The HBO epic Game of Thrones has been renowned for its sense of adventure and its rich, imaginative world-building, largely inspired by history. Fans have additionally responded to the slew of intriguing, dynamic characters that have populated this gripping tale. Amongst a cast of flawed, morally ambiguous heroes, antiheroes, and villains stands Jon Snow; perhaps the closest the series gets to a moral center.

While he has his share of weaknesses, Snow’s unbreakable spirit, strength, and loyalty resonate with fans – as does his desire to make this dark world just a little bit better. He’s had plenty of memorable quotes that reinforce these traits while proving emblematic of both Jon and the story at large. There’s no shortage of great ones, to be sure.

Updated August 9th, 2020 by George Chrysostomou: There are just so many fantastic quotes from the former King in the North that it seemed fitting to revisit this list and explore a few more classic Jon Snow moments. Jon may not have known much, but he certainly knew how to deliver a solid line (or speech) when it mattered the most.

15 “They Were The Shields That Guarded The Realms Of Men.”

Jon Snow is always very aware of the people that lost their lives in order to protect the innocent. One of the reasons he’s such a capable leader is that he genuinely values those that serve under him.

He creates a fitting memorial for those that died fighting the White Walkers. Channeling the old credo of the Night’s Watch during this eulogy was entirely fitting considering these people lost their lives doing just that — shielding the realms of men from unimaginable horror.

14 “My Watch Has Ended.”

Jon Snow made a vow to the Night’s Watch promising his service and dedication to the organization until the day he died. Unfortunately, his death actually came at the hands of those he vowed to worked alongside.

Upon his death and subsequent revival, Snow decided that his time with the Night’s Watch was officially over, and it’s hard to take issue with it considering he’d been utterly betrayed by the people he’d bled to protect. He did technically die, after all, so perhaps he was simply playing by the rules?


13 “We’re Children Playing At A Game, Screaming That The Rules Aren’t Fair.”

Jon was always very aware of the threat the lurked beyond the wall. He’d seen what the White Walkers were capable of and felt that any bid for the throne was a lost cause.

Comparing the feud to children playing games is quite apt, considering how shortsighted their squabble is. Whoever wins simply faces the army of the dead with depleted forces. Although he wasn’t quite successful in uniting the kingdoms against their common foe, his point is no less astute.

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12 “Not Just The Boys. We Can’t Defend The North If Only Half The Population Is Fighting.”

Jon Snow had managed to prove himself quite a competent leader, and he has a lot of forward-thinking attitudes when it comes to equality. An impending apocalyptic conflict with a legion of the undead has a way of putting things into perspective, anyway. When a comment is made concerning it being about time these “boys of summer” learned how to fight, Jon responds with this, indicating that he doesn’t just intend on teaching “the boys” to defend themselves, but the girls too.

11 “I Swore A Vow To The Night’s Watch. If I Don’t Take My Own Words Seriously, What Sort Of Lord Of Winterfell Would I Be?”

Jon Snow eventually gives up his vow to the Night’s Watch, but it spurred no shortage of inner turmoil up to that point. Jon’s word was his bond, and though Ned Stark may not have been his father by blood, his sense of honor and integrity certainly did take root in Jon.

This is showcased well with the above quote, which is Jon’s explanation to Samwell Tarly when he refuses Stannis Baratheon’s offer to legitimize him as the Lord of Winterfell.

10 “I Do Know Some Things…”

Jon’s love interest north of the Wall had spent quite a few episodes informing him that he in fact “knows nothing” by the time Jon eventually responds with this endearing quote. Though it seems simple on the surface, it serves as a charming opener to Snow professing his love to Ygritte by playing off this mainstay line of hers.

His proclamation that he “knows he loves her” is a key moment for both of these characters. It’s an emotional exchange between this couple, each of whom represent two very different cultures in the GoT universe. It’s made all the more powerful given the rather tragic way this love story ends.

9 “You’ll Be Ruling Over A Graveyard If We Don’t Defeat The Night King.”

Jon Snow eventually fully commits to “bending the knee” to the Mother of Dragons, as it were. Yet his initial resistance in succumbing to this foreign queen sets the stage for some memorable exchanges, and this is among the best.

Daenerys Targaryen proclaims that she was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and will – before Snow retorts with this harsh and powerful bit of truth. It’s an effective way to get her on his side, for one. Yet, it’s also a terrific representation of Jon’s character and motives, demonstrating his strength and his drive to defeat the Night King at all costs.

