Although Grey’s Anatomy is supposed to be a show about doctors and drama around the hospital, Meredith has turned into something of a modern-day fashion icon. No matter what the scenario within the story, she’s seen in highly fashionable clothing that ends up making a scene even better to watch.

However, not all of Meredith’s dressing choices have been A-plus, and she’s had some get-ups that were so-so at best. A few of these outfits weren’t that bad, but they just didn’t go with Meredith herself. Still, the better ones do deserve special mention, so here are five each of Meredith’s best and worst outfits on Grey’s Anatomy.

10 WORST: Grey Long-Sleeve Sweater

Meredith took to wearing darker clothes following Derek’s death, although some of them did still look pretty fashionable. However, this grey long-sleeved sweater wasn’t one of the eye-catching options she chose from.

There’s no doubt it looks comfortable, but there’s no substance behind the look. It’s clearly meant to be worn by someone who isn’t happy, and it doesn’t come across as a good fit when in a group of people.

9 BEST: All-Black Combo

This is a neat look that can make one look both straight-to-business and relatively carefree. It’s an all-black variant, yet it doesn’t come across as dull or dreary in any way. Mainly, it’s because the inner shirt isn’t as dark as the coat is.

This brings in a nice contrast between both apparels, and the white stripes on Meredith’s shirt bring in more notice to the overall look. Although not part of the clothing but still part of the outfit, the flower around her ears is another good touch that complements the contrast.


8 WORST: Purple Bridesmaid Dress

There’s not much going on here as it is, and the dress might have looked better had it been strapless. The color, which sounds interesting on paper, only makes the dress seem unfit for a wedding; a black variant of this dress would have been the right option.

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The look could have been pulled off had it been a normal party, but a wedding (where Meredith was a bridesmaid) requires a more prominent appearance, something this one doesn’t provide.

7 BEST: Anorak Jacket

Baggy-looking jackets should be donned when one wants to go for that “cool” look, and Meredith achieved just this with the Anorak jacket. Despite having a brooding expression, she does look intimidating in her own way.

The eye-catching quality was possible here because of the difference in all of the apparels’ colors. A black inner top, blue jeans, and a green jacket all made for a pretty snazzy appearance for this doctor.

6 WORST: All-Pink Combo

Too much of a good thing can lead to bad, and Meredith going completely gumdrop here made her seem too goody-goody. A simple pink shirt would have sufficed, but she went for another layer with the same color but in a different shade.

This just seems too eye-popping for comfort, and it just doesn’t make one take her seriously. Add to that Meredith’s personality just isn’t for a person to pull this color off. Perhaps she should’ve let April try the combo out instead.

5 BEST: Resident Surgical Scrubs

There have been only a few friendships as engaging as Meredith and Cristina’s, and they were so good together that both looked their best in hospital scrubs. The best version would have to be when they were residents.

The light blue color just seemed like a better fit for Meredith, as it complemented her being in work mode and on her feet ready for surgery. She took to wearing a white coat on occasion, but the on-call variant with the sleeves looked much better.

4 WORST: Dull Grey Trench Coat

There’s something that just seems so boring about this get-up. Mostly, it’s because the apparel lacks anything to show for other than coloration. The presence of a few buttons on the trench coat might have brought some life to the look, and it doesn’t help that the sweater inside is a dull pink.

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Appropriately, though, the episode had a sad theme attached to it, as Meredith met her father on his deathbed. So, perhaps it was a conscious decision to have a get-up that doesn’t excite in the slightest.

3 BEST: Pink Trench Coat Pantsuit

Now here’s a trench coat that does look hip and in-style. This one also has a dull pink color, but it’s the large buttons that make it so eye-catching. Also, Meredith has clothes in good contrast here, with a black and white shirt-pant combo.

This mixes the look perfectly to make for an independent working-class appearance, and it certainly helps that she has long heels that allow the outfit to stand out.

2 WORST: Bedtime Night Suit

Even though this is supposed to be Meredith when she’s going to sleep, there are still many other options that look better. Here, she just looked like someone wearing a child’s outfit rather than something an adult would wear.

Simple pajamas and a nighttime shirt sound like a much better choice when turning in. It’s no wonder she seems so baffled here.

1 BEST: Black Lace Gown

Dresses and gowns intended for big parties should have an edgy look about them, and Meredith brought it with this one. It was a good combination of alluring and posh, although her hairstyle definitely could’ve been better.

However, the gown itself had a mildly frizzy appearance, which was a risk that pulled off well on Meredith’s figure. The design of the dress was interesting in its own way, and it still would’ve been an effective outfit had it been plain black.

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