Ghost of Tsushima is arguably one of the most beautifully presented games of this console generation. The art direction of every corner of Tsushima is deeply curated and designed to immerse the player in this world. Players have trouble not being in awe during a good portion of this game.

Luckily, this game has a built-in Photo Mode. Photo Modes are almost a must for games that are released today. Games have become so detailed and amazing to look at, that not having one would be a crime. While Photo Mode is great, it can be confusing to use for players. Here’s how to use Photo Mode in Ghost of Tsushima.


Photo Mode in Ghost of Tsushima

Photo Mode is an option that can be found within the game’s menu. Press the ‘Options’ button and turn Photo Mode on to make the function available from the D-Pad in-game. Players can now select Photo Mode at any point outside of cutscenes. Use the PlayStation’s Capture button to take a picture.

When players open Photo Mode, they will be met with the following options:

  • Tracking Shot
  • Focal Length
  • Roll
  • Depth of Field
  • Focus Distance
  • Color Grading
  • Color Grading Intensity
  • Exposure Bias
  • Particles
  • Particle Intensity
  • Wind Speed
  • Wind Direction
  • Clouds
  • Time of Day
  • Weather
  • Animated Environment
  • Jin Emotion
  • Helmet/Mask
  • Cinema Bars
  • Stamp
  • Music

Using Photo Mode in Ghost of Tsushima

Tracking Shot, Focal Length, Roll, Depth of Field, and Focus Distance are all options that imitate a camera’s settings. Players can choose what type of shot they want to take and how much of the frame should be in focus. This is the most important part of the process to get right. Composing a great image is very hard to get wrong in this game because of how well put together everything in the game world is. Even without editing the other options, shots from these options will be great.

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Color Grading, Color Grading Intensity, Exposure Bias, Particles, and Particle Intensity are all based around adjusting the image quality to suit the player’s aesthetics. Players are given the option to switch to Kurosawa Mode for pictures if they choose. Color options and film grain can be added to the frame here.

Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Clouds, Time of Day, Weather, and Animated Environment are all about making the live scene as perfect as possible before capturing the photo. Players are given the option to adjust the lighting of the scene regardless of what time of day the live game is experiencing at the time. If the player has stumbled upon the perfect environment, but the weather is ruining the shot, that can be changed too.

Jin Emotion and Helmet/Mask adjust the player character so that they can fit the narrative of the photo. If players want to change Jin’s armor, they will need to leave photo mode and do so in the equipment menu.

Cinema Bars, Stamp, and Music are last-minute adjustments to the tone of the scene. These can be used to add branding to the shot or give the shot a more film-like quality.

Ghost of Tsushima is available on PlayStation 4.

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