8 “First Lesson, Stick ‘Em With The Pointy End.”

Jon Snow spends much of the series isolated from his Stark family, even before he makes his way to the far reaches of The Wall. Yet, he holds a lasting, endearing bond with his sister Arya, whose outcast status and rebellious spirit he can relate to.

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Jon has a rather touching moment with her in season 1 in which he offers a sword to her as a gift. The small weapon, which she names “Needle,” becomes a cherished trinket and a symbol of the relationship between these two Starks. Snow’s brief lesson in wielding the sword is capped off by this whimsical zinger. Like the sword itself, it holds an added significance that stays with Arya, even after several seasons spent apart from her brother.

7 “The Dire Wolf Is The Sigil Of Your House. They Were Meant To Have Them.”

The early seasons of GoT largely revolve around the Stark family, and by extension, their cherished Dire Wolf companions, who act as a symbol of the characters and the House at large.

In a display of selflessness, Jon Snow implores that his father Ned and his children care for a band of wolf pups they spot in the series’ first episode; even if it means he’s left empty-handed. Yet, in an act that furthers the symbolism, Snow comes upon the misfit pup with white fur, who becomes a faithful fighter by his side, Ghost.

Jon’s call to bring these wolves together makes for a subtle, but significant bit of foreshadowing.

6 “We’re All The Same To Them, Meat For Their Army.”

Jon’s ongoing drive and motive lie in his desire to see the Seven Kingdoms come together to fend off the common enemy looming in the north – the White Walkers and their Wight minions.

The isolated, antagonized Wildlings are seemingly the last people that would wish to unite with the kings, Night’s Watch, and prominent figures of the south. Yet, this bit of wisdom from Jon helps coax this group to reach at least a temporary pact with those they’ve grown to despise. It offers perspective representative of the larger story and is yet another reminder of Snow’s singular goal.

5 “You All Crowned Me Your King. I Never Wanted It…”

As it’s often hinted – and sometimes outright claimed – in GoT, those that prove more humble and selfless tend to make for better rulers. Such is the case with Jon Snow, who makes it clear that his earned title of King of the North is reluctantly accepted.

He makes it clear to the lords and ladies of the North that he merely wishes to use this post to unite this distant, divided region and fight for his homeland against the pressing danger of the Walkers. This sermon serves as a roundabout rallying cry as he explains his desire to fight at all costs.

4 “Love Is The Death Of Duty.”

Jon Snow doesn’t appear to have much to fight for or believe in the early episodes of GoT. Seemingly being a bastard, he’s naturally alienated and distant even from many of his fellow Starks. Yet, he soon finds a cause to fight for, as he takes his post for The Night’s Watch and fends off threats at The Wall.

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Though he eventually goes against this credo passed along by Aemon, this quote establishes Jon’s loyal nature as well as his motives in this early part of the series. His primary duty is to fight for the Watch and adhere to its principles.

3 “With Respect, Your Grace, I Don’t Need Your Permission. I Am A King.”

Before Snow swallows his pride and professes loyalty to Dany, he conveys an admirable defiance as she stakes her claim as queen the Seven Kingdoms. This line is great in that it shows both an uncompromising strength along with a sense of diplomacy and politeness.

There’s perhaps no better representation of Jon’s character than this. It’s these qualities that make him a rare uniter of the fractured and distinct Seven Kingdoms and beyond.

2 “If I Fall, Don’t Bring Me Back.”

Jon essentially reaches divine prophet status upon his sudden resurrection by Melisandre. Still, much like being crowned King of the North, it’s a fate he largely fell into unwillingly. This request to The Red Woman might seem surprising to many, as it squanders this potential power.

Yet, it makes sense when examining Snow’s yearning for honor – and consider that he’s perhaps gotten pretty jaded after witnessing so much chaos and darkness. It’s a line that’s subtly tragic and adds some depth to Snow’s character.

1 “They Were Born On The Wrong Side Of The Wall – Doesn’t Make Them Monsters.”

One significant trait of Snow is his sense of fairness and unbiased nature (at least to all living beings). This notion is seemingly scarce in the cynical, fractured GoT universe, and it’s an attribute that makes Snow such a draw to other characters as well as viewers.

Jon clearly illustrates that those who have been demonized north of The Wall are merely people trying to get by. This line reinforces the show’s theme of unification against the common enemy of the White Walkers. Yet, it also offers some perspective that proves relevant both in the fantasy world of Thrones and in our own society.

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