Many fantasy anime feature powerful monsters, but few are as vicious as the monsters in Goblin Slayer. The dark fantasy anime features a host of powerful creatures and does not pull any punches when it comes to depicting their ferocity and cruelty.

Goblin Slayer and his party of fellow adventurers battle hordes of goblins over the course of the series, but they also face off against a number of even more sinister monsters. From the powerful goblin champions to wickedly intelligent goblin lords, Goblin Slayer features some of the most terrifying monsters in any dark fantasy anime.

10 Goblins

In most fantasy anime, the main characters make quick work of low-level monsters like goblins. Goblins are depicted as mere fodder for the protagonists, simple obstacles that are easily overcome as the characters fight their way towards the truly powerful monsters.

Goblin Slayer is unique in that it allows these monstrous anime villains to be more than mere cannon fodder. In the first episode, Priestess’s party of new adventures is completely overwhelmed by the cunning goblins who use their numbers and the environment to seize the advantage and pick off the party members one by one.

9 Hobgoblin

More physically powerful than ordinary goblins, hobgoblins are the brute enforcers of goblin hordes. What they lack in brains they more than compensate for in brawn. They stand as tall as full-grown human adventurers, but they are much thicker and more powerful.

When Priestess and her party of new adventurers go to clear out the goblin cave in the first episode, they prove they are capable of facing the goblins one-on-one. Fighter is even able to hold off several goblins at once, but she is easily overpowered by the stronger hobgoblin. The creature shrugs off her powerful kicks, which indicates it is more than a match for low-ranked adventurers.


8 Goblin Shaman

The goblin shamans are the priests of the goblin world. Although goblins are instinctively territorial and not known for their loyalty, goblin shamans engender a certain level of respect from their goblin kin, which frequently leads to them becoming leaders of small nests of the vicious creatures.

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While not as powerful as the larger hobgoblins, they possess more intelligence, which allows them to come up with basic strategies. The shaman that Priestess and her party encounter in the first episode is smart enough to direct the goblins under him to set traps inside their cave, and he could even command his fellow monsters to carry out cunning tactics involving stealth and flanking attacks.

7 Giant Alligator

Sword Maiden is a former party member of the previous Hero and is capable of wielding powerful magic. One of her abilities grants her the power to form a pact with a familiar, a magical creature that must follow her every command.

Her familiar is a giant white alligator, and, while not technically a monster, the beast is truly terrifying. Sword Maiden sets the creature loose in the sewers below Water Town and tasks it with clearing out the hordes of goblins living there in the maze of tunnels. The alligator is strong enough to destroy an entire fleet of goblin boats, and even Goblin Slayer and his party avoid a direct confrontation with the familiar.

6 Goblin Champion

Goblin champions are the elite warriors in goblin society. They are considered heroes by their monstrous brethren and exert great influence upon their followers. Strong and powerful even compared to hobgoblins, they are capable of taking down even seasoned adventurers.

Goblin Slayer and his fellow adventures first encounter a goblin champion in the sewers under Water Town. The champion is intelligent enough to lay a poison trap for the adventurers and leads a band of well-organized goblins. The goblin champion initially overwhelms Goblin Slayer in a one-on-one duel, and the veteran adventurer is only able to later defeat the champion by burying it and its fellow goblins under an avalanche of rocks.

5 Sewer Demon

Many anime feature demons as powerful monstrous races, and Goblin Slayer is no exception. Demons appear in many shapes and forms, and, while they are not the primary antagonists of the series, their presence is greatly felt. They manipulate events from the shadows, sowing discord that allows monsters like goblins to capitalize on the chaos and wreak further damage on the civilized races.

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In the sewers beneath Water Town, Goblin Slayer and his party encounter one such demon tasked with guarding a mirror that acts as a portal to the green moon, the home of the goblin race. Resembling a beholder, a classic monster with many eyes, the demon is capable of shooting powerful rays of energy that disintegrate everything they touch. Only by filling the demon’s lair with flour and causing a massive explosion are the adventurers able to defeat the powerful monster.

4 Ogre

For their first mission together as a party, Goblin Slayer and his fellow adventurers go to investigate some Elven ruins rumored to be occupied by goblins. It’s there that they encounter a small army of goblins under the command of an Ogre.

The Ogre is a towering monster, over twice as tall as a normal human and much more physically powerful. In addition to its powerful body and cunning intellect, it can also use high-level spells, which makes it more than a match for even silver-level adventurers such as Goblin Slayer. All looks to be lost for the party until Goblin Slayer pulls out his trump card, a magic scroll that shoots a torrent of water at the Ogre and weakens it enough for Goblin Slayer to deliver a killing blow.

3 Goblin Paladin

In the film Goblin Slayer: Goblin’s Crown, Goblin Slayer and his party are tasked with finding a missing group of adventurers led by Divine Fencer. Their quest leads them to an abandoned Dwarven fortress that is now ruled by an army of goblins. The goblins are led by a goblin paladin, a powerful monster that is capable of controlling his horde and overriding their basic instincts.

The goblin paladin is one of the most horrifying monsters in the anime. On par with gold-rank adventurers, it possesses both great physical strength and cunning. With its brand, it can override the basic instincts of its lesser brethren and command them to carry out cunning maneuvers. Goblin Slayer is ultimately able to defeat the paladin, but it’s a hard-won fight.

2 Goblin Lord

Every once in a while a goblin of exceptional skill and cunning emerges. These goblins are referred to as goblin lords, and they are considered to be the most powerful and dangerous creatures in the goblin race with strength equal to platinum-ranked monsters.

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At the end of the first season, Goblin Slayer detects the presence of an army number over 100 goblins outside Cow Girl’s farm. He deduces that the army is led by a goblin lord and entreats his fellow adventurers to help him fight the goblin army. The goblin lord’s forces prove to be no match in the battle against the combined adventurers, but the lord himself proves to be a difficult opponent. Goblin Slayer is unable to defeat the lord in single combat, and only after Priestess traps the lord inside her protection spell is he able to slay the foul creature.

1 Demon Lord

In the world of Goblin Slayer, one creature reigns supreme as the most powerful of all monsters. This is the Demon Lord, the ruler of all demons who returns frequently to terrorize the other races a the head of his demon army.

Little is known about the Demon Lord or his abilities, but he is undoubtedly the most powerful villain in the anime. Only the Hero, a platinum-ranked adventurer and the strongest warrior in the realm, possesses enough strength to stand against the Demon Lord. During the series, the current Hero defeats the current Demon Lord and its army, so fans may never get to see it in combat. But, if there’s one thing fans have learned in Goblin Slayer, it’s that nothing is certain when it comes to adventuring.

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