Brienne of Tarth is arguably one of the most courageous, loyal, and respected characters who were a part of the Game of Thrones saga. A singular woman who was considered one of the best fighters in Westeros, her unfeminine look and tall appearance made her stand out. Every time she got into a fight, any true GOT fan would expect her to win against all men who either defied her or Lady Sansa, Lady Catelyn, and others who she had sworn to protect.

Throughout the show, Brienne’s role was pivotal to develop some history arcs as she saved important figures from their death and she also cleared out the path for others to continue their journey. Here are her most iconic quotes.

10 I Will Shield Your Back And Keep Your Counsel And Give My Life For Yours If Need Be.

Brienne swore to Sansa Stark (“by the old gods and the new”) that she would always be there for her and her loyalty was to the Starks. As a true honorable soldier, she was ready to die for the sake of Sansa and it is clear that Brienne always took her word very seriously. She had done the same promise to Sansa’s mother, Lady Catelyn Stark and now she was offering her services again. In response, Sansa pledged to ask no service that might bring dishonor to Brienne. From this point on, an unbreakable bond kept these two characters for the rest of the series.

9 Should I Fail To Persuade The Blackfish To Surrender And If You Attack The Castle, Honor Compels Me To Fight For Sansa’s Kin… To Fight You. 

Long before she became the first woman of the Seven Kingdoms to become a Knight, audiences saw Brienne of Tarth developing a subtle yet growing affection towards Jaime Lannister. So by the time she stated that she might have to fight him and his army to fulfill her duty towards Lady Sansa, one could see her apprehension. Right after this, Jaime, who also started to share feelings for her, replied: “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that” and an awkward silence set in. Even though their relationship didn’t evolve all that much in the end, he gave Brienne the distinguishing title of Knight as Ser Brienne of Tarth.


8 All My Life Men Like You Have Sneered At Me, And All My Life I’ve Been Knocking Men Like You Into The Dust.

While Jaime and Brienne were on their way to King’s Landing, he kept teasing her in a scene while she was leading him to the river. At some point, Jaime tried to start a conversation but he is clearly mocking Brienne for the way she looked. Without losing her temper, Brienne struck back with this quote and put the Kingslayer in his place.

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This was just one of many examples that showed her strength, as she wouldn’t let someone’s sneer affect her. Instead, she was used to stopping the sneers by showing/telling them what she wasn’t going to tolerate.

7 I’m No Lady, Your Grace. 

Brienne came from House Tarth and she was the heir of Lord Selwyn Tarth of Evenfall Hall. When she was first introduced into the show, during season two, she was standing with King Renly Baratheon during the War of the Five Kings. Brienne’s first scenes gave fans a glimpse of what she was made of as she went on winning a tournament against Baratheon’s men and was named his Kingsguard. Completely off the standards of Westeros’ idea of what a lady should act like, soon after Brienne made this remark when meeting with Margaery Tyrell.

6 Threatening My Lady Is An Act Of Treason!

Some say that Brienne’s continuous agreement with either Lady Catelyn or Sansa’s requests, regardless of their nature, made her character evolve very little over the seasons. Indeed, Brienne always went along with what people wanted her to do and without a second thought. While her actions proved that she was a great model for all knights to follow, there are fans who would have liked to have seen more contradictions or challenges faced internally. That being said, this was one of her most memorable quotes in yet another moment when she was nobly defending one of her Ladies.

5 I Did Next To Nothing.

The Brienne of Tarth fans knew and loved was this big (literally), humorless, earnest, idealistic, and a courageous woman. But she was also humble in every possible way. Each major action Brienne took on, she always made it seem that it was her responsibility to do so. If in most of the scenes viewers were on her side, there were moments – especially while she was interacting with Podrick Payne – that audiences disliked her too unaffected attitude. During a conversation between the two, he praised her actions saying that “Catelyn Stark would be proud. You kept your vow.” But Brienne remarked that she did next to nothing, highlighting her modest view of herself.

4 You Need Trust To Have A Truce.

Many of Brienne’s most iconic quotes were pronounced while she was growing a deeper bond with Jaime Lannister. There is a scene in particular (in season 3) where right after he loses his hand – an event that happened during Brienne’s watch – he arrogantly taunts her about his injury. When he has clearly pissed her off, he realized he went too far and tells her that she protected him better than most. Visibly upset, Brienne defies him and Jaime asked for a truce. It is then that she states this quote and Jaime, in this most vulnerable moment yet, wrapped it up by saying: “I trust you.”

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3 I Don’t Care, I’m Not Your Mother.

Let’s face it: Brienne had a very good heart and her values included protecting the less favored and the weakest in Westeros society. However, she also revealed some less appealing qualities, one of them being too mean to Podrick Payne, the squire that was in her service. Unfortunately, this poor man was on the receiving end of her venom more often than not even though he had done nothing but be a loyal servant. One can understand that, in the GOT world, squires weren’t usually treated politely but when she said things like this quote she could come off as obnoxious.

2 I, Brienne Of Tarth, Sentence You To Die. Do You Have Any Last Words?

Surviving and winning the most unlikely fights, Brienne kept impressing viewers with her toughness all through the show. That included a scene in the final episode of the fifth season. She killed Stannis Baratheon while fulfilling her sworn oath of avenging the death of his brother, Renly.

Right before Stannis’ death, she proclaimed: “In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, First of His Name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die. Do you have any last words?” to which the man simply replied: “Go on, do your duty.” His death was a turning point in GOT history.

1 There Are Others Looking, All Wanting To Capture Her And Sell Her To The Queen. I Have To Find Her First. 

One thing that fans were happy about is that Brienne was one of the lucky characters who made it to the end of Game of Thrones, without being killed or ending up a prisoner. Still, she was dutifully willing to die in service of Lady Sansa. During a conversation that Brienne was having with the Elder Brother, she was eager to find Sansa before she might be captured and taken to Queen Cersei Lannister. Brienne added that she had promised Jaime that she would save Sansa or die in the attempt. At this point during the show, fans are left wondering if this long will they-won’t they romance with Jaime would ever be consummated. So, when she said “I promised Jaime,” audiences believed that this was part of her motivation.

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