It’s true when they say “mo’ money, mo’ problems.” Money is the source of all the characters’ issues in Good Girls, and they keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into debt. What started off as a convenience store robbery turned into something much bigger when Beth, Ruby, and Annie accidentally ripped off a dangerous gang leader.

The girls get caught up in a money-laundering scheme and are left even worse off than before. That’s especially true when they end up leaning into the lifestyle and depend on their illegal activities as a way to support their families. There are a handful of characters who are doing well for themselves during Good Girl’s current season, but there are also several who are barely getting by.

5 Ruby & Stan

All of the girls are struggling to make ends meet, but Ruby and Stan appear to be the worse off out of everyone else. They’re the ones who are most vocal about their financial problems and they even have trouble buying groceries. Ruby and Stan have two kids to feed, and their daughter was diagnosed with a kidney disease.

After Sara sees how much her parents are struggling to pay for her outrageously priced medication, Sara stops taking it, putting her life at risk. It was the final straw for Ruby, and despite her morals, her daughter’s distress led to her robbing Fine and Frugal with Annie and Beth. Due to his wife’s life of crime, Stan loses his job as a cop and begins working as a security guard at a strip club. Now that Stan is being blackmailed by his boss, and Sara’s meds have gone up even more, their debt continues to grow.

4 Annie

In the pilot, Annie was the least wealthy of everyone. Her friends owned houses and Annie lived in a one-bedroom apartment with her son. They were forced to share a room and the water and electricity would regularly shut off because Annie couldn’t afford to pay for it. She worked as a cashier at Fine and Frugal, which is why she was able to stage a robbery, but she must have been making close to minimum wage. Annie might not own a home, but Ruby and Stan are in so much debt that their mortgage is probably through the roof.

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Annie only has herself and Ben to take care of, and her most costly expense is Ben’s testosterone. But Ben spends a lot of time at Greg and Nancy’s, and they pay for him to go to private school. His father and step-mother don’t have a problem with supporting Ben financially, which takes some of the burden off of Annie. She doesn’t like accepting handouts, but Greg does seem willing to help Annie if she ever needs it.


3 Beth & Dean

Beth and Dean were at risk of losing their house during Good Girls Season 1, but they were still better off than the rest of the characters. However, considering the fact that they have four kids and Rio stole all their furniture to teach Beth a lesson, they can’t be in a good place. Dean takes the fall for Beth’s crimes and ends up in prison, and she can’t afford to bail him out.

Their only saving grace is that Rio has taken a liking to Beth, and she’s sometimes able to convince him to help her when she’s stuck in a jam. After Beth shoots him, Rio was, understandably, less inclined to do Beth favors, but it appears as though she’s winning back his trust. He’s seemingly unaware that Beth is working with the authorities to get him arrested, but Rio is always one step ahead of her.

2 Greg & Nancy

It’s unknown exactly how much money Greg and Nancy have, but they are clearly very wealthy. They live in a huge house and are able to give Ben whatever he needs. Nancy delivered her baby with the help of a midwife, and the giant birth pool in the living room took up little to no space.

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Greg and Nancy attend charity auctions, send Ben to a prestigious and wealthy school, and live a very lavish lifestyle. Money has never been an issue for them, and, if anything, they have more than they know what to do with.

1 Rio

Viewers never discover exactly what Rio does with all his money, but given that he employs criminals to wash millions of dollars for him and has total control over it all, it’s a safe bet that he’s the wealthiest of the characters. Rio can outsmart anyone, and he always gets away with his crimes. He pays people to kill those who don’t follow his instructions, and hitmen usually don’t come cheap. However, he also had no problem getting his hands dirty.

Rio blackmails Beth and denies the girls their share of the cut if he feels they didn’t earn it. How much money he allows Beth to take home is usually based on whether or not she’s in his good graces, and she hasn’t been up until recently. It’s true that money comes with power, and Rio has a lot of both.

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