Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern #2

In DC Comics’ latest issue of Green Lantern, the Guardians of Oa reveal the most important worlds in the DC Universe. Referred to as Crux Worlds, the Guardians confirm that Earth and six other planets are instrumental to the positive growth and evolution of the universe and that every universe has its own Crux Worlds as well. While the majority of the Green Lantern Corps has been shifted and re-tasked thanks to Oa’s partnership with the United Planets, these Crux Worlds are still under the protection of the Green Lanterns…at least those that are left.


In Green Lantern #2 from writer Geoffrey Thorne with artists Dextor Soy and Marco Santucci, the issue begins with the Green Lantern Corps holding a funeral as one of the Guardians was murdered in the series’ first issue. Nevertheless, the surviving Guardians of Oa are determined to usher the Corps into a new era working in conjunction with the United Planets Brigade. As such, the Guardians relinquished 1200 of their traditional 3600 sectors which the Brigade will now have jurisdiction over, while also re-tasking several Green Lanterns with new orders including many of the Corps’ human Green Lanterns.

When John Stewart questions why the Guardians have spread the human Lanterns out across the cosmos, they reveal the real reason why there are so many human Green Lanterns to begin with: to protect the Crux Worlds. Apparently, the DC Universe was created with seven key worlds, and Earth produced protectors to guard them, which is why it is referred to as the Crux of Heroes. In addition to Earth, the other Crux Worlds include Oishiha, Raggashoon, the sentient planet Green Lantern known as Mogo, and Oa itself. However, the Guardians also reveal that two of the seven worlds have already been destroyed in the primary DC Universe.

The DC Universe has already lost Krypton and Xanshi, so it seems as though it’s imperative that the surviving five be protected by the Corps’ best. While already assumed, this is also a pretty solid confirmation that the human Green Lanterns are indeed the Corps’ elite and strongest officers. Regardless, Hal Jordan has been tasked with maintaining the defense of Earth, while Jessica Cruz was given Oishiha and Kyle Rayner was sent to Raggashoon. Meanwhile, Simon Baz was tasked with staying on Oa and guarding its prisoners, while Mogo was trusted by the Guardians to take care of himself. This just leaves Guy Gardner and John Stewart, who were not given Crux Worlds to defend and were instead given new missions entirely.

While Gardner’s new assignment is to serve as an Outrider (essentially a bodyguard/military escort), Stewart is given a brand new mission: leading 1,000 Lanterns to explore and give aid to the Dark Sectors, areas of space the Guardians cannot see. In any case, it’s going to be interesting to see what the future holds for these Crux Worlds, especially with the Central Power Battery on Oa exploding and killing several (potentially including Simon Baz as well). Is someone gunning for the Crux Worlds, seeking to destroy them starting with Oa? What happens if more die like Krypton and Xanshi? Fans will just have to wait and find out as Green Lantern continues from DC Comics.

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