New fan art of Green Lantern captures the heart of what makes the hero unique, reminding DC fans of why this hero rather than any other ended up expanding into a hundreds-strong Corps including beloved characters like John Stewart, Hal Jordan, and Sojourner “Jo” Mullein.

Powered by the green light of will, the Green Lanterns are just one of multiple Corps which draw their power from the Emotional Spectrum. Overseen by the self-appointed Guardians of the Universe, the Corps impose law on a chaotic galaxy, each wielding a power ring and lantern, and staying true to the iconic Green Lantern Oath. Green Lanterns are chosen for their willpower above all else, which means that while there are many humans Lanterns, the Corps is also home to whales, sentient viruses, and at least one chipmunk, each hoping to make their sector of space a better, safer place, and able to do so thanks to their rings’ ability to form vast constructs shaped by their imaginations.


What makes the Green Lanterns so compelling is this sense of unlimited potential. A Green Lantern can create literally anything they need to solve a problem, dictated by their strength of character and imagination. But they’re also uniquely vulnerable – while Superman can fly and stop major villains with a single blow, Green Lanterns are always dependent on their understanding and control of the situation. When they fly through space, it’s behind a thin force field which depends on their concentration. That’s exactly the situation depicted in new fan art shared by Sebastián Píriz on Twitter, in a gorgeous cosmic vista that invites fans to forget Ryan Reynolds’ much-maligned movie and the increasingly complex lore of the Corps’ collapse, and reflect on the spectacle of a single green light zipping through space, and the fragile but boundless freedom it implies.

The piece comes from Sebastián Píriz, a frequent creator of striking character portraits, but also the skilled artist behind comic series like Black Beacon and We Ride Titans. Píriz depicts Green Lantern John Stewart – a former architect and marine whose constructs tend towards either impeccably designed mechanisms or huge firearms – speeding through the galaxy, his costume largely at one with the infinite darkness beyond, but picked out by the glow of his power ring. Green Lantern comics often engage with the dichotomy of people plucked from obscurity by the Corps, only to go on to risk and frequently lose their lives in the service of others. Most Lanterns are gifted staggering power along with a limited life expectancy, and as Stewart speeds to the next crisis, he’s at once enviably powerful and noticeably vulnerable to a hazardous universe.

Fan adoration of the Green Lanterns tends to wax and wane depending on the major events the Corps is involved in, but at the core of the hero is something that other characters don’t quite tap into, and that quality is front and center in this stunning new art from Sebastián Píriz.

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Source: Sebastián Píriz

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