Content Warning: This article includes mentions of sexual assault and violence.

Although it was canceled earlier this year, loyal fans everywhere are fighting for a possible revival of Good Girls. The NBC series was popular during its four-season run for a number of reasons. That included the engaging characters, sometimes over-the-top storylines, talented cast, and so much more.

The actors have continued to take to social media to promote how much the series trends and is talked about despite being canceled, pushing for a revival and an elusive season 5. While they work hard on making that a reality, it’s worth going back to see which episodes of the series were considered the best.

10 Mo Money, Mo Problems (Season 1, Episode 2) – 8.1

There are actually a whopping 12 episodes tied with a score of 8.1. “Mo Money, Mo Problems” edges them out since it has more total reviews on IMDb than the other 11, likely because it was seen by more viewers. Even those who didn’t make it deep into the series were likely to have seen at least the second installment ever.

With the first episode ending as Beth saved Annie from sexual assault at the hands of Boomer, this one began with the three main ladies holding him captive. If that wasn’t enough, they also still had to pay Rio back, meaning they’d have to rob once again. This was a great way to set up the fact that these girls were in over their heads and would be sucked into the criminal world time and time again.

9 Thank You For Your Support (Season 4, Episode 14) – 8.2

The first of three installments tied with an 8.2 rating, “Thank You For Your Support” is one of the latest episodes to score this high. Only coming a handful of weeks before the season 4 finale aired, this is actually a surprise to see score so well since reviews were mixed when it initially premiered.

Many fans felt that the storylines didn’t move forward and some parts were forgettable. However, one thing that couldn’t be denied and is likely a reason for the strong score, was the performances of the cast. Every scene involving Rio, Nick, and Beth felt like it was on the verge of something intense happening, while Mae Whitman also made sure Annie shined.


8 Grandma Loves Grisham (Season 4, Episode 6) – 8.2

Another season 4 episode, “Grandma Loves Grisham” was something of a Mae Whitman showcase. This hour revealed that Annie had been studying for the GED in secret as she didn’t want to jinx it or disappoint anyone if she failed. Whitman’s performance was top notch and arguably her best work on a show where she often was a highlight.

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Seeing her celebrate the good results with her son Ben was a rare moment of pure glee in a show filled with despair. Meanwhile, it was interesting to see Stan step up more on the criminal side of things, which was different for him. Alas, the high point might’ve actually been seeing Beth interact with Rio’s family.

7 Atom Bomb (Season 1, Episode 4) – 8.2

A consistent aspect of the show is just how naive the three core moms can be. They will do almost anything for their families but they still make huge mistakes and a big one came in season 1 when they let Boomer go after everything he did and knew. That immediately led to problems, which arose in “Atom Bomb.”

Beth’s connection to Rio also strengthened here as she asked to keep working with him, even though Annie and Ruby seemed ready to be over it. This episode helped display just how much Beth’s two worlds were colliding, as one of Rio’s associates was found wounded in her home and he could’ve been spotted by her kids, ruining everything.

6 Jeff (Season 2, Episode 12) – 8.3

The introduction of Mary Pat was one that came with a lot of questions on the series. It was clear that she wasn’t above things like scheming and even blackmail but what was discovered in “Jeff” took things to the next level. The idea that she covered up Jeff’s death and chopped up his body to continue collecting his disability checks was a wild one.

As unbelievable as that was, the show really delivered the big shocking twist right at the end. Boomer was revealed to still be around and that opened up plenty of possibilities for where the story could go next, as almost none of it meant good things for the ladies. Throw in things getting worse between Rio and Beth and this was a drama filled hour of TV.

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5 Broken Toys (Season 4, Episode 8) – 8.4

One of the biggest questions that fans have wondered about the show was how Rio could seemingly get away with anything. The man has been behind money laundering, murder, and more, yet he always seems protected and the truth behind it was finally revealed in “Broken Toys.”

Flashbacks showed how Rio and his “brother-cousin” Nick did some shady things in the past. Nick basically gave up Rio and sent him on a bad path while he went off to become an important and prominent figure. He could protect Rio, pull the strings, and nobody would think twice. It added a new level of danger to the entire series.

4 You Have Reached The Voicemail Of Leslie Peterson (Season 2, Episode 3) – 8.4

Leslie Peterson was a huge thorn in the side of the women on this show. Also known as Boomer, he was always looking to ruin things for the ladies and this episode opened with Beth considering pulling the trigger to end him. Although she didn’t do it, the show still took things down a dark route.

Having Mary Pat be the one to do the deed was a better call because any of the main girls committing murder would make them unlikable. This episode was filled with anxious moments and added more trouble for Stan and Ruby, which was upsetting since audiences adored that couple so much.

3 Pick Your Poison (Season 2, Episode 4) – 8.5

In many ways, the early days of season 2 was Good Girls at its finest. They followed up the previous entry with “Pick Your Poison” and continued to put pressure on Annie, Beth, and Ruby. Part of what fans may have liked so much here was getting to finally see Beth and Rio go through with their obvious attraction.

The two spent all of season 1 dancing around the fact that though they were antagonistic, they also clearly had the hots for each other. There was also a lot of drama between Beth and Annie, with the sisters having one of their biggest fights. It painted Beth in a different light and made you wonder whose side she was on.

2 King (Season 2, Episode 13) – 8.5

After finding out that Boomer was still alive, he had to be dealt with in the season 2 finale, “King.” This episode saw him try to broker for his life as the girls wanted him to turn himself in but he had some knowledge about Jeff’s dead body. While that was intriguing, everything coming to a head at the end was where this episode shined.

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Beth finally made a choice, even if it was a shock to her, as she shot Rio and left him for dead. It seemed like the end of their story, only for the reveal that Rio agreed to work with the police and was therefore saved, allowing him to stick around and often overshadow the ladies.

1 Remix (Season 1, Episode 10) – 8.6

It seems like Good Girls knew how to end their seasons as the season 1 finale, “Remix,” scored the highest rating on IMDb. This plot saw Annie finally understand that Gregg might’ve been right about their child, while Ruby’s storyline surrounding not being able to afford her daughter’s kidney was a poignant one.

As great as those stories were, the show centered around Beth and Rio. The girls worked to get Rio arrested but he quickly was released and put a target on Beth’s home, tying Dean up and forcing her to choose which one to shoot. In a great cliffhanger, the show faded to black before finding out who she shot.

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