Georgina Sparks may just be one of the most hated characters in Gossip Girl and on the Upper East Side, that’s quite a feat. Her introduction came out in a pretty mysterious fashion when she was revealed to be sending Serena odd and inappropriate gifts, claiming to be an old friend. When that history unraveled, it was pretty clear she was not only far from a friend, but definitely out to get the golden girl of the show.

But no one is born evil and despite her scheming and the many moments fans have wanted to scream at her through the TV screen, there have been scenes where they’re forced to feel bad for her.

10 Felt Bad: The Little We See About Her Parents

When Blair finds out exactly what Georgina is doing to Serena, she uses her own life experience to find a solution to the problem. Knowing that evil can only be born from someone even more evil — well, that’s her theory, anyway — she finds Georgina’s parents.

Viewers don’t get to see very much of them, but it’s quickly obvious that they’re strict, not particularly understanding, and might even be abusive. It’s a sharp reality check that Georgina may actually be a product of her surroundings, not just a wild child from birth that couldn’t be controlled.

9 Hated Her: Messing With Serena

Her entrance to the show still makes her look pretty terrible, though. She sends Serena a whole host of inappropriate gifts, often embarrassing her in front of friends, family members, and even her school. She then encourages her to go on a night out and slips her substances that really mess up her life. All because she and Serena once went on a night out together and a man died from a drug overdose — something Serena feels awful about, but Georgina doesn’t seem to care.


8 Felt Bad: When She Genuinely Tries To Help The Gang With Poppy

Poppy Lifton enters the scene a few seasons in to steal money from characters such as Lily and Rufus. None of the gang can go after her, so Georgina does it for them. She scams Poppy into getting the money back, and the details are never quite revealed — so it’s obvious Georgina can use her power for good. It’s just rare.

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7 Hated Her: Pretending To Be Sarah

For a long time, Georgina pretends to be Sarah to Dan, who knows nothing about her. She fakes an entire identity and tells Dan she’s fled from someone abusive when he finds out that her name isn’t real. Dan falls for it hook, line, and sinker, and while viewers wished he’d be a bit more perceptive about this, it’s ultimately Georgina’s fault for lying.

6 Felt Bad: Thinking She Wants A New Life At NYU

When Georgina shows up at NYU, she asks Dan and Vanessa to get coffee. Dan says no, commenting that being friends with Georgina will scare others away.

For that brief second, it seems like Georgina truly has changed and Dan isn’t willing to give her a second chance. He doesn’t owe her one, after how much she lied, but there’s still something sad in watching her slink away after being rejected so harshly.

5 Hated Her: Telling Dan Milo Is His

Perhaps one of the biggest shocks of the show is when she shows up with a baby named Milo and tells Dan it’s his. She only needs the protection — after Dan gets very attached to baby Milo, Georgina reveals that it’s not his son, and he has a hard time letting go. Even with her needing the protection, she should have told Dan the truth, because this is just cruel.

4 Felt Bad: Ending Up With Jack Bass

Viewers should feel bad for any woman who ends up with Jack Bass.

Sure, Georgina’s not a good person. But Jack Bass is a man who almost let his nephew’s wife be sold to him, tried to ruin Chuck’s life multiple times, and assaulted Lily. This despicable behavior means he’s not fit to be with anyone for a long time, but the last season has him with Georgina.

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3 Hated Her: Outing Eric At The Dinner Table

Eric is gay, and not ready to come out when Georgina tells the family at the dinner table and pretends she had no idea he was hiding it. Outing someone under the LGBTQ+ umbrella who isn’t ready is potentially extremely damaging and one of the worst things a person can do. Poor Eric manages to adjust and become comfortable with his identity, but it’s no thanks to Georgina.

2 Felt Bad: When She Helps Them With Bart Bass, In The End

She did, at least, help the gang with Bart Bass in the end.

She was putting herself at a lot of risk by doing this. Bart Bass is a murderer who’s willing to take down his own son, so she does have to get some level of credit for willing to go confidently go against him for the sake of someone else. It’s not that she’s being selfless, she just loves a scheme — but still.

1 Hated Her: Never Able To Leave The Gang Alone

The moment when most fans hate Georgina is pretty much every time she can’t leave the gang along. On occasion, her help is invaluable, but most of the time she’s a toxic person to be around and they’re better off without her. Georgina reappearing on-screen means that something bad is about to go down.

Next10 TV Shows Where Dead Characters Kept Coming Back

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