Netflix’s Ginny & Georgia revolves around the complex relationship between the titular mother and daughter. Georgia and her two kids move to a small town in Massachusetts from Texas after the death of Georgia’s second husband. But nothing is as easy as it seems. Georgia’s secret past chases them wherever they go as Ginny ties finding herself.

With Ginny being in a new school, she was shocked to make friends so quickly. Max, Abby, and Norah (also known as MAN) opened their arms to her and welcomed her into their group, which was then called MANG. Before MANG fell apart by the series finale, they had some incredible moments that viewers loved watching.

10 Sophmore Sleepover

The Sophomore Sleepover was an exciting event held at MANG’s high school. It was exactly what it sounds like, an entire night dedicated to the sophomores where they slept over at the school. Ginny didn’t realize how big of a deal it was to MANG but it was a chance to be up all night with friends and crushes alike.

MANG rolled up to the school in personalized t-shirts and danced the night away with their friends. As always, drama ensued but the group of girls had a fun time.

9 Halloween Night

By the time Halloween rolled around, MANG was closer than ever. After pondering what to be for Halloween, they finally agreed that they would each dress as Britney Spears.

Each member of the group dressed as their favorite version of Britney and dropped jaws at the Halloween party. Seeing them plan their big reveal and create an iconic entrance that would make Britney herself jealous, transported viewers back to their youth.


8 Battle Of The Bands

MANG had a group of guy friends they also liked to hang out with. Norah and Ginny’s boyfriends, Jordan and Hunter, were a part of this group, which made things more fun when they got together.

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With a few of the guys being in a band together, they entered a Battle of the Bands competition, which MANG happily attended together. During the concert, Hunter sang a song for Ginny that stopped the girls in their tracks. The song was a love ballad and basically went viral. MANG huddled together as Ginny stood in awe at her boyfriend singing to her.

7 An X-Rated Educational Moment

MANG liked to get together at Max’s house after school and hang out. In one scene, the girls began searching X-rated websites for fun to learn a few things about what happens in the bedroom. As young and inexperienced as they are, they found every video hilariously appalling.

Seeing them giggle and talk about sex freely proved how comfortable MANG was with each other. They never had to worry about one of them judging the others.

6 Bonding Over Makeup…

Ginny never had close friends until she moved to Wellsbury and met MANG. Everything girly was foreign to Ginny until she became close with the girls.

In one scene, Max, Norah, and Abby were all standing in front of the bathroom mirror doing their makeup. Ginny watched them in awe, fascinated over the masks women wear to cover up their true selves. Adorably, doing makeup with girlfriends in the high school bathroom goes hand in hand with the teenage girl experience. It was sweet to see them learn new tricks and borrow each other’s makeup before going their separate ways.

5 …And The Makeup Makeover

While the girls were in the bathroom putting on makeup, Norah realized that none of their makeup matched Ginny’s skin tone. The small issue made MANG uncomfortable and led to an upsetting scene. To make up for how they treated Ginny, Norah and Abby showed up to Ginny’s house with a plethora of new makeup to play with — all in Ginny’s shade. The girls apologized to Ginny for not always being kind and they wanted to make up for it by showing her how to do her makeup (especially before a date with Hunter). Ginny found the gesture surprising but appreciated their efforts

4 Moments Under Berry Tree

When Max introduced Ginny to Abby and Norah, she begged them to be nice to her. Ginny was different than the other girls. To make Ginny feel more comfortable, they showed her where they hung out in the hallway in between classes. Each hallway had a different area for the “type” of a student, and the sophomores could be found by “berry tree.” Their moments under berry tree were some of the most relatable for fellow high school students.

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3 Abby Comes Through For Ginny

Abby and Ginny were never the closest two friends in MANG. Abby was dealing with a lot of personal issues at home and wasn’t willing to allow someone new to come into the one part of her life that she cherished. However, one of the sweetest moments between the two was when they were practicing for Spanish class together underneath berry tree.

Ginny was distracted with family issues and confided in Abby. Abby suggested that Ginny’s brother Austin see a therapist. She then went ahead and scheduled an appointment with one of her parents because they were therapists themselves. It was one of their best moments together.

2 When Max Embarrasses Herself With Sophie

After drinking too much at the Halloween party, Max ended up embarrassing herself in front of her crush, Sophie. She was mortified and didn’t know how to approach Sophie to apologize. No movie could teach Max how to act around a crush.

While under berry tree, Max had a relatable moment when she asked her friends to see if Sophie was nearby and looking at her. As they slowly turned their heads to look at Sophie, they let Max know that Sophie was busy elsewhere. It was a classic high school moment.

1 Ginny’s Birthday

For Ginny’s 16th birthday, the girls surprised her by decorating berry tree with streamers, balloons, and signs. Ginny never had close friends before, so this was a special moment for her. To make the matter cuter, her boyfriend did a special dance for her in the hallway with fellow classmates. Seeing everyone celebrate Ginny in such a public way was memorable and touching for her.

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