Throughout the course of Gods Will Fall players will be able to face off against a wide array of different difficult enemies. Each of these foes will have their own different abilities and attacks that the player will need to know how to counter and handle if they want to survive. Where things get even more difficult though is when the Gods get involved.

The Gods are much more powerful than any of the normal enemies in the game, and they are each able to take the player down in just a few hits. One of these Gods is Morrigan, the God of War. Players will need to stay on their toes and think fast if they want to bring her down. This guide shows players how to defeat the boss Morrigan.


Gods Will Fall – How to Defeat Morrigan

Morrigan is probably one of the tougher bosses to defeat in Gods Will Fall. The quick-footed God of War is able to move at lightning-fast speeds, dish out high amounts of damage, and even use her wings as a shield. This is all makes Morrigan an incredibly deadly foe to face off against, so players will need to keep several things in mind in order to bring her down. Here are the attacks that she has at her disposal:

  • Wing Shield – Morrigan will hold her wings in front of her body in order to deflect attacks. The player won’t be able to injure her at all while she is like this. Instead, they will need to wait until the shield drops to damage her.
  • Wing Attack – Typically if the player gets too close while Morrigan has her shield up, she will go into a flurry of wing attacks. She will swing her wings over her head and them slam them down on top of the player to deal damage. These attacks will need to be dodged.
  • Flying Dash – Morrigan will fly off the screen where the player is unable to see her. She will then begin quickly dashing across the screen in order to deal damage to the player. This attack is incredibly difficult to dodge unless the player has very fast reflexes.

The trick to defeating Morrigan is waiting for the very short windows that the player has to injure her. She typically has her shield up if she isn’t flying or attacking, so most of the time of this fight is spent avoiding her attacks. There are short windows like after she lands and immediately after attacks where the player is able to dodge and get in a few quick hits to deal some damage to her though. Another trick to make this fight easier though is to pick up one of the burning embers that are spread across the battlefield. If the player throws one of these at her when her shield is down they can actually stun her momentarily and attack her a few times. This is a great way to score some relatively risk-free hits before running away again.

Gods Will Fall can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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