For a show that’s been running as long as Grey’s Anatomy has, there are bound to be some inconsistencies in the many different stories that have taken place over the years. These often range from confusing timelines to minuscule details that are forgotten about in the writers’ room but that eagle-eyed fans have picked up on.

However, in some of these cases, the plot holes presented can be easily explained away when some necessary context is added. Some of the supposed flaws simply need to be explored in-depth in order to understand them.

10 Maggie’s Career Timeline

Since Maggie’s introduction to the show, fans have often debated how a doctor as young as she is has already accomplished so much in her career. Yet, when putting the trajectory of her education into perspective, the timeline of her career isn’t quite as unbelievable as first thought.

When taking into account that she graduated high school and medical school early, and started a fellowship at the age of 25, her accomplishments can be put down to her stellar records in her early education. Whilst it is an incredible feat, Maggie did once state that by the age of 20 she had already learned how to do a coronary bypass, so it is not that unbelievable to suggest that her achievements can be put down to her successes in her earlier years.

9 Meredith’s Harper Avery Win

It has long been disputed that Cristina’s loss at the Harper Avery awards was completely unjust and was a plot-hole in itself, and it only got worse for fans after Meredith picked up the award a few years later.

Cristina’s loss was reasoned away to be that any surgeon who works at Grey Sloan Memorial would never be able to win the coveted award because the Harper Avery Foundation had shares in the hospital, and therefore didn’t want to be accused of favoring a hospital they partly owned. This should have meant that Meredith would technically not be eligible for the award, but in the season between these instances, Harper Avery (founder of the foundation and the award) died. Therefore, the change in rules can be easily be attributed to a change in the unfair rules once outlined by Harper Avery himself.


8 Amelia’s Brain Tumor

Fans have expressed annoyance at how Amelia’s story arc involving her having a brain tumor was handled in a way that it seemed to never cause her any issues until she was diagnosed, and she was still operating well up to that point. Admittedly, there are discrepancies – such as returning to work just four days after having the tumor removed – however, Amelia did suffer prior to the diagnosis.

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For instance, one of the more notable symptoms of her tumor was her bouts of impulsivity that resulted in her impromptu wedding to Owen. And as far as surgeries, Amelia credits her tumor for making her brave enough to go through with the surgery on Nicole Herman, and she was even scared that her abilities had been compromised which led to Herman’s loss of sight.

7 Izzie’s Lack Of Punishment Over Cutting Denny’s LVAD Wire

The storyline following Izzie falling in love with Denny and cutting his LVAD wire to get him higher up on the transplant list was wild, to say the least. It has been noted that Izzie not being reprimanded more severely for her actions doesn’t make sense, more so than just being banned from surgeries and being made to shadow Meredith.

However, due to the fact that Izzie was an intern whom Bailey was responsible for, and that there was no actual evidence of Izzie’s actions, it makes sense that Izzie wasn’t punished further.

6 April’s Sudden Loss Of Faith

Season 8 of the show sees the residents preparing to take their board exams to become officially certified doctors. It also sees April apparently reject her life-long commitment to her religion and sleep with Jackson the night before the exam.

The act is perhaps out of character for April and could appear as a plot-hole, but her lapse in belief is something that is later seen again in Season 14 and proves that April struggling with her commitment to Christianity is not just a one-time occurrence. In both instances where April has lapses, she is under immense stress and struggling to make sense of her life, therefore her one-night stand with Jackson isn’t that unseemly, especially when taking into account how she reprimands herself afterward.

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5 Arizona Winning The Custody Battle

The custody battle for Sofia caused divided opinions among fans, and there was also some confusion about how the custody situation played out following the court case. It has been noted that considering that Arizona won the custody battle, why does she eventually allow Callie to move to New York with Sofia anyway?

Whilst it may have been an unnecessary storyline, the process and Sofia’s subsequent sadness because of the separation caused Arizona to reassess the situation and put her daughter’s needs first. So, Arizona makes the decision, as primary caretaker, to change arrangements to better suit their daughter.

4 Bailey’s OCD Diagnosis

Seeing Bailey come to terms with her OCD diagnosis in season 10 was heartbreaking to watch. The narrative arc followed her unable to accept medical help and blaming herself for a patient’s death after an unfortunate incident at the hospital involving faulty surgical gloves. It has been since noted that after the events of the season conclude, Bailey’s diagnosis seems to disappear.

However, this has since been rectified, perhaps due to the confusion; after admitting herself to hospital in the episode “(Don’t Fear) the Reaper”, Bailey boldly defends herself to a doctor who proposes that the signs of a heart attack she believes she is experiencing is merely a manifestation of her OCD symptoms. In true Bailey fashion, she stands up for herself and declares that she lives with her diagnosis every day and takes medication to manage it, and therefore should be taken seriously.

3 Alex’s Debts Disappearing

Whilst the whole storyline of Izzie leaving Alex with an insurmountable amount of debt after her departure in season 6 is a notable plot hole, Alex eventually being able to clear his debts isn’t one.

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While he may have started out as a disorganized intern who barely even managed to settle his bar tab, Alex grows to be far more mature as the seasons go by. Therefore, it isn’t hard to imagine how he would have managed to pay off his bills from medical school (and the bills from Izzie’s treatments), especially considering that he received Cristina’s share of the hospital, and was even Interim Chief at one point.

2 Cristina Being Given A Hospital To Run

Cristina’s exit from the show has long been debated over by fans, partly due to the fact that she is seemingly given a whole hospital to run by her former fiance. However, it is essential to note that Burke isn’t giving Cristina a Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital to run, but a research hospital instead.

Thus, although she would be running the hospital and hold many responsibilities, the primary role of the hospital is to conduct research – a job well within Cristina’s capabilities.

1 Meredith And Derek’s Last Kiss

Derek arrives on Meredith’s doorstep to see if she’s okay after a bomb went off in the hospital in the episode “As We Know It”. During the encounter, Meredith muses that she can’t remember the last kiss the two shared before they broke up, to which Derek romantically recalls was a Thursday morning before going to work. However, fans were quick to point out that their last kiss actually happened at the hospital, after Meredith cries to Derek.

While a minor detail, it can be reasoned that given the nature of that kiss, and the fact they were already broken up then, Derek chooses to focus on their last proper kiss, especially as to leave Meredith with a sweet memory.

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