Glee and Friends are series with a lot in common: iconic in their time with huge audience followings yet in the years since the series ended they have aged quite poorly. Despite the generational differences between the series, the characters within the shows can correlate to each other in a lot of ways. Out of the obvious that Glee and Friends both had main characters named Rachel.

Despite the shady things characters in both series did over the overs, the characters of Glee and Friends remain quite beloved amongst their respective audiences. It’s no surprise that these characters would have hung out if both of the series were set in the same universe.


Quinn – Emily

Quinn became the notorious mean girl in Glee, full of complicated emotions that led to her making mistakes. She is much like Emily from Friends with her hard-headed personality and underlining manipulative behavior.

Quinn was a jealous girlfriend. In order to protect her feelings, she often came across as bossy and demanding. Quinn and Emily set guidelines and restrictions in their relationships and refused to budge on them. Even though they both had inner emotions they struggled with, their outward manipulative reactions often led to conflicts in their relationships, leaving them alone.

Terri – Janice

Terri and Janice are both exes that show a self-absorbed and shallow personalities. Ultimately, they would do anything to keep a dying relationship alive. Although both showed little moments of compassion, they were more notorious for their nagging behaviors.

Much like Janice from Friends, Terri refused to let go of a relationship that wasn’t working and found ways to manipulate the situation. She was willing to lie about pregnancy to keep Will with her, making her one of the most hated characters in the show. Even though Janice never did something to that quite extreme, she often manipulated Chandler’s feelings to get him to change his mind.

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Blaine – Mike

Blaine was a character on Glee who constantly proved to be a patient and compassionate individual, despite some things about him that didn’t make sense. Much like Mike from Friends, he was a strong supporting character that backed up his partner in their relationship.

Blaine and Mike were both in relationships with eccentric people with who they shared interests, despite their more flamboyant personalities. Although there were rough spots in both characters’ relationships, they were patient with their loved ones and passionate about fixing things in the end. Blaine, like Mike, was an outwardly optimistic person but with insecurities that subtly affected their relationships with others.

Artie – Ross

Artie and Ross shared nerdy and awkward personalities that often made them feel like outsiders within their groups, but they are two of the most intelligent and loyal characters.

Much like Ross from Friends, Artie has a sensitive side, not liking being looked down on. Artie and Ross are both smart people that are often teased for displaying their vast knowledge of random topics that others might deem ‘nerdy.’ Despite being awkward individuals, they are passionate about standing up for themselves and their friends when needed.

Brittany – Phoebe

Brittany was a lot like Phoebe with her eccentric behavior and fun-loving disposition. Both come across as air-headed and ditsy yet are very insightful and emotional individuals.

Phoebe’s character, much like Brittany, often came across as naive because of her excitable and carefree attitude toward everything around her, which sometimes resulted in her getting into sticky situations. Despite their naivety, they are the most enduring, compassionate characters. They are always there for people and willing to defend them at any cost.

Emma – Monica

Emma and Monica not only shared an OCD for cleanliness but also a motherly instinct to help others and make sure they were cared for. They both proved that they are willing to defend their beliefs and values.

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Emma was the perfect guidance counselor in Glee. She was selfless and empathetic, and ready to help in any way that she could. Similarly, Monica always cared for others, such as letting Rachel live with her, making sure everyone’s holiday traditions were included, and providing food for everyone. Even though they were so attentive to others’ needs, they had morals and values that they were unwilling to put aside. They were willing to defend themselves or others even if they did it with shaking hands.

Sam – Joey

Sam and Joey were both known for being somewhat self-absorbed and honestly not the brightest characters in their series. However, they are passionate about their friends and fulfilling their dreams.

At first glance, Sam and Joey could both come across as selfish, pretty boys. Upon closer examination, they both are two big softies. Their interactions and care for others are evidence that they are highly compassionate individuals. While Sam is not quite as confident in his flirting abilities, unlike Joey. He is a bit of a womanizer due to his charismatic personality and attractiveness. Despite being a little unaware and dim, they are talented characters willing to put in the work to succeed.

Will – Chandler

Will had a lot of similarities to Chandler and not just because of the sweater vests. They both are quick-witted individuals, willing to do anything to avoid failure and embarrassment. Both look for a grounded and secure lifestyle with the people that they love. There were also some things that fans hated about the characters as well.

Like Chandler, Will is oblivious to others’ manipulations and misuse, often allowing people to take advantage of him. They both were willing to do anything to avoid embarrassing themselves, such as Chandler boarding a plane to Yemen and Will blackmailing people into joining the glee club.

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Kurt – Rachel

Kurt and Rachel were determined individuals passionate about their goals and interests. Despite being somewhat snobby and jealous, they were known to put others’ needs before their own when it counted.

Kurt was passionate about fashion and appearance, much like Rachel from Friends. They both were determined to make it a successful career for themselves and were willing to do whatever it took. Even though they could appear snobbish, they cared about people’s opinions of them and were willing to put others’ needs before their own when it counted—Kurt stepping down from solos or Rachel turning down her dream job to be with Ross.

Rachel – Jill

Rachel had very similar characteristics to Jill from Friends. Despite Jill not being the main character, unlike Rachel, they both are self-entitled divas willing to do whatever they need to get what they want.

Rachel, although extremely talented, came across as self-absorbed and always expected the best for herself. During her time on Friends, Jill showed very similar characteristics with her bratty behavior and manipulation of others to get what she wanted. When they didn’t get what they wanted, they both were often confused why it didn’t go their way and missed the reality of the situation, such as Jill assuming Ross was gay because he broke up with her or Rachel questioning her ability when someone else was given a solo.

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