The God of War series has built a rich narrative and an increasingly complex world over the years, with well-developed characters delivering unforgettable lines throughout the games. Beyond GoW’s many side quests and brutal boss fights, there are moving scenes of betrayal and reconciliation. Fans of the series are not just in it for the impressive gameplay, but also for its brilliant storytelling.

While those who played 2018’s God of War might still occasionally be shouting “Boy!” with their friends, there are some more serious moments in this game and its prequels that are just as memorable. The most profound lines in the games reflect the characters’ fears, struggles, and stories. They are said during emotional cutscenes that most fans will likely never forget.

8 Kratos: “A Choice From The Gods Is As Useless As The Gods Themselves.”

After Kratos reluctantly joins the gods he despises in Olympus, the events of God of War 2 quickly escalate into a brutal fight between the protagonist and his own father, Zeus. For Zeus, Kratos is a threat to his kind an irresponsible god of war who is undeserving of his power.

According to his father, Kratos could’ve lived among their pantheon, but his lack of respect ultimately lead to his demise. This is an ironic statement, considering the gods themselves have shown they have little respect for others, whether they’re humans or deities. Despite being stabbed by the Sword of Olympus, Kratos uses his dying breath to prove a point – gods will always have their way and any choice they present is just an illusion.

7 Kratos: “Do Not Mistake My Silence For Lack Of Grief.” ­

2018’s God of War opens with the story of Kratos’ wife’s death and his son’s grief. As the pair go through the motions, it becomes obvious that Atreus is more expressive in the way he copes with the loss of his mother. He points out Kratos’ indifference, which causes the protagonist to lose his temper, showing that he is deeply affected by the loss of his wife.

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Kratos has dealt with his fair share of loss throughout the series – from the death of his first wife and daughter by his own hands to his brother and sister’s demise soon after. Indeed, Kratos’ tragic backstory could be adapted into a God of War TV series, complete with shocking twists and emotional character deaths. Players might think he has become hardened to these awful events because of how often they occur, but it’s clear from the way he lashes out at his son in this scene that he is grieving in his own way.


6 Mimir: “He’ll Never Be Whole Without The Truth.”

Kratos and the boy reach a crossroads in their relationship, as it becomes more and more difficult to hide his son’s true nature as he grows stronger. When Kratos explains why it’s important to keep Atreus’ godhood a secret, Mimir retorts by saying the boy needs to learn the truth to be whole. He continues on to say: “He can’t help what he is – he can’t even begin to help it, because you haven’t told him!”

In trying to avoid making the same mistakes other gods have made with their children, Kratos realizes that he might be creating new problems for his only remaining family. Atreus can never fully become a good god and an even better person without first understanding who he really is.

5 Kratos: “We Win Because We Are Determined, Disciplined, Not Because We Feel Ourselves Superior.”

After Atreus learns he is part god, he begins to embrace his power a little too much. He starts defying Kratos, acting rudely towards “little people,” and even charging towards enemies on his own.

After navigating treacherous caves, defeating powerful enemies, and completing the most rewarding side quests in GoW, Atreus can’t be blamed for feeling invincible. Thankfully, the boy has a sobering moment thanks to his father’s guidance, who was likely beginning to see his past self’s own arrogance in his son’s actions. Eventually, Atreus finally understands that being a god is not about feeling superior, it’s about being responsible with the power he’s been given.

4 Athena: “Put As Much Distance Between You And The Truth As You Want, It Changes Nothing.”

In one of the most haunting sequences in the GoW series, Kratos is seen traveling back to his home and dealing with the ghosts of his past along the way. Athena appears like a specter from his past, an illusion taunting the protagonist. As Kratos picks up the Blades of Chaos, Athena says: “Pretend to be everything you are not: teacher, husband, father. But there is one unavoidable truth you will never escape: You cannot change. You will always be a monster.”

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As Kratos closes his eyes, he seems to be thinking about Athena’s words and his own chaotic past. Then, with both sadness and firmness in his voice, he replies: “I know. But I am your monster no longer.” Instead of running away from the truth, Kratos chooses to embrace it. He understands that his past is part of him and should serve as a lesson that can help him change his future.

3 Kratos: “Hephaestus Did What Every Father Should: Protect His Child.”

After Kratos learns that he needs to open Pandora’s Box once more to defeat Zeus in GoW 3, he seeks the help of Hephaestus. The god of fire reveals that the ‘key’ he seeks is actually his molded daughter, Pandora. Hephaestus fights Kratos in an attempt to protect his daughter from his wrath.

Kratos killed Hephaestus out of necessity and he wasn’t happy that he had to do it. Since Hephaestus was also rejected and ridiculed by the gods, Kratos must have felt that they shared this unique and terrible experience. Combine that with the fact that the protagonist knows firsthand what it’s like to lose his own child and players get a glimpse of the last hints of humanity left in Kratos.

2 Pandora: “Hope Is What Makes Us Strong.”

As Kratos navigates the traps and winding halls of the labyrinth towards Pandora’s Box, he slowly gets attached to his companion, Pandora. Despite being created as a tool and trapped by the gods, Pandora continues to hold on to hope, saying: “It is why we are here. It’s what we fight with when all else is lost.”

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Her innocence and naivete are likely what caused Kratos to change his mind about killing her to gain access to the box. He must have seen his own beloved daughter, Calliope, in Pandora. This is what makes the next events even more heartbreaking, as Pandora decides to sacrifice herself in order to aid Kratos. The tragic irony is that Pandora didn’t have to die at all, as the box turns out to be empty.

1 Kratos: “The Cycle Ends Here. We Must Be Better Than This.”

Things are coming to a head in 2018’s God of War, as Kratos and Atreus face off against one of the coolest villains in the series, Baldur. The pair accidentally figure out a way to make him vulnerable but are then faced with a difficult decision. Kratos makes what he thinks is the right choice and ends the cycle of patricide and matricide among gods, snapping Baldur’s neck before he can kill his mother, Freya.

As Kratos turns to his son and tells him about his own violent past, Atreus asks if he’s doomed to follow the same path. After their long journey together, Kratos knows at this point that it is possible to change fate. It’s with this newfound understanding that he says, “Who I was is not who you will be.”


Next10 Game Glitches That Were Turned Into Features

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