The show Game Of Thrones brought together several different families as they all battled to end up on the Iron Throne. The Baratheon house played a big part in that story and even though every member of the family wanted to be on the Throne by the end, that didn’t mean they necessarily always worked together. In this article, Robert’s children are excluded as they are not truly Baratheon, as are those who married into the house but had other, more salient, identities.

All of the family members had totally different characteristics and personalities, and that made them very compelling to watch throughout the series. But, which member of the House Baratheon was the most likeable throughout Game Of Thrones, and which were easy to dislike due to their actions?

7 King Stannis Baratheon

Stannis Baratheon is probably the most well-known member of this family and someone who is desperate to end up on the Iron Throne. He is willing to do whatever it takes to get to that point, and while he does have a couple of softer and kinder moments, his determination takes him on a dark path.

Stannis is responsible for the death of his brother, working with Melisandre to conjure up a shadow to kill him, plus he allows his own daughter to be burnt to death. That was the moment when his desperation was truly shown and helped cement him as the least likeable person in House Baratheon.

6 Melisandre

Speaking of the help that Stannis got at points, Melisandre plays a major part in the death of both Renly and Shereen. Those ideas initially came from her, and that is why so many people found her very unlikeable, even though she did do some positive things in the show.

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She’s not a member of the family, per-say, but Melisandre certainly does play a part in the Baratheon journey. She believes the Lord of Light is taking her to them, which isn’t actually true. But while she helps out Jon Snow, which made her more likeable, while she is with the Baratheon family, she’s someone most people hated.


5 Selyse Baratheon

The wife of Stannis is someone who doesn’t really get to showcase too much personality throughout the course of the series. She is often just stood in the corner, silently watching things and not getting to really prove what she is all about.

This is why she’s one of the least likeable members of the Baratheon House as there simply isn’t enough to go from with her. While she doesn’t want to see her daughter murdered, she also doesn’t go out of her way to stop it either, which made her truly detestable.

4 King Robert Baratheon

The only member of the Baratheon House to actually end up on the Iron Throne during the course of the show was King Robert. He was with Cersei Lannister and they really did dominate with their power, having several children (who weren’t technically his,) but he was too trusting.

Robert was more concerned with drinking and hunting than he was actually being the King and taking his eye off the ball allowed the Lannister’s to plan for his death. However, Robert was certainly likeable as he just radiated happiness, always wanting to have a good time, and even when he was angry, it didn’t take long for him to snap out of it.

3 King Renly Baratheon

Renly Baratheon was someone who was full of personality and while he could be a little arrogant, he was certainly a lot of fun to watch. He was determined to get what he wants and that was the Iron Throne, and his partnership with the Tyrell’s was something that could have been really beneficial.

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Of course, he did have a big secret when it came to his sexuality, but that only enhanced his character and made him even more interesting. He was an excellent character that deserved to be shown a little bit more than he was.

2 Davos Seaworth

Davos isn’t a member of the Baratheon family, but he absolutely is part of the House Baratheon, having a huge role in their side of the story for a lot of the series. He works alongside Stannis and tries his best to help him with everything he does, no matter what.

However, Davos knows when things are wrong, and the Onion Knight is happy to tell people when that is the case, even if it means punishment for himself. While he eventually aligns himself with others, he always ends up on the right side, because he is morally good and pure at heart, which is why he’s so likeable.

Gendry Baratheon is someone who was unaware of his family lineage until very late on in the Game Of Thrones series, but that didn’t change his personality either way. Prior to learning that he was a Baratheon, Gendry was always a very nice person who was kind to others and tries his best in every situation.

He’s a fantastic fighter and that is something he proves later on in the series, and his friendship/relationship with Arya is one of the shows sweeter and more tender romances. He’s one of the truly good guys within this show, and that’s why he’s so incredibly likeable.

1 Princess Shireen Baratheon

Princess Shireen Baratheon is absolutely the most likeable person within this house as she’s one of the few not corrupt by power and the desire to be on the Iron Throne. Despite the fact she suffers from greyscale, Shireen always stays fairly positive and her kind and caring spirit make her a really nice character.

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Her death is one of the most emotional and upsetting moments in the series, and a big reason for that is because of how likeable she is up to that point. Shireen only shows kindness and love to others, even when they don’t really give her the same in response.


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