In the world of Dragon Ball, Goku is the series’ main protagonist who’s always down for a fight, and likewise, the Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesMichelangelo is a reptilian ninja who will never stop helping his brothers out when they need it. And now, in a wild piece of fanart that combines both universes, Mikey and Goku enjoy a steaming hot pizza pie together!

Recently posted on Instagram by username @salvamakoto, this account is about taking various Dragon Ball characters and tweaking them to fit any number of odd and unique situations. From depicting Goku in different art styles, memes, and alternate designs, to bringing him into the world of Pokémon, One Punch Man, DC Comics, and of course TMNT, @salvamakoto excels in creating incredible fanart his followers can’t find anywhere else, with this Michelangelo x Goku mashup being one of the best!


Two characters who can never seem to get enough of beating down their enemies and then enjoying a nice meal afterward, Goku and Mikey are as different as they are similar in their respective universes. Outside the obvious visual differences, both characters maintain a sense of humor that others in their immediate vicinity sometimes find a bit grating depending on the situation at hand, but at the same time, Goku and Mikey are also well known for being loyal friends and family members who will never allow those they care about to come to harm if they can help it.

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Drawing both Mikey and Goku in the style of some of their earliest incarnations — Mikey from the 80s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles television show and Goku in his late Dragon Ball/early Dragon Ball Z look — @salvamakoto immediately makes a case for why these two would hit it off the moment they meet. Offering the insatiable Goku his favorite meal, pizza, Mikey pats Kakarot on the back as he wolfs down slice after slice, no doubt loving every greasy morsel of food just as much as Mikey. Chowing down in what looks to be the Turtles’ New York City sewer abode, Goku wears a shell on his back, either acting as an homage to his new hard-shelled friend or possibly even mimicking Master Roshi’s fan-favorite shell-backed look.

So while it’s a bit of a bummer that these two iconic heroes will most likely never meet between the pages of a comic book or manga volume, seeing Mikey and Goku share their love of everything edible is crossover fanart at its peak. The only question remaining is whether Goku or Michelangelo will be the one to eat the final slice!

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