It has its ups, it has its downs, but there’s no denying that everyone on Fox’s Batman prequel, Gotham, is committed to doing everything they can to deliver the best series possible.

On that front, sometimes doing the best thing means taking your time, which is what the series’ Harvey Dent says is happening for his iteration of the famed attorney.

While speaking with EW, Nicholas D’Agosto talked about how long it’ll take for Harvey Dent to turn into Two-Face, one of Batman’s most dangerous villains. D’Agosto said:

“I don’t know. They always keep us actors in the dark. I think it would be at least a couple of seasons. They’ve taken certain license with certain elements of the story, like they’ve played up a large age difference between Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne. So who knows where they’ll go with it? I hope I get to be Two-Face somewhere in the middle of the run so I can really explore these two halves.”

This sounds about right. While fans may be wanting a quick turnaround from the time Dent is introduced to when he becomes a coin-flipping maniac – thanks in part to how quickly that transition occurred in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight –Gotham has the luxury of waiting, and should be taking full advantage of it.


Dent’s a guy we want to know for a while before his turn comes, and by building him up slowly over the course of a few seasons, we’ll get a chance to empathize with him. That way, when he finally becomes Two-Face, we might genuinely care.  Two-Face is a character that requires a lot of rich back-story to get right, and that begins with making Dent appear to be the good guy to end all good guys.

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Since its recent – and unexpected – pick-up to 22 episodes (the writers were only planning for 16), Gotham’s going to have a lot of time to fill, and Harvey Dent’s going to be a great way to fill it.

Imagine it as Law & Order: Gotham. Maybe we’ll get to spend some time with Gordon as he works to clean up the streets, then cut to Dent as he works to do his part from the courtroom. That’s some drama we all should be looking forward to.

Gothamairs Mondays @8pm on Fox.

Source: Entertainment Weekly via CBM

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