For a long time, wives and mom characters on television have been saintly courtesy of the good-hearted sitcom mother trope. However, that has begun to change as wives and mother characters have allowed to do questionable things like rob grocery stores and get involved with local gangs.

At least, that’s the premise of NBC’s Good Girls which follows three best friends and mothers who will do anything to make sure their families have a great life, even if it means breaking a law or twelve. With characters doing questionable things it can be hard for fans to truly like them but even bad characters have a way of worming their way into fans’ hearts.

8 Dean

In the grand scheme of things, Dean Boland (Matthew Lillard) might be the most legally abiding character outside of the children characters, but his law-abiding nature doesn’t save him from being one of the least liked characters on the show.

After all, the entire reason his wife, Beth, and her friends are in this predicament is because of him. It’s Dean’s reckless spending to appease his mistresses that causes the Boland family to be buried in debt. And while Dean has redeemed himself in some ways, fans just can’t forgive him for getting the family into this mess in the first place.

7 Ben

Ben Marks (Isaiah Stannard) is one of the youngest main characters on Good Girls and is the son of Annie Marks, Beth’s younger sister. Ben is one of those gray characters being neither strongly disliked nor liked by fans.

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His coming out as transgender was a major moment for the series which deserves to be celebrated. However, Ben can sometimes be bratty and rude to his mother who is only trying to give him the best life despite her own misfortunes. Their rocky relationship is one of the reasons fans aren’t lining up to root for Ben.


6 Sara

Sara Hill (Lidya Jewett) is the only other child character that has a main role in the series. She is the eldest daughter of Stan and Ruby Hill and has a chronic kidney illness that regularly lands her in the hospital in the early seasons. In fact, it’s her illness and the medical expenses that are piling up that convinces Ruby to rob the grocery store.

Like Ben, Sara has a lot going for her and she definitely starts out as a sweet and endearing kid. However, as she enters her pre-teen years, Sara begins pushing back and even accuses her mother of being a bad person despite the fact that Ruby did it all for her.

5 Annie

Annie Marks (Mae Whitman) is the younger sister of Beth Boland and she is definitely the wild child of the family. Like her sister, Annie has had a series of misfortunes that ended with her in debt after divorcing her high school sweetheart which leaves her no choice but to help Beth and Ruby rob the grocery store she works at.

Like most of the women, Annie does everything out of the goodness of her heart but sometimes it doesn’t always work out. She also has a habit of sleeping with the worst partners, which puts her in awful situations and puts a strain on her relationship with her son.

4 Beth

Beth Bolan (Christina Hendricks) may be the main character of Good Girls but that doesn’t mean she’s the most liked by fans. In fact, it’s quite the opposite with many fans feeling indifferent towards her.

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While Beth originally starts out as a mother who would do anything for her kids, she quickly gets sucked into the life of crime and prioritizes it over her own children. Her rocky relationship with Rio and her desire to be the boss often gets her and the other women in trouble while also endangering the life of her family.

3 Stan

Stanley “Stan” Hill (Reno Wilson) is definitely one of the most liked characters on Good Girls and has been that way since the start of the show. Unlike Dean, Stan is a stellar husband who is faithful to Ruby at all times.

In fact, he puts his own life and career on the line in order to help Ruby stay out of jail. Unfortunately, Stan also turns to a life of crime in order to support his family. However, he never loses sight of his good-hearted nature and his love for his family.

2 Ruby

Of the three main women, Ruby Hill (Retta) is definitely the most liked. After all, she had the purest intentions when it came to robbing the grocery store since she needed the money to get her daughter the medical care she desperately needed.

In addition to being a great mother, Ruby is also an amazing friend. She regularly puts her marriage on the line to support Beth and literally took a bullet for her and Annie when things went wrong during one of their misadventures. Ruby is truly a ride-or-die friend and that’s why fans love her.

1 Rio

Rio (Manny Montana) might be the antagonist of Good Girls that but hasn’t stopped fans from loving him the most out of the cast. After all, fans always know what to expect when Rio is on screen. He’s not wishy-washy like some of the other characters on the show.

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Rio might be a gang member who has killed characters over the course of the show’s three seasons, but he also has a softer side. His relationship with Beth and the reveal that he has a son definitely helped fans humanize him into their favorite character.

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