the first line is a bit clunky, it does have a strong connection to Jaime’s final line. In this dangerous world they find themselves in, Jaime is always comforting Cersei and letting her know everything will be all right.

6 Cersei Lannister

“And you never worry about anything.” – “Not like this.”

After Jaime tells Cersei not to worry about their secret, she remarks that he never worries about anything. As the two find themselves facing death in the final moments, Cersei falls apart, thinking of the life of her unborn baby and not wanting to die.

In a way, the final line speaks to what Cersei’s worries were all along. She does terrible and evil things throughout the series, but it could be argued she did it all for her children and they were always her main concern.

5 Sansa Stark

“Will you shut up?” – “But they lost their king.”

As King Robert’s company arrives at Winterfell, Sansa tells off her sister Arya for being so annoying while she tries to look elegant. In the final episode, she apologizes to Jon for his fate and laments the North losing their king, but Jon assures her that she is the right ruler.

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The first line is a good indication of how far Sansa’s relationship with Arya changed from the beginning. It also shows her changed priorities as she is no longer a young girl trying to impress the prince, but a ruling queen herself.

4 Arya Stark

“Move.” – “Right here.”

During the same arrival of King Robert, Arya shows up late and wearing a warrior’s helmet. She pushes Bran out of the way to take her place in the line. In the finale, Arya announces she will leave Westeros and explore the unknown lands. She also confirms to Jon that she has her sword Needle by her side.

Arya’s tough persona is seen immediately, as well as her desire to fight again the social norms she’s told to obey. She still has that spirit in her at the end as she is willing to leave her home and family to go off on her own adventure.

3 Daenerys Targaryen

“We’ve been his guests for over a year and he’s never asked us for anything.” – “We break the wheel together.”

In the first episode, Daenerys Targaryen is introduced as the sister of Viserys, who timidly questions why their supposed allies are helping them. In the end, she takes the Iron Throne her brother was after through violence, and tells Jon Snow they will change the world together before he stabs her.

Perhaps the first episode shows, even when soft-spoken, Daenerys had that paranoid mind that eventually was her downfall. Her final line shows that after the horror she caused, she still believes she is the hero of the story.

2 Tyrion Lannister

“It is true what they say about the Northern girls.” – “I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel.”

While his brother and sister are greeting the Starks at their arrival in Winterfell, Tyrion Lannister is found in a brothel having some fun with the Northern girls. At the end of the series, he is the Hand of the King, overseeing the small council, and begins a story about one of his brothel adventures.

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The last line is a funny callback to a story Tyrion has tried to tell various times in the series. However, it also shows that Tyrion came a long way from being “a drunken little lecher.” But even with all the new responsibilities, he still has some of the old Tyrion in him.

1 Jon Snow

“Go on. Father’s watching.” – “You have your Needle?”

Jon is introduced along with the rest of the Stark family, instructing Bran in archery as Ned looks on. His final line comes as he bids farewell to his Arya, asking her if she has kept the sword he gave to her way back in the first season.

The first line could speak to the fact that the memory of Ned Stark looms large over the Stark children. His final line is more about Arya, but Jon is the character who closes out the show as he is later seen taking his place in the Night’s Watch and moving Beyond the Wall with the Wildlings.

NextThe Boys: The 10 Bravest Characters, Ranked

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