One of the most iconic pieces of ghost hunting equipment is the Spirit Box, and in Ghost Hunters Corp, the Spirit Box can be used to gather evidence, identify the ghost, and understand what kind of exorcism is required. There are several different categories of equipment in Ghost Hunters Corp, including defensive and protective items, consumables, exorcism items, and evidence-gathering items. Evidence-gathering items include the EMF Reader, Thermometer, Automatic Writing Book, Spirit Box, and Entity Analyzer. The Spirit Box in Ghost Hunters Corp is one of several opportunities ghosts have to communicate directly with players.


Ghosts do not have to speak through the Spirit Box for players to gather Audio Proof in Ghost Hunters Corp. They can also speak freely in the house, which counts as another kind of evidence for the exorcism players must perform. Ghost Hunters Corp uses players’ microphones and voice recognition like Phasmophobia does to have the ghost interact with players. Asking the ghost questions can cause an audible response that will be picked up in the Spirit Box or house. Here’s how to use the Spirit Box in Ghost Hunters Corp and what the evidence gathered with it means.

How to Listen with the Spirit Box in Ghost Hunters Corp

The Spirit Box in Ghost Hunters Corp bears a lot of similarities to the Spirit Box in Phasmophobia. Players can turn it on, and the Spirit Box will cycle through radio frequencies. As players ask questions, they can sometimes hear the voice of the spirit through the Spirit Box. Players should note whether the voice comes from the Spirit Box or from the house, as these are logged differently as evidence and may change what players need to do to exorcise the ghost.

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To use the Spirit Box in Ghost Hunters Corp, players can either hold it in one of their hands or place it on the ground. They will need to ask the spirit questions. Good options include, “Can you hear me?” or, “Can you talk to me?” Players may need to repeat this question multiple times and in multiple rooms to ensure the ghost is close enough to answer. They will also want to check their in-game microphone settings to make sure their words are being picked up, or they may repeat the same questions endlessly without results.

If the ghost speaks, players will hear sounds, including garbled words, music, or laughing, coming from the box or from the environment. If there is no sound no matter how many times players use the Spirit Box and ask questions, it is possible audio proof is not a required evidence type for the ghost or mission.

Should players hear something when asking the ghost questions, there are three ways players may hear a response, corresponding to two possible kinds of exorcism. These include:

  • Spirit Box EVP: Garbled noise coming from the Spirit Box in response to a question; read from the Exorcism Book in the house without pausing.
  • Spirit Box Radio: Music or radio talking and channel-switching coming from the Spirit Box in response to a question; find a cursed object with the Occult Sniffer or a MEL-8G0 device, and destroy the cursed object with a Neutrino-Gun.
  • Voice in the House: Talking or laughing in the house without the Spirit Box; read from the Exorcism Book in the house without pausing.

Demons and Revenants are the most likely ghost types to have audio proof, though most ghost types can have some kind of vocal evidence. Players should log the gathered evidence on their tablet to show them all the required exorcism steps for that mission in one convenient spot. It will also allow them to get points and in-game currency for completing the mission and logging the evidence correctly.

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Typically, the Spirit Box in Ghost Hunters Corp is available starting at Level 1. Players can buy one for $120 from the Ghost Market if one is not already provided to them, if they lose one during a mission, or if they want extras to cover more ground on larger maps.

Ghost Hunters Corp is in Early Access and is available for PC.

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