Warning: spoilers ahead for Green Lantern #5!

In the latest issue of Green Lanternthe leader of the Yellow Lanterns – Thaal Sinestro – proves he’s DC Comics’ most successful villain. While most villains are constantly battling (and losing to) their heroes without end, Sinestro has it made, leading an incredibly luxurious life on his own planet known as New Korugar. The Green Lanterns Corps has been depowered in recent issues, with hundreds of heroes dying in the aftermath, but even before their destruction, Sinestro’s corps and even his planet’s political status had already been recognized by the United Planets.


At the beginning of DC’s new Green Lantern series, the Green Lantern Corps watched over a summit for the new United Planets, a coalition of like-minded worlds that wish to come together in the name of peace and prosperity. However, the meeting resulted in the assassination of one of the Guardians. Not only that, but the Green Lanterns’ Central Power Power Battery was destroyed, depleting nearly every Green Lantern of their ring’s charge, while potentially murdering the rest of the Guardians as well. Now, Green Lantern Jo Mullein and the young Keli Quintela are among the few who still have power in their respectively unique rings. However, when it’s revealed that Sinestro is the most likely culprit for the attack on the Green Lantern’s world of Oa, Keli heads for New Korugar in a rage before Jo can even blink.

This brings things to Green Lantern #5, from writer Geoffrey Thorne with artists Tom Raney, Marco Santucci, and Andy MacDonald, seeing Sinestro living the high life on New Korugar. Living in a golden tower as the beloved ruler of an entire planet, Sinestro doesn’t even bother to descend when Keli arrives, leaving the battle to his elite warriors in the Sinestro Corps. While Lex Luthor can never truly defeat Superman and the Reverse-Flash is obsessed with tormenting the incorruptible Barry Allen, clashing with the Green Lanterns isn’t the sole focus of Sinestro’s life, and his day to day existence – even before his enemies were rendered powerless – is one of hard-won comfort and power.

This is why Sinestro doesn’t immediately act when Keli Quintela’s Teen Lantern attacks his world. He has an entire army to deal with her, and she’s initially alone. Despite her immense power with her unique power gauntlet, Sinestro seems content to observe. That being said, a mysterious and hooded Yellow Lantern ends up shutting down Keli’s mind before she can hurt herself or others with her volatile power, helping Simon Baz escape New Korugar with Keli once he arrives to save her in his own Green Lantern version of Iron Man’s armor.

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Unlike the Joker, who spends much of his life trapped in Arkham Asylum, or Black Manta, eaten up by his rage at Aquaman, Sinestro has steadily pursued his goals and – while he’s failed time and again against Hal Jordan – found the success and power he craves. This is exactly why it’s unlikely that he’s the one responsible for the attack on Oa, despite past malice towards the Guardians of the Universe. Why would Sinestro jeopardize the position he’s secured for his Corps among the United Planets, respected enough to speak against Oa’s inclusion? Sinestro has the will and cruelty to turn on his former allies in the Green Lantern Corps, but he also has a level of success most other DC villains can only dream of, and none of that was under threat, suggesting Keli will have to look elsewhere for the culprit.

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