Christopher Hayden made his first appearance in ‘That Damn Donna Reed’ when he showed up in Stars Hollow to reconnect with Rory. It was viewers’ first real look at the intense relationship between Christopher and Lorelai, and the start of many dramatic storylines. Since that episode, Christopher tried clawing his way back into Lorelai’s life, but it wasn’t as easy as he thought.

Over time, Christopher’s desires and personality became endlessly needy. He only wanted to spend time with Rory while trying to win Lorelai back (or when Sherry made him) and he became whiny when he didn’t get his way on  Gilmore Girls. Christopher wasn’t a bad guy per se, but he sure was needy.

10 He Wanted To Make Kids With Lorelai Without Talking It Over

As usual, Lorelai dove headfirst into a serious relationship without talking about anything serious. After she and Christopher got married, he woke her up in the middle of the night and told her they should “make a baby.” Caught off guard, Lorelai abruptly turned down the idea. This offended Christopher and he took it out on her when looking at venus for a possible wedding reception. While in an argument, Christopher threw their fight in front of Emily just to rub salt in the wound for Lorelai.

9 He Begged Rory To Skip Classes For The Day

In “Women of Questionable Morals,” Christopher showed up unannounced at Rory’s dorm. At this point in the series, Rory wanted nothing to do with her father after he abandoned them yet again for Sherry and  Gigi.

Christopher asked Rory out to breakfast but when she declined because of class, he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He acted like Rory was six years old with no responsibilities. She had no choice but to snap at him because she already had an entire day planned with school. His eagerness and pushiness to get Rory to play hooky were beyond irritating.


8 He Showed Up To Friday Night Dinner Unannounced

Lorelai and Rory were devastated when Christopher turned his back on them when Sherry found out she was pregnant. As soon as something better came along, he hopped at the opportunity to do it. Although he told Lorelai and Rory that he wasn’t going anywhere, he left.

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The Gilmore ladies ignored Christopher from then on because of their heartbreak. And when Lorelai ignored his many calls, he showed up in a fit of rage at Emily and Richard’s because he knew Lorelai and Rory would be there for dinner. Time and time again, Chris reacted like a child when Lorelai or Rory said no to him.

7 He Was Mad Loreali Drank Luke’s Coffee

Lorelai needed time to heal and grow after her breakup from Luke, and Chris rushed her. Because of his jealousy of Luke, Lorelai felt like she couldn’t go to Luke’s Diner like she usually did.

In one scene, Sookie stopped by Lorelai’s house with coffee from Luke’s. She knew how badly Lorelai missed that coffee. But as soon as Christopher entered the room and found out that the coffee his wife was drinking was Luke’s, a sour face came over him and he refused to drink another sip. Now, Lorelai couldn’t go to Luke’s and she couldn’t even drink Luke’s coffee because of her husband’s resentful feelings.

6 He Begged Lorelai To Marry Him

While watching the Parisian sunrise, Christopher asked Lorelai to marry him. The look on Lorelai’s face said it all: she was happy at the moment and wanted to be present, but that didn’t mean getting married. Christopher told her he changed his mind and didn’t want to wait for her anymore — he wanted to get married now. After everything they’d been through, Lorelai felt like she couldn’t say no. Despite all the red flags, she married him because his relentlessness was impossible to escape.

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5 Did He Really Think Logan Was Going To Ask Him For Rory’s Hand?

At Rory’s graduation party, it was the first time Lorelai and Christopher were seeing each other since ending their marriage. Things were civil but when Lorelai gave Chris a heads up that Logan asked her for Rory’s hand in marriage, Chris froze. “You know, you hear about people asking the father..” he said to her. Yet again, instead of communicating about this huge life decision in their daughter’s life, Christopher made it about him and his hurt feelings.

4 He Wanted To Go Everywhere Lorelai Went

When Lorelai wanted to run some errands around town, Christopher begged to go with her. She used every excuse in the book to make him stay at home while she perused Stars Hollow but he wouldn’t accept it. He felt like she was hiding him from the town and he wanted to run errands with her. In reality, Stars Hollow was Lorelai’s happy place; she needed some alone time to do her own thing. Christopher wouldn’t accept that and wound up following her around Stars Hollow.

3 He Was Whiny When Lorelai Didn’t Want To Move

To be fair, Lorelai wasn’t willing to change her home life for any man. Whether it was Max, Luke, or Christopher, Lorelai didn’t consider their thoughts when it came to where they wanted to live. She loved her home and didn’t want to leave it. So when Christopher wanted to move homes, switch Rory’s room for Gigi’s, and redo all of her Christmas festivities, it became too much for Lorelai. His impulsiveness at home did not mesh with Lorelai and it stressed her out.

2 He Ruined Emily & Richard’s Vow Renewal

When Lorelai speaks, Christopher ignores her and talks over her in a way where she is so tired of his complaining that she gives in or walks away. This is what he did at Emily and Richard’s vow renewal when he refused to back down from pursuing a relationship with her. Despite her being happy with Luke, Chris kept poking the bear until everyone erupted.

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1 His Reasons For Having A Wedding With Lorelai

The one thing Lorelai loved about Christopher was that he knew how to handle her parents. It was usually them snickering behind Emily and Richard’s backs, agreeing that the Gilmores were ridiculous. That changed in season 7.

Emily wanted to throw a reception of sorts to celebrate Lorelai and Christopher’s marriage. Lorelai was totally against it and didn’t want to say vows, etc… Christopher snapped and, for once, agreed with Emily. He now wanted this big celebration to parade their love, which made Lorelai feel bad because of his endless need to show off their relationship.

NextThe Vampire Diaries: The 10 Most Powerful Objects And Talismans, Ranked

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