With his love of Luke’s Diner and odd personality, Kirk Gleason is a Gilmore Girls staple who is just as familiar to fans as the pop culture references and many cups of coffee. Kirk does his own thing and if people think that he’s strange, he doesn’t really seem to notice.

When appearing on Scott Patterson’s podcast “I Am All In,” actor Sean Gunn called Kirk a “man child,” and that does explain his character’s motivations and actions. Kirk has a love of life and childlike manner, and he’s unapologetic about going after his dreams. While Kirk was intriguing from the start, he improved as a character throughout Gilmore Girls.

10 He Moved Out Of His Mom’s House

When Gilmore Girls began, Kirk still lived at home and he was very attached to his mom and invested in her life. This is one of the things that made him seem a bit odd, and it was clear that the townspeople struggled to understand why he wouldn’t move out.

Kirk improved as a character once he made the decision to go out on his own. He moved out in the season 5 episode “Pulp Friction,” although he didn’t rent an apartment or find a house. Instead, he slept in Luke’s boat in Lorelai’s garage. This was classic Kirk, and doesn’t even seem that odd given the rest of his storylines.

9 He Bonded With Luke

Luke grew a lot as a character on Gilmore Girls, becoming less grumpy as time went on but still maintaining his cynical view of the world which fans had come to expect from him.

Besides sharing a sweet romance with Lorelai, Luke was also kind to Kirk and the two began to bond more and more. This helped Kirk grow as a person, as he knew that he had someone in his corner. Kirk also seemed to go to Luke’s Diner every day, as he was comfortable there and he liked being around the other Stars Hollow resident.


8 He Began A Relationship With Lulu

There are countless reasons why Luke’s Diner is so great, and it was also the setting of Lulu and Kirk’s first date. Kirk realized that they should go to a restaurant and since he didn’t seem to leave town much, if at all, it was only logical that he would plan at a night at Luke’s.

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Kirk also improved as a character through his relationship with Lulu, as this gave him confidence and a sense of security. He hadn’t felt that good about himself before, and there was a clear difference once they began seeing each other. Their relationship was always sweet and innocent and they seemed to really like each other.

7 He Continued To Pursue His Business Dreams

Kirk had a long list of jobs on the show and he seemed to really enjoy working for himself. While he didn’t seem to make much money from the products or services that he offered, he definitely deserves some credit for trying his best, putting himself out there, and pursuing his dreams.

His ideas might have annoyed the other characters at times, but he did what he could to make himself a success. Kirk became more compelling and entertaining when he shopped his ideas around town instead of only working for other people.

6 He Became A Bigger Part Of Stars Hollow

At the beginning of the series, Kirk seemed like a strange person who might not get along with the rest of the residents of his town, but as time went on, he became a crucial part of the community.

Kirk made t-shirts with town news on them, he made a short film, and he participated in town festivals and performances. Viewers could tell that the other characters really appreciated Kirk’s love for the town and his willingness to do odd jobs or help out when needed. This made him seem like a much nicer person.

5 He Felt Ready To Take Care Of A Pet

In season 3, Kirk started taking care of a pet, a cat who he named “Kirk” and that the townspeople affectionately referred to as cat Kirk.

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While this was definitely another example of his offbeat personality, it also proved that he was growing up, becoming more mature and responsible, and improving as a character. Kirk was able to take care of something other than himself and it was great to see.

4 He Was Financially Responsible And Wanted To Buy A House

Luke dreamed of buying the Twickham House for him and Lorelai, and Kirk decided that he wanted it, too.

While it was funny to see these two characters compete, it was also great to see Kirk in a place in his life where he could move forward and purchase a property. He said that he had saved up $250,000 and that he didn’t spend much money at all so he could do this. Luke was the one who bought the house, but it still mattered that Kirk gave it his all.

3 He Became Comfortable Being Vulnerable

Luke’s advice on Gilmore Girls was mixed, but when someone needed him, he was always there. It was a surprising quality to see in him since he had always seemed too negative and cranky to lend a helping hand.

When Kirk shared with Luke that he had “night terrors,” he was totally vulnerable, and thankfully, Luke assisted him and didn’t laugh or judge him. This was a huge deal for Kirk, as at this point in his character development, he was able to be honest instead of wondering what people would think of him.

2 He Was An Outcast But Kept Winning Sometimes

Dean and Rory broke up for the second time at the Stars Hollow dance-a-thon, which was a super dramatic moment. But this season 3 episode was also a big one for Kirk.

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While Lorelai wanted to beat Kirk since she was tired of how Kirk always won, the conflict between Rory and Dean ruined Rory and Lorelai’s chances, and Kirk was the champion once again. He always did a hilarious victory lap, as he was thrilled to be the winner. While Kirk was shown to be an outcast of sorts on the show, he did win at times, and this helped him become a better person over the years. For most, winning can make them conceited, but Kirk needed some confidence and a boost.

1 He Became A Good Friend To Lorelai

Kirk had a crush on Lorelai, but once it was obvious that nothing would happen, he seemed to take it really well and maturely. The two characters then became pals and they interacted quite a bit over the years.

While Lorelai gave Kirk some tips about dating and other parts of life, Kirk was always willing to be there for Lorelai, too, as he was loyal and would support anyone who he cared about. It was sweet to see this friendship get deeper.

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