While all of the residents who make up Stars Hollow are quirky, Kirk Gleason might be the most unique character on Gilmore Girls. He often acts more like a kid than an adult, idolizes both Lorelai and Luke, and lives at home with his mom for much of the series. It’s exciting to watch him move forward in his life, particularly when he starts a relationship with Lulu, and fans also enjoy watching Kirk hold onto random jobs throughout the show.

While Kirk can sometimes frustrate people, he’s still a huge part of the show, and there are many Gilmore Girls episodes where he really shines and fans get the chance to get to know him better.

10 Haunted Leg (S3, E2)

There are many confusing parts of Kirk’s character, and it’s easy to forget that at the beginning of the series, he has a big crush on Lorelai.

Season 3’s “Haunted Leg” is one of Kirk’s best episodes, as he asks Lorelai out on a date. She’s totally surprised by this and says no, and this seems like a turning point in their relationship, as after this point, she has a newfound appreciation for Kirk and the two have something approaching a friendship.

9 Teach Me Tonight (S2, E19)

In this season 2 episode, Jess and Rory get into a car accident and he faces a lot of judgment from the town, especially from Lorelai. This episode also has a memorable Kirk storyline as Lorelai is helping out with the Stars Hollow Movie Festival and upset that Taylor always wants to play The Yearling. Kirk made a short film that plays before the movie.

The movie is hilarious and strange and seems to have no meaning at all, although, at the same time, it works. It makes perfect sense that Kirk created it and it’s fun to see his artistic side come out. The movie is black and white and is very unnerving, as Kirk is clearly in distress and there are a lot of harsh looks, streetlights, and clocks in the story.


8 A Tale Of Poes And Fire (S3, E17)

Kirk is famous for having several jobs and in this season 3 episode, he has a new business venture: t-shirts.

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These aren’t just any t-shirts, of course; they are supposed to explain the big things that have happened in Stars Hollow. Kirk stands in Luke’s Diner and holds up one design that proclaims “babette ate oatmeal!” Kirk’s ideas are always quirky and random, and this fits perfectly with his personality, as he truly believes that people want to know an insignificant piece of news like this one. There is often no rhyme or reason to Kirk’s career ideas, but he seems to enjoy starting new projects and it’s a joy to watch him.

7 A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving (S3, E9)

In this season 3 episode, Lorelai and Rory attend Thanksgiving at the Kim house, and they end up enjoying four Thanksgiving meals in total.

This is also a great Kirk episode as he adopts a cat, and he decides that the best name for this cat is Kirk. He says that it’s easy enough because he can be called “human Kirk” and the animal can be “cat Kirk.” Kirk has a hard time with the cat’s bad behavior, which is really funny to watch.

6 Jews And Chinese Food (S5, E15)

Gilmore Girls fans know that Kirk lets out his inner child more than most people and he definitely loves the chance to express himself creatively.

He performs in the Stars Hollow production of Fiddler on the Roof in season 5, and this is a great episode that showcases this character’s innocent quality. Viewers get the chance to see him sing one song and he really gives it his all. It’s clear that being involved in the town means a lot to him.

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5 An Affair To Remember (S4, E6)

In the fourth season episode “An Affair To Remember,” Kirk has his first date with Lulu, and when he tells Lorelai about it, he calls it “an appointment to have dinner.” This is a memorable episode as Kirk is so naive and innocent that he thinks he can have dinner with Lulu at his mom’s house and it won’t be weird or awkward.

Lorelai helps him see that going to a restaurant is a better idea so the date takes place at Luke’s Diner. Luke is very sweet here, as he tells Kirk that Lulu likes him, and it really lifts Kirk’s spirits. The bond between these two characters is always special to see.

4 A Family Matter (S4, E12)

Since Kirk is a minor character on Gilmore Girls, he doesn’t always have big storylines, and he really shines in the smaller moments.

This is true of the opening scene of the fourth season episode “A Family Matter.” While there isn’t a lot of Kirk here, he does have a great scene with Lorelai when she calls Rory in a panic that all of the tables at Luke’s Diner are full. When she asks Kirk if she can sit with him, he says, “I have a girlfriend.” When she said that she wasn’t flirting with him, he said it was fine to sit there. This is a funny and charming exchange as Kirk can’t really read social cues properly.

3 Raincoats And Recipes (S4, E22)

This is a wonderful episode as Kirk talks about his “night terrors” to Luke and says, “Basically I freak out at beddy-bye. About an hour after I fall asleep, I wake up in panic. Everything around me seems threatening. Scary. Out to get me. Two nights ago, I was suddenly gripped with the overwhelming feeling that there was an assassin in my house.”

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Luke becomes fairly close to Kirk over the show’s run, and it’s always moving to see them talking. Luke knows that Kirk is socially awkward but he cares about him and helps him out a lot.

2 To Live and Let Diorama (S5, E19)

Paris and Rory bond in many scenes and this season 5 episode is memorable because of Paris, Rory, and Lane drinking Founder’s Day Punch together. It also has a perfectly crafted Kirk scene.

In this hilarious episode, Kirk sleeps over at Lorelai’s house, and he acts like a child and she acts like his parent. Lorelai gets mad when he wants to watch TV without eating all his cereal first and she says, “Finish your breakfast first. Kirk. Do not turn that TV on,” and, of course, that’s exactly what he does. This is a light-hearted scene between two characters who have strong personalities and great comedic timing.

1 Winter (A Year In The Life, E1)

The revival isn’t a perfect companion to the original show, but fans do get some Kirk, and it’s nice to see where he has ended up.

In the first episode of the revival A Year in the Life, Kirk has a business called Ooober and he drives Lorelai to Friday Night Dinner. The drive is a disaster, of course, and Kirk ends up staying for the meal. It’s fascinating seeing Kirk in this fancy environment as he definitely isn’t used to sitting down for such an elegant dinner.

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