With the reveal of Kazuha’s new character trailers, plenty of Genshin Impact players are excited about the release of the new Anemo sword user Kazuha Kaedehara. His abilities shown in trailers, as well as the new gameplay footage from players who have already pulled him, have made it clear Kazuha will be a fantastic support unit.

For players who recently pulled Kazuha, figuring out how to build him as efficiently as possible can be complicated. Kazuha’s best artifact set for a support build is a 4-piece Viridescent Venerer set, found in the Valley of Remembrance Domain. While farming new artifacts can be time-consuming, this guide will let players know how to farm the domain effectively, and what artifacts to look for.


How to Farm Artifacts for Kazuha in Genshin Impact

Kazuha’s crowd control abilities make him most useful as a support unit. With his Anemo abilities, as well as the recent Elemental Mastery buff as of Genshin Impact’s 1.6 Update, a Viridescent Venerer set is perfect for him. This set increases swirl damage by 60%, and decreases the opponent’s elemental resistance to the element infused in the swirl by 40%.

To obtain this set, players will need to farm the Valley of Remembrance Domain, located in Mondstadt. The domain has one wave of enemies, featuring a Fatui Pyro Agent, a Fatui Electro Cicin Mage, and Cryo Potioneer Treasure Hoarders. The number of enemies can make this domain take long, so characters with great crowd control like Venti, Sucrose, or Kazuha are incredibly useful for taking on as many enemies at once.

The Ley Line Disorder of this domain increases Physical DMG dealt by all party members by 75%. This allows Physical DMG units like Eula, Razor, or a Physical build Keqing to output great damage. However, the enemies in this Domain don’t have specifically strong resistances to any particular element, so any strong team composition ought to work well even without a Physical DMG character.

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While most of Kazuha’s use comes from his utility in battle, good artifacts can allow him to deal fantastic additional damage alongside the Main DPS units of the party. As an Anemo character, high Elemental Mastery will allow any Swirl reactions to do big numbers, so EM should be a prioritized stat. Here’s the breakdown for which stats to prioritize for each artifact:

  • Feather: Main Stat: Flat ATK (unchangeable)
  • Flower: Flat HP (unchangeable)
  • Hourglass: Elemental Mastery or ATK%
  • Cup: Anemo DMG Bonus
  • Hat: Crit DMG/Rate or Elemental Mastery

If players are going to be using Kazuha to deal damage on the field with his weapon, they’re going to want artifacts with Crit Rate and Crit DMG sub stats. For players looking to use Kazuha just for their utility and to deal Swirl damage, Elemental Mastery should be prioritized as a sub stat. Besides these, ATK% and Energy Recharge are also additional sub stats to have.

If players are struggling to get good Viridescent Venerer artifacts, it’s important to remember that artifacts with good sub stats take priority over a 4-piece set of bad artifacts. Thus, a 2-piece Viridescent Venerer and 2-piece Noblesse Oblige set can work on Kazuha, giving him a Swirl damage bonus as well as an increased DMG bonus on his Elemental Burst. Players can also give him a 2-piece Wanderer’s Troupe, which grants +80 Elemental Mastery.

How players choose to build their character depends heavily on their style of play. For players with a C6 Kazuha, the new ability of Crimson Momiji allows him to function as a good DPS, so players can focus on different stats for their artifacts. No matter how players choose to use their Kazuha, his artifacts can make or break how he performs in-game. This guide should provide some guidance on how to save time when farming for Kazuha’s artifacts, and what artifacts to look out for.

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Genshin Impact is available now on PC, Mobile, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4.

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