Adam Wingard’s Godzilla VS.f Kong was one of the most anticipated films in the world before things changed. If its performance at the Box Office is anything to go by, then it can also be called the most-watched film of the pandemic period.

Fans expected the film to close all the gaps about the monsters in 2019’s Godzilla: King of The Monsters and 2017’s Kong: Skull Island. While the storyline was arguably better than both previous films, the portrayal of the monsters wasn’t perfect. The film left more questions about the Titans than fans expected, and most of the fighting scenes make little to no sense at all.

10 Just How Big Is Kong?

While dropping into Hollow Earth, Kong’s face fit onto a Heav window at one point, then at another, he picked up a Heav and it felt like a pebble in his arms. All Monsterverse films have this question and Godzilla VS. Kong is not any different. While on the ship to Antarctica, Kong bent down to touch Jia, and he wasn’t that big because Jia’s hand covered a significant part of his finger.

However, when Kong came to Hong Kong, he plucked the roof of a skyscraper and used it to block Godzilla’s radiation with so much ease using those same fingers. Kong was actually bigger than most of the buildings in Hong Kong, but merely the same height or lower than the trees on Skull Island. He seemed to grow bigger during the film.

9 Kong’s Diet

The question of what Kong eats was solved in Kong: Skull Island when he was revealed to feed on plants and small animals. That was consistent with the diet of other chimps in real life. However, in Godzilla VS. Kong, he scooped up rocks and chewed them up at one point.

When he arrived in Hollow Earth, Kong drank the green fluid from the head of the foe Warbat that threatened Jia’s Heav at one point, and it was both strange and gross. So, what made him turn into a monster eater all of a sudden?


8 Godzilla’s First Attack On Apex

Godzilla’s attack on the Apex headquarters on the Southeastern coast of the US was the harbinger of the destruction that would follow the battles between the Titans. The explanation given for the attack was that Godzilla was trying to prevent Apex from creating Mechagodzilla to take his place.

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The Mecha wasn’t located at that facility at that time, though. So where was Godzilla all that time while Mechagodzilla was being recreated, and why would the lizard attack a facility that didn’t host his arch-enemy? Why didn’t he come for the facility that actually housed Mechagodzilla earlier on while Apex was creating the monster using Ghidorah’s skull?

7 Kong Carried By Helicopters

Kong had been transported on a ship before, so that wasn’t so strange. However, with the high risk of encountering Godzilla in the waters on the trip to Antarctica, another mode of transportation would have been welcome in this particular case. Dr. Andrews and Dr. Lind didn’t think much about it because they trusted their ability to avoid Godzilla’s waters.

When Godzilla finally attacked, they managed to avoid him by playing dead before loading Kong onto a net to be airlifted the rest of the way to the entrance to Hollow Earth by about two dozen helicopters. So, if this option was available to them, why did Kong ever find himself on that ship? It is also hard to believe that Kong could be airlifted by those helicopters considering his huge size and weight.

6 Kong’s Drop To Hollow Earth

Hollow Earth is one of the least detailed aspects of the Monsterverse and Godzilla VS. Kong didn’t do much to make it clearer. The humans needed Heavs on the trip to protect them from the alternating gravity, while Kong could just take care of himself, the movie didn’t explain why.

During the drop, everyone had to go through a portal that disappeared suddenly when Godzilla opened the second route to Hollow Earth from Hong Kong. So, how exactly does one get to Hollow Earth, and how did Kong survive that rough fall without a scratch?

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5 Godzilla Opening Up The Earth

Godzilla knew Hollow Earth better than Apex and Andrews as he opened a shortcut for Kong just before the birdlike man-eating monsters munched on Dr. Andrews and her friends. However, that powerful breath raised so many questions.

For example, how exactly did Godzilla know that Kong had arrived in Hollow Earth? Also, how did a single breath from him cut through all the layers of the earth to penetrate to Hollow Earth? And finally, why didn’t his shortcut have the same portal as the route from Antarctica?

4 The Charge On Kong’s Ax

Without the ax, Kong was powerless against Godzilla as he defeated him hands down when he attacked Kong’s transport. When Kong got to Hollow Earth, he got some time to recharge the ax. However, while fighting Godzilla in Hong Kong, the ax lost charge very fast and even when Kong used it to block Godzilla’s breath, the ax’s charge didn’t improve.

Then came the battle with Mechagodzilla which saw the ax become discharged again, then when Godzilla breathed on it, it became so powerful that it plucked the Mecha’s limbs with so much ease. That charge seems very unreliable.

3 The Fading Power In Godzilla’s Breath

Mechagodzilla was constructed by Apex, meaning everything on him was totally destructible considering the ease with which Godzilla opened up the route to Hollow Earth. However, the breath seemed to do more damage to Kong than it did to his actual enemy, Mechagodzilla, who was manmade.

Godzilla’s atomic breath was totally consumed when Mechagodzilla breathed at him. When Kong was being defeated by Mechagodzilla, Godzilla chose to breathe on Kong’s ax and that recharge worked like clockwork. There was just so much inconsistency about the power of that fiery breath.

2 Mechagodzilla’s Independence

Apex always comes up with bad ideas and Mechagodzilla was the worst. However, the question is, how exactly did a robot, relying on Ghidorah’s mind, but only acting when given commands by a human, go rogue? During the test run, Mechagodzilla obeyed the commands and shut itself after destroying the specimen.

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The robot went rogue suddenly and became independent of human command as well as its connection to Ghidorah with no explanation. Even after the power source was shut down, the Mecha continued attacking Kong. So, how did the robot operate without its telepathic connection to Ghidorah’s mind?

1 The Power From Ghidorah’s Skulls

Actually, the perfect name for Godzilla VS. Kong should have been Ghidorah’s Skull VS. Godzilla and Kong, but that in itself doesn’t make any sense if viewers consider previous franchises. Ghidorah had three heads, all of which were linked and he couldn’t operate without regenerating any of them at a time.

Godzilla alone still defeated him with all three heads. However, with just a single skull, Apex created a robot powerful enough to nearly kill both Godzilla and Kong. How could that happen? Besides, how did Apex extract mental capacity to power Mechagodzilla from a dry skull with no brain activity?

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