In a world as enormous as Grand Theft Auto, there are always going to be hundreds of theories surrounding every little detail, especially considering just how many secrets are thrown in the narrative. Though it’s disappointing that no big reveal has come of the infamous Mount Chiliad mural, GTA Online still continues to grow.

GTA Online has become a revolving door of hypotheses, and there’s almost a theory-of-the-week type mindset among the loyal fans. Many of them are totally absurd and not grounded in any kind of plausibility, but there are some that are so mind-bending that they could just be true.

10 Trevor Killed His Mom

As it’s so fun to play as Trevor, it’s easy to forget that he actually has a troubled life and has clearly had such a sordid upbringing. In one of the “Strangers and Freaks” missions, Trevor’s mother shows up after not having seen him in years. Trevor immediately starts groveling to her despite having been abused as a child.

He pulls off a mission in which he steals drugs for her, but when he returns she’s gone. It seems as if it’s all a figment of his imagination, which is entirely possible as he is often seen hallucinating. But given Trevor’s nature of being erratic and full of rage, it could have been that he actually murdered her too.

9 Trevor’s Rampages Are In His Head

It might not just be his mother’s return that Trevor was hallucinating, is it could be possible that those insane rampages are all in his head too. Considering how Trevor is acting on all sorts of substances, it could be the only plausible explanation for being let free after massacring so many people and even attacking the military.

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Everybody has a “happy place” that they go to in their head when they’re stressed, and it could very well be that the rampages are Trevor’s happy place.


8 GTA Online Is Just A Dream

As more time passes, the wilder the GTA Online world gets. It’s an open-world for fans to live out their literal dreams, whether it’s robbing banks or racing in Formula 1 cars. But this theory explains that GTA Online really is a dream. The theory stems from all the timeline screwing references made by Lester and his communication with all of the online characters.

Lester often talks about events that haven’t happened yet in the GTA Online world, and other characters don’t even mention previous events that they were involved in. And all the outlandish capabilities in the online game modes only gives more credence to this theory.

7 Why There Are No Children

Throughout every GTA game, there have never been any children NPCs, and on the face of it, that might seem weird considering that the maps are such living, breathing worlds. However, besides the obvious, which is that mowing down kids in a sports car could be taking things too far, there could be another explanation for it.

It could be that the world of GTA is so violent and unsafe that anybody with a family moved away. What gives this theory weight is that Rockstar’s beloved Bully is based in the same universe as GTA, and the town is full of kids.

6 The Max Speed Cars Can Go Is 6mph

What is considered a crime in GTA has never been clear, as the infamous star rating is so strange. One thing that has never seemed right is that cops never chase players when they’re speeding around in a sports car at 150mph. However, there could be a reason why the cops don’t chase speeding cares, and it’s because players aren’t speeding at all.

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According to this theory, a full-day cycle in GTA is 48 minutes, which means that if a car is going at 90mph, that would actually only be 3mph relative to the day cycle.

5 NPCs Are Always Being Watched

When players go on their killing sprees, as soon as any NPC gets murdered, they get a star rating and the police track them down immediately, but there could be a reason for that. It’s possible that all the non-player characters have vitals monitors on them and that when their heart rate flatlines, it notifies paramedics and police.

It might sound farfetched, but considering how there is such a high crime rate in the cities, it isn’t actually that unfathomable.

4 The Protagonists Are All One Person

The three protagonists of GTA V couldn’t be more different, as Michael is a level-headed retired criminal, Trevor is a deranged lunatic, and Franklin is an unsuccessful gang banger. Though not everybody loved the idea of three protagonists, the variety in characters is one of the most exciting things about the game.

However, one theory suggests that they’re all one person. Franklin is the real character, and Trevor and Michael are both in his head. It’s almost as if Franklin has a devil on his shoulder, and another devil on his other shoulder. It makes sense, as Franklin is always being pulled by one or the other.

3 John Marston Is Connected To GTA

Though the idea of the three protagonists all being one person is fascinating, this theory argues that they aren’t just connected to each other, but they’re all also direct descendants of John Marston too.

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Fans have come to this conclusion because all of the characters’ capabilities in the game are evolutions of Marston’s “Dead Eye” ability, which allows him to slow down time when targeting enemies. As it’s said that Red Dead Redemption, another incredible Rockstar game, and GTA V are set in the same universe, it could be possible.

2 The Mount Gordo Ghost

When the more inquisitive players aren’t busy trying to solve the Mount Chiliad mural mystery or trying to track down Bigfoot, they’re trying to figure out who the Gordo Ghost is. If players head to the Gordo Peak on the map, they’ll find the word “Jock” written in blood with a ghost floating in the air.

The popular theory is that the female ghost is the wife of Jock Cranley, a politician in the game. Evidence for this is that an in-game newspaper features a story in which Jock’s wife Jolene was pushed off a cliff, presumably by her husband.

1 Lester Knew Trevor Was Still Alive The Whole Time

In GTA V, Lester is the encyclopedia of the criminal underworld. He knows every criminal and he knows every job that is being pulled off. Even though Michael was in witness protection, Lester was still able to keep tabs on him, so there’s no reason why he couldn’t have done the same with Trevor.

After the heist, Trevor didn’t necessarily keep a low profile, and he even kept his real name, so Lester surely knew he was still alive, he just decided to keep that information from Michael.

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