A Godzilla: King of the Monsters Easter egg in Godzilla vs. Kong suggests that the movie’s villains were right about their Titan plan. In King of the Monsters, Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga) schemed with Alan Jonah (Charles Dance) to wake up the MonsterVerse’s Titans. It was because of their actions that Ghidorah, Rodan, Methuselah, Behemoth, Scylla, the third MUTO, and eleven other unseen Titans were unleashed on the Earth, forcing Godzilla, Mothra, and Monarch to intervene.

Emma explained to Monarch that what they intended to do from the beginning was save the planet from humanity. According to her, human civilization’s poor treatment of the Earth’s resources has made awakening the Titans necessary. She and Jonah believed that the Titans would rejuvenate the environment, and allow it to thrive again. However, they didn’t foresee so many Titans waking up at once. Things got out of hand when Ghidorah created a powerful storm and summoned several other Titans to do his bidding. Fortunately, Godzilla was able to defeat Ghidorah. As a result, the villain’s Titan minions bowed down to Godzilla and accepted him as their new alpha.


Emma’s plan was referenced in Godzilla vs. Kong with a newspaper clipping that asked the question, “Emma Russell – Villain or Savior?” This indicates that there’s a belief among the public that Emma and Jonah may have been right about what they did. This is in line with what the Godzilla: King of the Monsters credits suggested as well. Multiple news articles pointed to the Titans doing just what Emma said they would. A rain forest started blooming in the Sahara Desert, fish populations were restored, sea levels were stabilized. All of these things, along with other positive changes to the environment, occurred due to the presence of the Titans and their radioactive energy.

The impact the Titans had on the Earth raises important questions over whether or not Emma was right. It’s true that the planet itself benefited from what happened, but that of course doesn’t justify the thousands of people who lost their lives because of it. It’s also worth noting that Emma and Jonah executed their scheme in the worst possible way by going after Ghidorah first. As a rival alpha to Godzilla and an alien who had no reason to care about the Earth’s future, Ghidorah tried to terraform the planet in his image and woke up several other Titans. As Jonah pointed out in King of the Monsters, they intended for the awakening of the monsters to be a gradual process.

It’s quite likely that causalities could have been kept to a minimum if they chose different, more peaceful Titans. If they had properly researched the monsters and made better decisions, they could have released benevolent Titans who could restore ecosystems without taking innocent lives. If that had happened, there’s at least a chance that King of the Monsters’ villains really could have been regarded as saviors in the MonsterVerse.

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