Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1!

Green Arrow just proved that the Justice League severely underestimates him. Green Arrow has always been seen as something of a B-list hero compared to the likes of DC’s more powerful cosmic heroes like Superman. Even compared to Batman, Green Arrow has always been seen as lesser. Oliver even refers to himself as, simply, “the guy with the bow.” It’s belittling and clearly Oliver is demoralized by Justice League members thinking they’re on a higher plane than him.

Now, in Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1, the Justice League set out to space and ask Green Arrow to stay behind. He has had enough of being underestimated and gets annoyed at Superman when approached to guard the Watchtower. If it were a mission on Earth against regular criminals, the Justice League would probably send him. When it comes to fighting cosmic threats in outer space, he is seen as useless and is benched. However, the tables turn in this issue as Green Arrow proves his worth.


In Who Watches the Watchtower? by Stephanie Phillips, Chris Mooneyham, and Mike Spicer, Green Arrow takes on alien invaders attempting to break into the Watchtower. Out of nowhere, an army of aliens attack the Watchtower, presumably looking for the Justice League. However, they come face to face with Green Arrow who is shocked to see them. Right away, Oliver gets to work as he blasts his way through the front line of aliens. Next, an alien ship takes Oliver in its tentacle arms and brings him closer. He proceeds to smash its eye with an arrow. In reaction, the creature flings him into a display full of ancient artefacts. Here, Green Arrow picks up a supercharged bow that delivers the final blow to the cosmic threats.

Green Arrow’s actions prove that he doesn’t need the Justice League’s help and that he is a greatly skilled fighter who can take on cosmic villains. If it highlights anything, it’s that Oliver would greatly benefit from an upgraded bow and arrow. This issue could be seen as DC acknowledging Green Arrow’s sidelining in the past. Now, the tables have turned in DC’s main timeline as Green Arrow has become a greater part of the Justice League. This partially because Green Arrow is now richer than Batman, so he’s financing the league’s activities. But also because he is respected much more than just being “the guy with the bow,” unlike in this standalone issue.

To top everything off, when the Justice League return to the Watchtower, they realize that something’s happened. Superman inspects some burn marks and Hawkman gets angry about his priceless helmet being broken. At which point, they all line up together like they are his parents, asking him what happened. It’s hilarious that the superpowered Justice League see themselves as authority figures, even over one of their own members. However, Green Arrow sits unphased as he smugly sips his coffee. Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 is available now.

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