Ghost of Tsushima has been absolutely torching the sales charts and lighting up critical acclaim since its recent release. In fact, it has sold faster than any first-party IP previously released on the PlayStation 4 (2.4 million units in three days), which speaks volumes about its excellence, artistry, and addictive gameplay.

No game is perfect however, and that means that internet memes will abound which poke fun at the funniest aspects of Ghost of Tsushima, and its development. Here are the ten funniest which are guaranteed to get the waterworks going!

10 Me, Myself And I

This is one of the more popular Ghost of Tsushima memes floating about. It pokes fun at the fact that three separate studios saw fit to release games based on Japanese history, with samurai at the forefront, all at the same time. It lampoons a classic Spider-Man episode by injecting a third into the mix in just the right position for laughs.

It’s isn’t rare to see similar games come out around the same launch window, but it is rare to see three-for-three, such as what happened here. It looks like Japan is getting a lot of love from game developers these days!

9 Singing The Bat-Blues

Arkham Asylum fans have been clamoring for a new title in the series, despite the critical slippage of Arkham Knight. To date, it’s one of the best (if not the best) superhero video game franchises around, but precious little intel exists to suggest that there’s a new title in the works.

This meme is for all those who feel that pain, and the mixture of clever gag and badly Photoshopped Batman mask only bump up the hilarity. Will Arkham fans successfully jump ship? The stealth mechanics of Ghost of Tsushima say ‘Yes,’ but that’s for them to decide.


8 Making Sense In A Senseless World

Ghost of Tsushima’s sprawling world environment is littered with a ton of Inari Shrines (49, to be exact) which unlock Charms and slots, so it’s best to go adventuring and find them all. One of the main ways is to search for various fox dens containing foxes that will guide to the shrine in question.

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The reward for finding all of these fox dens? Why, the Wolf of Tsushima mask, of course! It’s one of those wonderfully illogical moments that never quite stacks up, which makes this meme all the more funny.

7 Sucker Punched

The last time Sucker Punch fans got an Infamous title was way back in 2014. That’s a long time to wait, and with no indicators on the horizon as to a new installment, fans of the franchise must have felt hung out to dry at the announcement that Ghost of Tsushima was in production.

Much like this meme, in fact. What better way to sum up the feeling of being shined on like an old, used lamp than by using the Jean Grey/Cyclops/Wolvie love triangle as a visual metaphor? Whoever created this meme got it right, the first time. Snikt!

6 Tree Huggers Rejoice

This is one of the more hilarious memes out there, pointing out the urgency of the game’s quest line, and juxtaposing it against the immersive world that Ghost of Tsushima has to offer. When there’s an invasion to be had, naturally the first inclination is to stop and smell the roses, and pet the animals.

In fact, this meme could be applied to several other games of this type which focus heavily on open-world gameplay, where players can simply sit around and procrastinate all day long, without getting to the job at hand. Three cheers for lack of time limits.

5 The Hypocritic Oath

Admittedly, it is quite funny to see the difference in fan reaction to two AAA titles like Ghost of Tsushima and the recent Last Of Us, Part II, especially with both being released practically back to back. The Last Of Us, Part II had some serious shade thrown its way for the sudden, early offing of Joel, which enraged many fans and triggered a wave of review bombing.

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Ghost of Tsushima is the new kid on the block, without much in the way of story pedigree to entice gamers in, so this meme might be accurate, but it only tells a fraction of the story. We’ll see what happens when a sequel is announced (if that is in the cards), and gamer expectations are more demanding.

4 Will It Ever End?

Console wars are nothing new, and they’ve been going on since the late 1980s when Nintendo finally had a full-fledged competitor to their market dominance in the form of the Sega Genesis. When Sega dropped out of the hardware game, the next two titans to jump in the ring were Sony and Microsoft with the PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

It looks like we’re back to another dose of console rivalry, driven this time by exclusives. While the Xbox Series X is nothing to sneeze at, this meme does point out that Sony’s 20 minute gameplay demo for Ghost of Tsushima did, in fact steal the show. The recent 8 minute demo reveal of Halo Infinite seems to have signaled Microsoft’s retaliatory strike. What else do they have in the wings?

3 Missing The Bus

This meme is particularly hilarious, especially for Assassin’s Creed fans who have seen the franchise touch on so many historical eras, while completely ignoring Japanese history altogether. Fan demand for an AC game set in such an era has been noteworthy, which makes this meme so correct.

One can only imagine what Ubisoft was thinking when Ghost of Tsushima was revealed, and fan enthusiasm lifted off faster than a Tesla space launch. To set an Assassin’s Creed game in the Japanese historical era now would be too obvious, which leaves Ubisoft up the creek without a proverbial paddle.

2 “Save” Your Tears

A lot of gamers have become hung up on Ghost of Tsushima’s oddball saving and loading system, most notably during the main menu. The trouble stems from the confusing message “Do you want to save your current progress before loading? Unsaved progress will be lost.” This throws many players for a loop, and it’s hard to blame them.

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What the game is referencing is the loading of a manual save, which can throw out all the progress made via the game’s auto-save feature. A workout is to select “Continue” from the main menu, which starts players off with the most up to date auto-save.

1 Going Solo

This meme has a dual-purpose message which adds to the hilarity. Rainbow Six players will get a kick out of this one, especially if they have teammates too attracted to Ghost of Tsushima’s excellent stealth based mechanics. Coincidentally, that’s where the second gag comes into play.

Naturally, samurai weren’t exactly known for clandestine assassinations and other stealth-based ops such as striking from the cover of darkness in the middle of the night. That’s a ninja thing, which was largely frowned on in samurai culture. Honorable? No, this is definitely grey territory.

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