Cristina Yang in the long-running medical drama Grey’s Anatomy is one of the most empowering characters on popular television. As a genius surgeon, she is inspirational, although that does not mean that she is without flaws.

If anything, the drawbacks in Yang’s personality are almost as many as her positive traits. But how do her many qualities, both good and bad, that make her flesh and blood as a character, contribute towards her career as a doctor?

10 Not A Good Doctor: She Has Terrible Bedside Manners

One of the worst things about Cristina as a doctor is her inability to show compassion and her terrible bedside manners when dealing with patients.

Cristina got into trouble more than once, especially with Bailey, for lacking sensitivity. Her nigh robotic nature made it difficult for her to connect with patients emotionally and for the latter to feel comfortable around her, making her diametrically opposite to the likes of Izzie Stevens.

9 Is A Good Doctor: She Can Keep Detached

The very lack of compassion that made her emotionally distant also made Cristina Yang the excellent doctor that she was. It is, after all, the surgeon’s job to get in there and get the job done.

And if the surgeon gets too involved with the patient then that could lead to terrible consequences as suffered by Izzie who let herself get romantically involved with Denny Duquette. Thus Cristina’s ability to stay detached actually made her a good doctor.


8 Not A Good Doctor: She Is Thoughtless & Self-Seeking

Unfortunately, there were times when it seemed as if Cristina acted selfishly without any regard for the repercussions of her actions.

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She focused all her energy on cardiothoracic surgery, thus risking her all-around development as a doctor who should be able to handle cases that weren’t necessarily related to her specialty. There are also debates revolving around her role in Burke keeping the tremor in his hand a secret. Some fans suggest that she used the situation to her advantage so that she could learn more.

7 Is A Good Doctor: She Has A Thirst For Knowledge

Speaking of learning, Cristina was always ready to take in as much academic information and gather knowledge when it came to her proposed field of surgery.

This is of course a good sign in a doctor, keeping her abreast of the current developments and all the new research being done in her field. Cristina was also keen to contribute towards research herself in her unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

6 Not A Good Doctor: She Plays Fast & Loose With Ethics

Yang’s selfishness and ambition did lead to some morally questionable decisions on her part, such as the time when she chose not to inform the authorities despite being well aware that Burke was harboring a dark secret. In fact, she went along with it for the longest time until it became virtually impossible.

By not informing about Burke, Cristina repeatedly risked the lives of the patients she’d operated on under Burke’s supervision, for she was technically not supposed to be performing such complex surgeries. Later too, she gets into a complicated, rather unprofessional relationship with the intern Shane Ross.

5 Is A Good Doctor: She Doesn’t Give Up Easy

Cristina didn’t quit easy. She was relentless in her pursuit of excellence and she never gave up on her patients until she was satisfied that every approach had been tried.

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During that devastating plane crash, it was Cristina who kept her nerves and who tried to help save the lives of her co-passengers by taking care of Mark who was crashing repeatedly and tending to the others in need.

4 Not A Good Doctor: She Is An Unhealthy Workaholic

Cristina was a certified workaholic to the point that her work posed a threat to her health. Now, being devoted to one’s career is a good thing until it becomes a kind of obsession. Cristina’s urge to log more work hours than everyone else put her health at risk.

Even after she had suffered an ectopic pregnancy which could have been fatal, she wanted to get back to work at the earliest opportunity. That in effect could have been problematic for her patients who would have had a doctor who was herself overworked and unwell.

3 Is A Good Doctor: She Doesn’t Compromise

Yang never compromised with her career and that was one of the biggest things that defined her both as a doctor and a person.

It’s true that she believed in cut-throat competition but she never faltered from her path and that most definitely helped her in her trajectory as a rockstar surgeon. She was the epitome of someone who is hardcore in her choices and goes after what she wants with utmost devotion.

2 Not A Good Doctor: She Has A Superiority Complex

Cristina Yang suffered from egotism and superiority complex wherein she was very firm in her beliefs and considered cardiothoracic surgery to be the only type of surgery worth performing.

She was judgemental of almost any other field of surgery. She even called out Meredith for not logging enough hours and trying out other areas of surgery such as obstetrics. While confidence is a good thing in a good doctor, superiority complex isn’t.

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1 Is A Good Doctor: She Is Simply Brilliant At Her Job

Finally, Cristina Yang simply has a god-given talent in surgery. She is brilliant in what she does and patients know that they are in the best possible hands when she is their primary surgeon.

Yang is a natural when it comes to surgery and her keenness to do well makes her one of the top cardiothoracic surgeons patients would be lucky to have. It only made sense that her character arc should end with her heading a prestigious research institute in Switzerland, a position she deserved more than many others.

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