Dean and Rory’s relationship began in the first episode of Gilmore Girls when they met at Stars Hollow high before Rory transferred to Chilton. Although they didn’t know one other, they were drawn to each other and had crushes from afar. It wasn’t until Rory’s dance at Chilton when they became officially an item.

With Dean being Rory’s first love, they were bound to suffer the ups and downs of teenagehood. They fought, broke up a few times, engaged in an affair… All the while, fans couldn’t help but root for Dean and Rory while kicking Jess and Logan to the curb. Fans took their feelings to Reddit to dissect why they were Team Dean over Team Jess and Logan.

10 Dean Put More Into His Relationship Than He Got Out Of It

Reddit agrees that first love relationships rarely work out because the individuals involved are typically young and naive. The same can be said for Rory and Dean. In this instance, one fan noted that Dean put more into the relationship than he got out.

He went out of his way to make a good impression on Lorelai, he put all the effort in to make time for Rory, and he was creative with his gifts. It’s one of the saddest parts about Dean that he gave and gave and rarely received. Even though Dean was so young, he tried making Rory happy.

9 Dean And Rory Had The Best Communication

Compared to Rory’s relationships with Jess and Logan, she had wonderful communication with Dean. Rory was always guessing with Jess and didn’t know where he was half the time. Likewise, Rory and Logan misunderstood each other countless times while at Yale.

Dean and Rory hit the sweet spot of knowing what the other needed and talking it through. They knew what to expect from each other and called each other often to check-in or confirm/cancel dates.


8 He Knew Rory Needed Something More

Some fans think the writers did Dean dirty. He started the series off as a guy who seemed well matched for Rory, but this synergy faded with time. Regardless of Dean and Rory’s differing interests, Dean knew what Rory needed even if it meant he wasn’t involved.

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On the night that Dean broke up with Rory after the Yale alumni event at Richard and Emily’s, he saw that their lives were going in different directions and knew that Rory deserved something more. He let her go quietly, knowing that his time in her life was up. He also knew she had to reach her full potential at college and never tried to get her to stay behind. Dean knew Rory had so much to learn at Yale and wanted that for her.

7 He Was As Good As First Boyfriends Could Go

As far as first loves are concerned, Dean was as good as it got. Sure, Rory had hiccups with her first beau thanks to Tristan but that was par for the course for new couples. Dean respected Rory’s boundaries, never tried to force her to do things she wasn’t comfortable with, and the two learned a lot about life from each other.

They were both their own individuals who grew with each other. What more could Rory (or Lorelai) want for in a first boyfriend?

6 His Jealousy Of Jess Was Understandable

Team Jess fans loved the fact that he ruffled Dean’s feathers because they wanted Rory to dump Dean for Jess. And during this time, Dean picked up on the notion that Jess and Rory were crushing on each other even though he was dating Rory. Knowing that his girlfriend was falling for someone else and that Jess wasn’t the best influence, Dean acted out of fear, which was understandable.

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Could fans blame him? Some of Dean’s jealous tendencies are not warranted but he didn’t want to lose his relationship and knew he was slowly losing her.

5 Dean Was The Only One Lorelai Liked

Lorelai didn’t like Dean at the start, but that was only because he was her daughter’s first crush. She was nervous for her daughter as any mother would be. However, the more she got to know Dean, the more she respected him. When Rory and Dean eventually broke up, Lorelai seemed more upset than Rory that the relationship was over.

That emotion multiplied when Rory began dating Jess and later, Logan. Dean fans liked that Lorelai cared while other fans thought it was problematic that Lorelai was too hard on Rory’s other boyfriends.

4 He Didn’t Let The Pressure Of The Town Get To Him

When Dean first started daring Rory, he was warned by multiple townspeople that Rory was special and wasn’t like the other girls in town. This kind of news annoyed Jess and made him resent the town, but the opposite happened for Dean.

Dean wasn’t scared that all eyes were on him and pursued Rory anyway. He wasn’t just a hard worker at Doose’s Market, he was a hard worker in love too.

3 Dean Had More Respect For Rory Compared To Jess And Logan

When it comes to the topic of respect, Reddit is torn on which boyfriend respected Rory the most. Dean respected Rory at the beginning before becoming more anxious and worrisome about their relationship, Jess ignored Rory’s personal boundaries at Max’s party, and Logan slept with his sister’s friends without completely breaking up with Rory.

Among the three, however, Dean had the most respect for Rory. He never forced her to do anything she didn’t want in the relationship, he wanted her to hear it from him that he was getting married to Lindsay, and he told her at the start of their relationship about his intentions and apologized if he was too strong. Rory’s comfortability was his priority.

2 It Took Rory Dating Jess To Realize How Good She Had It With Dean

Rory and Jess had a strong attraction to each other that was strong enough to break Dean and Rory up. But Jess and Rory’s relationship was never as smooth as her relationship with Dean.

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Dean reminds Rory that Jess treats her like trash and that if she should be mad at anyone, she should be mad at herself. The hits kept coming when Jess continued being distant and Rory lied about her happiness to her mom. After she and Jess ended, she admitted to Lane that she never felt safer and valued than when she was with Dean.

1 Dean’s Family Hangouts

Due to Lorelai and Rory’s bond, Rory theoretically should have stayed with someone who her mom approved of. It’s hard to imagine Rory, Lorelai, and Jess, or Logan going to a Bangles concert together or going to the movies.

Dean, on the other hand, hung out with Lorelai and Rory regularly and enjoyed his time with them, making him the perfect boyfriend for Rory.

NextThe Vampire Diaries: Elena’s 10 Wisest Quotes

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