Fans of the Nintendo 64 classic Goldeneye 007 are building hopes for a remaster of the game following the renewal of its software trademark. This renewal comes after reports alleging that Goldeneye would be re-released in some form, and that an announcement for the re-release would come this year.

007 is a franchise that has been mostly absent from the modern gaming world. In the N64 era, especially after the smash-hit that was Goldeneye, it was common for James Bond video games to be released alongside the films. This practice continued into the late-2000s, with Daniel Craig-helmed films like Quantum of Solace and Casino Royale receiving video game adaptations. Goldeneye 007 was even reimagined in 2011 with Craig at the forefront instead of Pierce Brosnan. None of these entries approached the critical or commercial success of the original Goldeneye 007, however. With stories like the aforementioned re-release rumors and the fact that Microsoft reactivated achievements for Rare’s canceled Goldeneye remaster on Xbox 360, some fans have speculated that the game could be coming back soon.


This speculation continues to ramp up with the reveal that Goldeneye has had its virtual content trademark extended. According to Video Games Chronicle, the trademark in question allows the term Goldeneye to be used in connection to “downloadable electronic software,” which hints at a potential re-release, remake, or remaster. This renewal coincides with the 60th anniversary of the James Bond franchise, which will be reached this year.

The idea that a Goldeneye re-release could come as part of an anniversary celebration certainly seems plausible. However, as VGC points out, the original Goldeneye has quite a Soviet-heavy plot, so current world events could warrant a delay or alteration of some kind. The game is still immensely popular and beloved around the world, though, with Goldeneye speedrunners remaining active decades after its initial release, so a re-release might just get revealed regardless.

Assuming that these rumors and leaks turn out to be true, it will be interesting to see what this re-release will look like; it could be a simple improvement to resolution and framerate, or it could be rebuilt from the ground up in the spirit of something like the Resident Evil 2 and Final Fantasy 7 remakes. Eurocom’s 2011 remake of Goldeneye 007 didn’t exactly stick the landing in the eyes of many gamers, so a more rudimentary polishing-up of the game is arguably more likely. Goldeneye 007 fans will have to sit tight to see if this trademark renewal leads to anything substantive.

Source: Video Games Chronicle

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